See last time, he had no presence, no aura, so his words landed on deaf ears, but now with his aura the way it was, he could partially influence the way they reacted to his presence even while doing nothing outwardly.
Seeing her act like this, he knew there was a secret involved somewhere here. And he was going to dig deeper. Anything to keep them occupied down here while Jack did his thing up there.
Confront them bluntly and punish them mentally.
"Lies," Jason said bluntly, his gaze boring into hers. "The hesitation, the stammering, you can't even look me in the eyes! You know something about my father, your sibling's death, and yet you are not willing to tell me, his son?"
Harold shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "You're overthinking this, Jason. Let it go. And don't you dare talk like that to your uncles and aunt?"