Chapter 11: The English Bull Kiss

Draco was utterly bewildered.

He had been holding a bottle of Coke in his left hand, ready to smash it over Arthur Weasley's head. But just as he was about to strike, the ice cream he had been eating with his right hand floated into the air.

Then, in a perfect arc, it splattered right across his face.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Draco's pride and joy—his elegantly groomed pale blond hair—was now soaked in ice cream!

Want to know the quickest way to enrage a Malfoy?

Mess with their proud family name or their immaculately styled hair.

And just like that, William had successfully angered a young Draco, who had yet to experience the harsh realities of the world.

Ignoring the ice cream dripping down his face, Draco redirected his attack—now aiming the Coke bottle straight at William.

But William was a wizard, and a proud one at that. How could he fight like a Muggle?

He raised his wand again and cast what he believed to be his most powerful spell yet!

"Wingardium Leviosa!~"

This time, the spell hit its mark. However, William quickly realized that what he had cast wasn't actually the Levitation Charm.

Like Baruffio from the history books, William had made a simple yet costly mistake—he had mispronounced the spell, just like Baruffio swapping the "f" for an "s." 

[tl/n: I tried to make it make sense, but I guess it's not?!]

A young calf, no more than a few months old, appeared out of nowhere and promptly knocked Draco to the ground.

The calf stood innocently on Draco's chest, its big eyes scanning the area in confusion. It had been nursing just moments before being summoned, and there was still a trace of milk on its lips.

Hungry and missing its mother, the calf turned its gaze to the ice cream smeared across Draco's face.

Draco shivered, his voice trembling as he muttered, "Father…"

But his father was too busy wrestling with Arthur, tearing at each other's robes, and had no time to save him.

Draco's plan to call for backup…Failed!

Desperate, Draco looked back at William.

"Help me! I'll pay you in Galleons…"

Before Draco could finish his plea, the calf leaned down and licked the ice cream off his lips.

"Ugh, ugh…" Draco tried to keep his mouth shut to avoid getting further "affection." But, in a second, his trembling turned into whimpers, and soon those whimpers became full-on sobs.

Under the onslaught of what could only be described as an "English bull kiss," Draco had lost both his first kiss and his first French kiss!

The commotion lasted nearly ten minutes before it was finally broken up.

Hagrid lumbered over, forcing his way through the crowd with his massive frame.

With his giant hands, Hagrid lifted both Lucius and Arthur off the ground as easily as if they were baby chicks.

Arthur had a cut on his lip, and the bald spot on his head seemed to have grown larger.

Lucius, on the other hand, spat out a tuft of red hair and rubbed his bruised black eye.

His fancy French robes were covered in dust, wrinkled and disheveled, looking anything but refined.

"At least the Star of Sierra Leone is still intact," Lucius muttered, breathing a sigh of relief. The diamond had cost him tens of thousands of Galleons.

He held the diamond in his hand, huffed on it, and vigorously wiped away the dust. In the fading sunlight, the gem sparkled brilliantly.

But something felt off.

"Wait… where's my wand? Where did my wand go?!" Lucius suddenly dropped to the ground, frantically searching for his wand.

The diamond, which had been embedded in the wand, was still in his hand, but the wand itself was gone!

"On Merlin's beard!!" Lucius swore loudly.

His eyes gleamed with malice as he scanned the crowd.

No one would dare steal the diamond, but someone had dared to steal his wand?

Lucius glared at everyone around him, as if he suspected each person of being a thief. But in the end, he didn't threaten to have them all arrested.

There were simply too many people around, and the Ministry of Magic wasn't under his control.

In any case, it was just a wand—he could always have a new one made.

Lucius turned his gaze back to Arthur and sneered, "You just wait. Cornelius Fudge will have you fired. Better hope Dumbledore takes pity on you and gives you a job as a groundskeeper with this big oaf!"

With that, Lucius stormed off, attempting to squeeze between Hagrid and the onlookers, but he underestimated Hagrid's size.

Hagrid didn't budge, and Lucius, hitting him like a rock hitting a mountain, staggered backward and nearly fell over.

Furious, but unwilling to escalate things further, Lucius realized that without his wand, he had no chance against Hagrid's nearly five-meter-tall frame. Reluctantly, he chose to back down.

Limping, Lucius made his way over to Draco, who was sitting on the ground, giggling and sobbing like a fool.

The ice cream on Draco's face had disappeared, though it was unclear whether the calf had eaten it all or if it had simply melted away.

Lucius shot a glare at William and Cedric before grabbing his son by the collar and dragging him toward Ollivanders to get a replacement wand.

"You shouldn't let him get to you, Arthur," Hagrid said. "Everyone knows the Malfoys are rotten to the core. They're born bad. Come on, let's get out of here."

They hurried down the street, but it wasn't long before an angry voice called out behind them.

"I leave for just a few minutes, and you all start fighting?"

Mrs. Weasley stormed down the street toward them, her face red with fury.

"If I hadn't run into Mrs. Longbottom, I wouldn't have known a thing!"

Despite her plump and usually kind appearance, Mrs. Weasley looked like a raging tiger at that moment.

Even Charlie and the twins, who had been so bold earlier, were now standing perfectly still, not daring to move an inch.

The excuse Mr. Weasley had hastily prepared was now completely useless.

William whispered, "Mr. Weasley won't get into trouble at work, will he?"

"Nah," Fred said, slinging an arm around William's shoulder. "It's after hours, and no wands were used. Besides, Fudge just became Minister this year, and he's short on staff. At most, the Ministry will give Dad a slap on the wrist. It's happened plenty of times before."

George put an arm around William's other shoulder and winked, "Mate, that bull spell of yours was brilliant! You scared the pants off that little runt Malfoy!

"I bet if you pulled that off in Charms class, Professor Flitwick would give you an extra five points!"

Fred pinched his nose and mimicked in a high-pitched voice, "Oh, Mr. Stark, well done! Five points to Gryffindor!"

"Hey, Fred, he's not going to Gryffindor! He's clearly a Hufflepuff," Cedric protested from the side.

"Don't be ridiculous!" George laughed. "Hufflepuff already has one genius. We can't let them have another, or we'll never stand a chance in the House Cup."

The "genius," of course, was Cedric, who blushed once again at the compliment.

Fred added, "Exactly! William needs to join Gryffindor to help us make up for all the points we lose. That way Percy won't have to stand there, hands on his hips, yelling, 'Just wait till I tell Mum what you've done!'"

Charlie Weasley let out a chuckle but quickly composed himself when he noticed Mrs. Weasley's stern gaze shifting his way. "Alright, George, enough teasing Percy."

"Dear brother, I'm heartbroken! I'm Fred, not George!"

"Oh, sorry."

Everyone burst out laughing, even Mrs. Weasley.

It was clear that Fred and George were the life of the party, bringing joy to everyone around them.

Including William!