Chapter 9: Quantum Wave Speed-Reading

In William's previous life, there was once a bizarre rumour circulating in certain circles:

In the black market of the U.S. prison system, the new underground currency, besides instant noodles, had become Lao Gan Ma chilli sauce and Ma Yinglong ointment. 

[tl/n: Ma Ying Long Ointment is a topical medicine for external and internal hemorrhoids, also known as hemoroff™ in China.]

William didn't know if it was true or not.

Though he often bragged on certain internet forums, saying things like "I'm in the U.S.," the phrase that usually followed was either "Just got off the plane" or "Just left the Red Flag," but he had never said, "Just got out of prison."

So, the real situation inside American prisons was a mystery to him.

But that didn't stop him from fantasizing about foreign prisoners discovering a "half-used jar of Lao Gan Ma," popping it open, and being overwhelmed by the exotic aroma, with Tom, Jerry and even Shuke and Beta all enchanted by it.

With that in mind, William was planning to introduce Lao Gan Ma to Hogwarts.

Channeling his inner mob boss, William said in a low voice to Cedric:

"You'll never know what Lao Gan Ma and Ma Yinglong truly represent. Once you control the supply, you'll have Galleons, status, and a loyal crew."

Still stuck on the idea of butter and crisps, Cedric blinked in confusion. "Are they really that amazing…? By the way, what's Ma Yinglong?"

William smiled mysteriously. "It's an Asian miracle medicine. Very powerful."

Due to certain reasons, Britain didn't yet have access to these products. Everything had to be smuggled in.

Smuggling… now that was a lucrative business.

William planned to first give everyone a taste of Lao Gan Ma, then launch into mass sales of Ma Yinglong.

Just imagine—the entire South's opium trade… Sorry, I mean, the entire Hogwarts supply of Ma Yinglong, monopolized by him and Cedric. That would be the first step to building a business empire.

William was already lost in fantasies of his commercial empire.

Though the future seemed bright, reality was still just as harsh. As a first-year newbie, William still had to buy his textbooks.

Flourish and Blotts was located next to Madam Malkin's Robes. As the largest bookstore in Diagon Alley, most Hogwarts students came here to buy their books before school started.

The shelves were packed with books, some piled so high they touched the ceiling. There were enormous leather-bound volumes as big as paving stones, miniature silver-covered books the size of postage stamps, books covered in strange symbols, and blank books with nothing written inside.

Following his book list, William quickly gathered all the required first-year books.

But he didn't stop there. William, knowing next to nothing about the magical world, saw this as a great learning opportunity.

Knowledge was humanity's greatest wealth, and books were the most reliable vessels for that knowledge.

As someone who had received years of scientific education in his previous life, William's thirst for knowledge far surpassed that of others now that he had entered the world of magic.

Moreover, William had been a university student in his previous life, so his knowledge was certainly on par with, if not higher than, others his age. He had more patience and a clearer sense of what he wanted.

In fact, if money weren't an issue, William would've taken the entire bookstore home with him.

Cedric, surprised at William's enthusiasm, said, "You don't have to buy so many books. A lot of them are in the Hogwarts library, which has the largest collection in the magical world."

"Really?" William nodded. "But that's something for after school starts. There's still a long summer ahead."

What a joke… In his previous life, William had been the runner-up in the amateur division of the "Quantum Wave Speed-Reading Championship!"

Thanks to his high sensitivity perception (HSP), he could visualize dynamic images in his mind and finish a 100,000-word book in three minutes.

Too bad he'd transmigrated too early. He never got the chance to learn the new technique they developed afterward—reading with your eyes closed, where you could connect with the book just by sensing it.

This ability to hear the voices of all things was something only Pirate King Roger had, but if William had mastered it, Voldemort would've been a joke! He would've defeated him easily!

Such a shame!

As William continued grabbing books off the shelves, Cedric said thoughtfully, "I think you'll probably end up in Ravenclaw House. It's full of smart people who love books, just like you."

William shrugged. "But from what I've heard, the top student in your year is you, and you're in Hufflepuff."

Cedric blushed slightly and said humbly, "I just worked a little harder than others."

Cedric continued proudly, "That's why the rumor that we're the least intelligent house is wrong. Hufflepuff may be the least boastful, but we've produced just as many outstanding wizards as any other house.

"So, how about it? Why not join Hufflepuff?"

William laughed. "Didn't you just say I'd be in Ravenclaw?"

"There's a difference between rational judgment and emotional inclination," Cedric said with a wink.

"But in the end, it's not up to us. The Sorting Hat will decide."

"You keep mentioning the Sorting Hat. How exactly does the sorting work?"

"That's a secret, William! You can't expect to know all the school's processes before you even start. Hogwarts has to maintain some mystery." Cedric patted William's shoulder.

"Fair enough," William said, shrugging.

In the time they had been talking, William had grabbed several more books.

At checkout, he spent over 100 Galleons, instantly becoming a mid-level member of Flourish and Blotts.

The manager, all smiles, recommended, "Mr. Stark, we offer an owl delivery service. We can send your books to your home within three days, free of charge."

"Oh, thanks." William left his address, then pulled out two books he wanted to read over the next few days.

"You're just going to carry those back?" Cedric asked.

William, holding two thick leather-bound volumes, looked confused. "How else?"

"Hey, we're wizards! Watch this." Cedric pulled out his wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

The two heavy books floated into the air. Cedric tied a string to them, and they hovered easily in the air, ready to be led along.

"See? Just a flick and a swish." Cedric demonstrated again. "What do you think?"

"Amazing!" William's eyes gleamed with excitement as he pulled out his wand, eager to try the spell himself.

But just then, a commotion erupted outside.

"A fight!"

"Someone's fighting!"

The loud, nasal voice echoed through the street, and many of the wizards in the bookstore immediately dropped their books, hiked up their robes, and rushed outside.

In an instant, the entire Flourish and Blotts emptied out, including the sales clerks and even the manager!

William: "…"