The Dark Lord

Atom Origin System is a planetary system centered around a Worm Hole. Atom Origin One, Atom Origin Two, and Atom Origin Three are the planets closest to the Worm Hole. These three planets serve as Security Posts, guarded by 6 Pentagon Knights and 1200 Angels, who oversee the Worm Hole, and they are stationed in different locations. Avolline and Evelyne, the daughters of Haru and Niya, oversee this area and act as the first line of defense, included in the Frontier Defender.

Atom Origin Four, Atom Origin Five, and Atom Origin Six are planets serving as the Middle Tier Defender, places of very strong defense.

God Lexious and Luxious, twin brother and sister from one of the Arch Gods, are overseers of these floors. There are 10 Pentagon Knights guarding these areas, along with 2500 Angels.