The Giyanti Empires

The woman's name is Sarina. I asked Anyaman to gather information about her.

Anyaman replied, "Sarina is a 23-year-old girl, a former bodyguard of Rafan Maharani. Rafan Maharani is the 5th son of Emperor Pandegra Maharani, the Emperor who was killed last year during the great war." the same time...

Sarina dropped something, and I helped her pick it up. Then I helped her carry her belongings. Sarina was carrying a wooden barrel filled with wine placed in a wooden pack on her back. When I bumped into her, the barrel slipped from the pack and fell to the ground. The barrel managed to hold the wine and didn't break upon impact, probably because I quickly caught it, though it still fell but not as hard as it could have. After reaching Sarina's place, she said, "Thank you. I need to be more careful around here. The Giyanti Empire is now ruled by a 16-year-old princess, Thania Maharani, daughter of Emperor Pandegra Maharani, who was killed during the war. The criminals in this city roam freely since the young princess is too innocent to govern this empire properly."

This is really confusing.

I asked Anyaman, "There was a great war between Emperor Pandegra and the Insectoid Human race, why did the gods allow it?"

Anyaman told me, "God Haru and God Niya came to this planet, which is overseen by Arch God Januari. They are based where I am now and live with the Insectoid race, who are called Insectonoids among the Humanoid Beings. The angels built a palace led by Archangel Eristeria, which has a fortress containing guards made up of Golems, humanoid beings without consciousness made of stone and earth. Draco Nava, an Overlord Being from the Dragonlord race, is their commander.

Initially, the nation created by God Haru and Niya was loyal to all races of Humanoid Beings. However, after humans were created and placed on different planets, the Insectonoid race became frustrated because they weren’t blessed with the ability to learn elemental magic. They only have Natural Armor and Natural Weapons."

Information from the angels who granted blessings to the Humanoid Beings said, "Natural Armor is a naturally formed armor, created from body parts that harden like steel. The user's shell thickens by 5cm, covering the body, making it heavier than before. Natural Weapon is a natural weapon, formed from sharp body parts that can cut through things."

Anyaman continued, "Insectonoids are one of the humanoid races that cannot learn elemental magic, but they possess incredible passive body defense. They envy humans for their low passive body defense, but their ability to learn elemental magic."

I asked Arch God Januari why he allowed the war.

Arch God Januari answered, "We cannot directly manage humans, and Overlord Beings are only commanded to oversee the world. Once humans gain free will, all Humanoid Beings become very different. They no longer appear as mere instinct-driven creatures; they possess thoughts and will."

Then I asked a Primordial Being, a Jin named Aizel, who replied, "We only exist in the ethereal realm and cannot enter the physical world."

Yes, they all had their reasons. In this body, I have power equal to a Humanoid Being. Even though I created this body, it may be because it's made from the same material as humans, but why don’t I have overpowering strength? I wanted to ask Anyaman.

Suddenly, Anyaman replied, "Maybe it's because you're controlling it from afar, Lord God, and you've limited the entity’s power to appear human."

It turns out my thoughts were still connected to Anyaman, so I immediately severed the mental link.

Some soldiers passed by me, heading towards the gate. I heard bells ringing from several watchtowers, and everyone entered their homes in fear. Yes, I sensed something strange was happening.

Right now, I’m still standing in front of Sarina's inn, where I was escorting her earlier.

I walked into a secluded alley nearby and contacted Arch God Januari, ordering him to summon an Overlord Being and place it under my command. This time, I didn't forget to close my mental connection to Arch God Januari.

A few minutes later, a red dragon approached me. I felt fear—this wasn’t like when I encountered the Primordial Beings. Maybe it’s the effect of this human body being afraid of an Overlord Being. The dragon transformed into a human, with long pink hair and fiery red eyes. I felt like I had seen this somewhere before, but I couldn't remember.

He greeted me and introduced himself as Draco Nava, the Overlord Being who was originally the guardian of this place but couldn’t stop the war because he was merely a world overseer, unable to go against the orders of the Gods and Supreme Beings.

Suddenly, Draco Nava grabbed my hand and flew. Yeah, he threw me into the air, and I screamed in terror.

"Aaaaaaa!" I yelled, trying to contain my embarrassment as the strongest entity in the universe.

Draco Nava transformed into a dragon again and carried me on his back.

We flew to the city gates.

"Stop this battle. My lord wishes to speak to you all," Draco Nava shouted, and the fighting immediately ceased. We descended slowly.

A man clad in full armor from the human race asked, "Who are you, who has tamed Draco Nava, the Dragonlord?"

I replied, "State your name before you ask."

The man lifted his iron helmet and bowed his head.

"I am Petra Amanda, head knight tasked with defending this wall from the Insectonoid race’s attacks."

I looked toward the Insectonoids and stepped down from Draco Nava.

Draco Nava instantly transformed into a human again.

"I am Yugell Ein Herrgott, and I hereby declare that this battle ends here."

A 2-meter-tall Insectonoid walked towards us.

He asked, "Who are you to dare stop our thousands of troops from destroying this human-led empire? This empire is nothing but nonsense," while asserting that he intended to continue the war.

I thought to myself, "Why don't they recognize me? Is it because they’ve never met me?"

I responded, countering his words, "I have come to ensure your safety, and my heart aches seeing all of this."

"Don’t pretend. You're part of a weak race that knows nothing. The Gods and the Lord God created humans with the ability to wield great magic, unlike us. For our own safety, we must slaughter the humans on this planet. And you are one of them," the Insectonoid replied.

I thought to myself. I created this universe, and at first, I believed it was just a dream. Now I don't know what’s happening. They are fighting because of my whims in the beginning. I must fix everything I’ve done.

I raised my hand toward him and said, "Oh Insectonoid, behold who stands before you," while pointing to my chest.

"A foolish human with a foolish dragon following his orders," he replied.

Draco Nava responded with a powerful aura emanating from him.

The Insectonoid wasn’t afraid of Draco Nava's aura, still standing tall and brave. I thought, maybe his mental fortitude has a passive defense like his armor.

The humans were terrified, and some fainted and ran inside the gate.

I used a power never seen before in this world. Yes, I flew.

It wasn’t elemental magic.

Those present were astonished and asked, "Has mankind received divine blessings to fly?" That was the Insectonoid's question.

The humans thought I was using wind magic to fly.

Once again, I addressed everyone present.

"I am a God, the God of Gods. I am Yugell Ein Herrgott."

The Insectonoids laughed loudly, not believing what I said. But the humans who saw me bowed their heads and worshipped me.

Then I used my words, "Die."

All the Insectonoids died instantly.

I closed my eyes and opened my eyes in the Seven Paradise. All the souls who died entered the realm of the afterlife on the first floor of the Seven Paradise.

That place is a circular field of grass in the middle of the clouds, with no buildings anywhere. There is only a lake in the center of the field, with an island and a massive tree. On the tree are seven pillars signifying the Seven Paradise. On the edges of the field are twelve pillars representing the twelve planets with life, each leading towards the center, resembling a roulette wheel. All the dead Insectonoids were there.

I teleported there.

I attempted to stop time, and it worked. In this mode, I am the supreme ruler of existence.

I allowed the Insectonoids to move while time was frozen.

They were shocked to see me, dressed in white, with white-grayish eyes and white hair with strands of red. They raised their hands towards me, speechless, and dazzled.

It reminded me of when I met the Creator.

So I said, "You have seen me in your home, now you see me in mine. This will be a sign to you that you have met the Lord God. I will return you to your bodies. Select a representative and face me."

Then I commanded them to return to their bodies.

When I opened my eyes, all the Insectonoids bowed down, worshipping me.

They bowed and said,

"Yugell Ein Herrgott, the great Lord God, forgive us for doubting you."

I thought, "Did I make another mistake? Someone, please tell me how to be a Lord God."

To be continued.