Home Sweet Home 2

Jason began fucking her deeply, holding her in place and watching as she pushed back at him with all the remaining energy she had in her body. He angled her body perfectly, just right to rub at the right places and do the right things to her, having her shaking and squirming in his hands soon enough.

"Nh~!! I'm coming again~~!!" Veronica said soon enough, the angle of penetration, and the way Jason controlled his movements making it easy for her to get thrown off into the edge soon enough.

This time, Jason didn't stop when she came, actually turning her body, putting her face down as he angled himself, standing on top of her as he continued fucking her in a prone position. He continued whispering sweet nothings into her ear, biting into her neck, and turning her head and kissing her deeply, until finally he felt the urge to come. 

*Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!*