Chapter 60: Heir of Ravenclaw

Professor Binns stood at the front of the classroom, every eye in the room fixed on him.

"Rowena Ravenclaw was undeniably a flawless witch," he intoned. "Her excellence led to some wild rumors—speculation that she possessed a legendary artifact that granted her unparalleled wisdom."

He continued, "Two items were said to have belonged to her: Ravenclaw's diadem and a ring. But of the two, the diadem is the most famous. It was a gem-studded crown that glittered with a wisdom like no other.

"Inscribed along its base was her well-known motto: 'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.' According to legend, Ravenclaw enchanted the diadem to enhance the wearer's wisdom."

All around, students drew in excited breaths.

An object that could increase one's intelligence was undeniably alluring. After all, who wouldn't want to become a genius with just one touch?

Professor Binns, glancing around at the eager faces, went on in a low, secretive tone. "As for Ravenclaw's bronze ring, it's said that it didn't bestow wisdom, but rather the power to move through time freely, able to appear at any moment without suffering the aftereffects of a common 'Time-Turner.'"

William noted the term "Time-Turner" in his book; it was new to him, and he'd have to look it up later in the library.

"There are tales," Professor Binns continued, voice dropping to an ominous hush enhanced by his ghostly appearance, "that Rowena Ravenclaw used this ring to return repeatedly to the past, learning and correcting mistakes. It was said she became so knowledgeable and rarely erred because she'd had multiple chances to learn every lesson."

The dim light, Professor Binns' hushed voice, and the spellbound expressions gave the room an eerie yet expectant air.

"After the diadem disappeared," Binns went on, "it's said that Ravenclaw hid the ring, afraid of it being stolen again. She left it behind for her true heir, the only one worthy of wielding its power."

When he finished, a heavy silence fell over the class. This time, though, it was not the sleepy quiet that usually filled Professor Binns' classroom.

Everyone's gaze remained locked on him, willing him to say more.

Professor Binns shifted uncomfortably. "But, of course," he said impatiently, "it's all nonsense. The diadem was lost long ago, and no enchantment could grant wisdom."

"But, sir," ventured Arthur from Slytherin, raising his hand after a few moments, "What if only a true heir could unlock the ring's powers?"

"Rubbish," Professor Binns said dismissively, looking annoyed. "Many outstanding wizards have graduated from Ravenclaw House over the years, including Ministers of Magic and even some Hogwarts Headmasters. If those wizards couldn't locate it, who could?"

"But, Professor," Marietta piped up, her voice a quite whisper yet resounding throughout the classroom, "What if dark magic is required to find it—"

"A wizard's lack of use for dark magic hardly means he wouldn't understand it," Professor Binns snapped. "And I'll repeat myself: if even someone like Professor Flitwick couldn't find the ring—"

"But, sir," Marietta insisted, "that Death Eater who took it must have found a clue, right?"

"A clue?" Professor Binns scoffed. "If that were true, the knocker wouldn't still be disappearing every few years."

Everyone looked at Professor Binns in shock.

"Yes," he said, confirming their surprise. "It vanishes mysteriously every so often. The 'clue' you're referring to is merely a baseless rumor. If there was any truth to it, the knocker would never have reappeared each time."

"So, Professor, that means the Death Eater can't actually resurrect...You-Know-Who, right?" asked Hans Bibbo in a tentative voice.

The room fell silent. This was, after all, the question everyone was truly afraid to ask.

"Of course not. That Death Eater is simply a madman," Professor Binns replied irritably.

"But Professor," Marietta persisted, "That so-called 'madman' managed to slip away with the knocker right under Professor Dumbledore's nose."

"Enough!" Professor Binns said sharply, growing visibly angry.

"This is nothing but a fairy tale! It doesn't exist! I regret even mentioning this absurd story. Now let's return to our studies—facts and verifiable history!"

With that, Professor Binns returned to his lecture on Arthurian history, pointedly ignoring any further questions from his students.

Within minutes, the students were once again lulled into a sleepy stupor by his monotone.


When the class ended, Cho turned to William. "Do you think that ring really lets people travel through time?"

The halls were crowded with students, everyone jostling their way to drop off books and bags before lunch.

William shrugged, glancing around before replying, "I doubt it. If that Death Eater had really managed to travel back ten years and prevent Voldemort's death, history would look very different now."

Cho sighed in relief. "Good point. Since history hasn't changed, he clearly couldn't go back."

Yet their conversation had cleared a wide space around them; nearby students had gone silent, edging away the moment they heard the name "Voldemort."

To be honest, William found this deeply puzzling.

It was one thing for students from magical families, who had lived through the war, to react fearfully to the name. 

But the muggle-borns—many of whom had no personal experience with the Dark Lord—seemed equally afraid, often shivering just at the mention of his name.

William found it all baffling.

If they were this terrified by the name of Voldemort, he thought, how would they react if they'd lived in the days of the Führer?

[tl/n: Whoah!]

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