Unfair Desires 2

The next morning, Jason Cross reclined on the plush leather chair in his study, savouring the first rays of dawn creeping through the half-drawn curtains. He smirked as he thought of Isabella, her shy yet assertive charm intoxicating him like fine wine. The memory of her straddling him, her lips whispering promises of forever, teased his thoughts. 

But forever was a word Jason never trusted before. Not fully anyway. At least not with people he didn't trust he had fully controlled.

But with Isabella, Jason knew that she would forever be with him. He knew it now better than ever. She was going to be his and only his. And yet at the same time, Jason told himself to never be complacent. Isabella was a human too. She had needs that she required Jason to be around to meet too. He had to take things seriously at all times, he had to always be emotionally present, to give without looking to receive.

For that is what love was right?

Did he love this girl?