Chapter 58: A Sad Professor

The moment Dumbledore left, the Great Hall erupted into a hum of excited whispers. The Ravenclaws were busy recounting everything that had just happened to the other students.

"Everyone get in your sleeping bags!" Penelope called out over the noise. "All Ravenclaw students, lie down and keep quiet!"

Prefect Robert was slumped on the ground, staring listlessly at the ceiling of the Great Hall. Losing the door knocker had clearly taken its toll on him, and he had practically been dragged to the hall by his dormmates.

Penelope had taken it upon herself to fill in for Robert, temporarily assuming his duties as prefect.

"Come on," Cedric motioned to Cho and William, as he grabbed three sleeping bags and led them to a quiet corner. The twins joined them, each looking weary and underslept.

Cho quietly recounted the events from earlier. The group fell silent.

"Do you think that Death Eater is still in the castle?" Cho whispered after a moment.

"Dumbledore obviously thinks so," Cedric replied. "Whoever it is, they're certainly bold. I doubt they just barged into Hogwarts. It's likely they snuck in during the holidays when Dumbledore wasn't around."

"But we were keeping an eye on the school over the holidays," Fred said. "There were so few students; if a stranger had shown up, we'd have noticed."

They climbed into their sleeping bags, lying with their heads propped up on their elbows as they spoke quietly.

"What do you make of Peeves' story?" George asked.

"He's lying," Cho said firmly. "Professor Snape was right there in the hall for everyone to see."

"But I don't think he was lying," Fred said, shaking his head. "Nobody would dare lie to Professor Dumbledore, not even Peeves."

"Exactly!" George sat up. "Remember the Ministry trial? Minister Fudge and his people also claimed to have seen Snape at the scene of the attack."

"But Professor Snape was in Dorset at the time," Cedric pointed out. "Both Dumbledore and Newt Scamander provided alibis."

"Yeah, but I don't think the Ministry was lying either," Fred muttered. "So…doesn't this mean someone really is impersonating Snape?"

"It's possible," William nodded. "There are a few ways to impersonate someone…like Polyjuice Potion, for example."

"That Death Eater must have a grudge against Snape," Cho mused. "But I still don't get why they'd steal an old door knocker."

"Do they really think that thing can bring…You-Know-Who back to life?"

No one had an answer. William vaguely recalled reading about a Ravenclaw ring somewhere, but he'd left Hogwarts: A History at home over Christmas.

"Lights out!" called the Head Boy, his voice carrying across the hall. "Everyone get in your sleeping bags and stop talking!"

The candles were extinguished instantly, leaving only the silver glow of the school's ghosts, who floated around speaking quietly with the prefects. The enchanted ceiling mirrored the sky outside, now dotted with stars.

In the hush of the hall, faint whispers persisted, and to William, it felt like sleeping in a breezy field under the open night sky.

Boba Tea was curled up and fast asleep in his arms, completely unfazed by the tension around him.

Every hour, a professor would enter the Great Hall to make sure everything was safe.

Around three in the morning, with most students finally asleep, Dumbledore returned.

He was looking for Robert, who, after some chocolate and rest, was slightly more alert though still visibly shaken. He was close enough to William, Cedric, and the twins that they all hastily pretended to be asleep as Dumbledore approached.

"Any sign of the knocker, Professor?" Robert asked hoarsely.

"None so far. Everything alright here?"

"All under control, sir."

"Well done, Robert. There's no need to move everyone now. I've replaced the Ravenclaw knocker, so you can take everyone back to the tower in the morning."

"What about…the original knocker?" Robert's voice wavered slightly.

"When the time is right, it will return," Dumbledore replied gravely. "No one can take Hogwarts' property and keep it for long."

The doors to the Great Hall opened again, followed by a series of light, nearly soundless footsteps.

There was no need to look to know it was Snape—only he could walk as silently as a ghost.

"Headmaster?" Snape's quiet voice cut through the darkness.

Everyone in William's group lay perfectly still, listening intently, even Cho.

"I've searched every hidden passage," Snape began, his voice barely a whisper. "Nothing. Filch has checked the main castle areas too. There's no sign."

"What about the Astronomy Tower? Professor Trelawney's quarters? The owlery?"

"All checked."

"Good. I didn't think any Death Eater would linger here," Dumbledore murmured.

"Any theories as to how they managed it, Headmaster?" Snape asked.

William lifted his head just slightly, trying to catch every word.

"Many, Severus…each one different," Dumbledore replied cryptically.

Peeking through the smallest gap in his eyelids, William saw Dumbledore standing with his back to him. He could see Robert's face in full concentration, and Snape, who seemed tense and frustrated.

Snape shot a sharp glance at Robert, who quickly took the hint and moved away.

"What has the Ministry said?" Snape asked after a pause. "What was taken from the Department of Mysteries?"

"Cornelius says the Planet Room was breached…"

"Ha! Another lie," Snape said derisively.

"I believe so too," Dumbledore replied.

Snape was quiet for a long moment before he spoke in a low voice, "You remember our conversation, Headmaster? From…oh…a week into the term?"

Dumbledore nodded. "I do, Severus."

"It would seem…" Snape hesitated, his voice barely a murmur. "Only his followers would use that name—"

"It's just a name, Severus. It means nothing. We can't accuse anyone on that basis alone," Dumbledore replied calmly.

"Accuse?" Snape's voice rose suddenly, sharp with frustration. "And what about me, Headmaster? Someone is clearly framing me…targeting me!"

"I'm sorry, Severus," Dumbledore's voice softened, tinged with guilt. "I'll ensure you won't go to Azkaban again, not to face those Dementors. I promise…"

Snape let out a bitter laugh, his back to Dumbledore. "There's no need. Dementors don't affect me, you know that. I haven't felt happiness in a long time."

Dumbledore opened his mouth to respond but found no words. After a quiet moment, he reached out and placed a gentle hand on Snape's shoulder.

Gazing blankly out the window, Snape stood utterly still, yet in William's view, he saw the professor's hands trembling as silent tears trickled down his face.

It was an image both tragic and absurd to every Hogwarts student.

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