Love and Loss 2

Jason's fists clenched. His voice dropped to a dangerous calm, a tone honed to unnerve. "You're playing a dangerous game, Jack. You better not touch her. After all, you wouldnt have shown her to me if there wasn't something you wanted from me. So tell me. What do you want?"

Jack gestured toward the background, where several men in black suits stood. Their sheer size and demeanour mirrored the thugs Jason had dealt with at the auction. Jack's voice turned venomous.

"Admit your mistakes to the Cross Family. Bow down, Jason, and I'll deliver her to you, untouched. But step out of line, and you know what happens. These big guys are pretty energetic. I'd hate to see just how badly they would scar her. Even worse, she can't even fight back right now while coming down from the Neural Flux Pill. Not that her fighting back would have mattered, haha!"