"Yugell, before I tell you about the creation of Lord God and why there are many Dimensions, and what Supreme Lord God is," said Adonai Elohim.
I sat and listened quietly to his story.
Darkness and Emptiness—that was the beginning of the Universe. But a great explosion changed everything. Stars, planets, meteors, and countless materials formed a great energy that absorbed many things and compressed large particles into very tiny ones, so small that light could not reach them.
Clusters and systems of stars and planets bound together formed galaxies. So many galaxies, yet no living beings could escape from a galaxy. No matter how far one traveled, they could not reach another galaxy.
However, some galaxies frequently collided, merging into one. But if fortunate, the two galaxies might not merge, though there would be shrinkage. Some stars, planets, and particles would shift, and similarly, colliding Dimensions would experience the same fate as colliding galaxies.
Adonai Elohim is the title of the King of the Great Beings from the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, and Angelic races. The Seraphim are the highest beings, serving as guardians of Adonai Elohim's throne, six-winged fiery creatures, with two wings covering their faces, two wings covering their feet, and the final two used for flying. The Cherubim are beings with four wings covered with eyes, lion-like bodies, and bull-like feet. Their faces are very beautiful and can deceive the eye into seeing an animal. Thrones are spiritual-material beings with rims covered with hundreds of eyes. Thrones are connected to the Cherubim and are symbols of Elohim's justice and authority. There are two races within the Thrones, Erelim and Ophanim, but they are essentially the same and bound together.
The Archangels are the highest beings, including Luciel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, Chamuel, Zadkiel, Shariel, Jhaniel, Samael, and Jophiel. The "El" at the end of their names denotes their position as direct subordinates of Adonai Elohim.
At that time, Adonai Elohim wished to create a world and beings made in His image and likeness—humankind. Luciel, a being from the Cherubim race, was a perfect being, superior to all others. He became arrogant and sought to be equal to Adonai Elohim, the King and Creator of all the Great Beings. He wished to lead many Cherubim, Seraphim, and Angels to rebel against Adonai Elohim, some of whom were Archangels named Shariel and Jhaniel. They formed an alliance and planned to overthrow Adonai Elohim.
Of course, Adonai Elohim was aware of this. He commanded Michael to lead the Exousiai army, represented by Raphael. This army, made up of Great Beings from the Angelic race, was tasked with expelling evil spirits.
A war broke out in the Kingdom of Adonai Elohim. Luciel, leading the rebellion, was defeated by Michael. Adonai Elohim renamed the fallen Archangels. Luciel became Lucifer, given the title Satan, Jhaniel became Azazel, and was given the title Jin. Shariel became Beelzebub, and earned the title Devil.
Before being cast out of the Kingdom of Adonai Elohim, Lucifer challenged Him. "This war is not over. I may have lost this battle because I lack your power. Let us change the rules of the war..." said Lucifer. But Gabriel interrupted, saying, "Stop being foolish. You challenge the Almighty, Adonai Elohim, and dare speak such words!"
Adonai Elohim replied, "Very well, speak, Lucifer."
"You wish to create beings in your image and likeness. If so, they must be beings greater than us," said Lucifer.
"If what you say is true, for you are a fallen Great Being," responded Adonai Elohim.
"Then let us play a game. Allow me to tempt them into rebellion against you. If your creation has faith in you, we shall call it Faith. If they lack such faith, we shall call it Sin," said Lucifer.
"There is no gain for me in that. Here, the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Angels always worship and exalt my name," said Adonai Elohim.
"No, grant them reason and free will. If they remain faithful and believe in you, then create a space-time for them, and make them the strongest being in that space-time. And if they sin, they will be with..." Lucifer said, but Adonai Elohim interrupted their conversation.
"I understand what you are suggesting. Very well, I will create Earth, and you are free to do whatever you wish with humans. But we must have some rules. For now, I will allow you to be on equal footing with me. We will play the role of Creator," said Adonai Elohim.
"There will be 10,000 space-times. Lucifer, you will hold 5,000 of them, and I will hold the remaining 5,000. This game is called the Holy Grail. Take the Seraphim, Cherubim, and sinful humans, and make them into the greatest entities in the dimensions you hold. Likewise, I will take humans who remain faithful to me. There must not be more than one greatest entity within a dimension. However, the greatest entity may absorb the opponent’s dimension and make it their own. These entities will be called Lord Gods. A Lord God who absorbs several dimensions will be known as the Supreme Lord God. The absorption can only occur when a dimensional collision happens. If a dimensional collision occurs, a Lord God who does not wish to absorb another Lord God’s dimension will experience a degradation of the dimension's power. Dimensions that collide will exchange, such as worlds, stars, and human beliefs," said Adonai Elohim.
Thus, the Holy Grail game began.
Adonai Elohim then created the Earth over six days. After seeing how perfect His creation was, on the seventh day, Adonai Elohim returned and rested on His throne in His Kingdom. Adam and Eve were the first humans, living in a garden within the Eden plains. This garden had four rivers flowing from Eden to water it, branching into four rivers: Tigris, Euphrates, Pison, and Gihon.
At first, Adam and Eve could speak to the animals, and their relationship with Adonai Elohim was very close. However, Lucifer came in the form of a serpent and tempted them to eat the Forbidden Fruit. After eating it, they gained the knowledge of good and evil and became aware of their nakedness. Adonai Elohim knew of this and came to meet them, but they hid. Adonai Elohim punished them and expelled them from the garden. He sent Cherubim and placed a flaming sword at the garden’s entrance to prevent them from returning and eating the Forbidden Fruit. The first sin occurred then.
Humanity grew, and some Cherubim, Seraphim, and Angels came down, marrying the daughters of men, because of their beauty. They imparted knowledge from the Kingdom of Elohim to humans and became gods among them. This was hidden knowledge that humans could not easily comprehend.
The offspring of the Great Beings and humans were called Nephilim. One of them was Khaos, a descendant of Cain. During Khaos's time, much evil occurred, causing sin.
Adonai Elohim saw one man who was good and faithful to Him: Noah. Adonai Elohim gave him knowledge of the coming judgment and how to avoid it. The great flood came, a torrent of water from a hole connecting the Earth to the Kingdom of Adonai Elohim, washing away everything, including many giants.
Previously, Adonai Elohim had chosen Abel and made him Lord God. Abel was renamed Adi Parasakthi and had a beautiful world founded on love. Adi Parasakthi created three main gods: Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu. Brahma created the gods, and Adi Parasakthi instructed Brahma to create humans.
In Adonai Elohim’s dimension, the flood occurred, and only Noah and his family survived. However, Lucifer chose Khaos and made him Lord God in a new dimension. Noah and his family began a new life on a land formed after the flood, creating a civilization called Sumeria, naming it Mesopotamia.
In Khaos's dimension, there was only Khaos, from which emerged Erebos, the darkness, the place of death, and Niks, the mysterious goddess of night. Apart from them, there was only silence, emptiness, and boundlessness. Khaos then created Eros, the goddess of love, Gaia, and Tartarus.
Erebos merged with Niks, creating Aither and Hemera. Niks gave birth to several gods, including Moros, the god of wrath, Moirai, the god of fate, Hypnos, the god of sleep, Thanatos, the god of death, Oneiroi, the gods of dreams, and Nemesis, the god of revenge. Niks ordered her creations to emerge from the darkness. Meanwhile, Gaia created Uranus, the god of the sky, Urea, the god of mountains, and Pontos, the god of the sea. Uranus united with Gaia, forming the world. Uranus covered Gaia completely, and they birthed the Cyclops, the Hecatoncheires, and the twelve Titans.
Khaos created Olympus, a mountain where all the gods resided. However, Uranus created conflict with the Cyclops, and the Hecatoncheires, monstrous beings with many heads and hands, whom he banished to Tartarus, the Netherworld. Uranus didn’t realize that his actions would spark a war between the gods for centuries. Eventually, Kronos, Uranus's son, punished Uranus. The result of this punishment was the creation of Aphrodite, the Gigantes, the Erinyes, and the Meliae.
Kronos, a Titan from Uranus and Gaia, cursed his son Zeus, who would one day kill him, just as Kronos had killed his own father. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades drew lots, with Zeus becoming the ruler of the lands, Poseidon the ruler of the seas, and Hades the ruler of the Netherworld.
Khaos, the Lord God of Lucifer’s side, was ordered by Lucifer to destroy Adonai Elohim.
Now, humanity in Adonai Elohim’s dimension lived in peace, but the war between Khaos and Adonai Elohim caused a distortion in space and time. Khaos, accompanied by Lucifer, accidentally collided with Adi Parasakthi's dimension.
The four dimensions collided. Lucifer and Kronos attacked Adonai Elohim. But through Michael, Adonai Elohim killed Khaos before major destruction could happen. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades surrendered, but the dimension was not absorbed by Adonai Elohim. He established a boundary between Zeus's world and Adonai Elohim's world.
Lucifer, witnessing this, fled from his dimension, and Adonai Elohim absorbed it. However, the Demonic Race from Lucifer entered Adi Parasakthi's dimension. Over the centuries, Lucifer took humans from Earth and turned them into Lord Gods, as did Adonai Elohim. The separation of Adi Parasakthi’s dimension caused the teachings of Lord God Adi Parasakthi to remain on Earth."
In the darkness, two lights existed: Adonai Elohim and Yugell, still sharing stories. On Planet April, a Noble Prophet was born. His name was Anuar, the reincarnation of Arch God January, Arch God March, and February, also reincarnating into Mare and Febri. Mare, the Arch God of March, became a Saint, and Febri became a Hero.
To be continued.