Chapter 132: The Isolated Hermione

Despite Dumbledore's subtle suggestions, Professor Snape remained expressionless, evidently uninterested in these theatrics. 

If the students were singing the school anthem while brewing potions, now that would be worth his attention—but Dumbledore clearly wasn't about to approve that idea.

Snape held his tongue, though he couldn't help but wrinkle his nose at the smell coming from Professor Quirrell's direction. He quickly covered his nose with his cloak, casting a disgusted look at Quirrell.

Did the man never bathe?

Snape tossed his greasy hair and shot a glare across the hall, his gaze locking onto Harry.

"Ow!" Harry pressed a hand to his forehead.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked.

"N-Nothing." The searing pain disappeared as quickly as it had come. But the feeling Harry had gotten from that teacher's stare lingered—it was pure hostility.

Indeed, Snape held nothing but disdain as he stared at Harry's eyes, then shifted his gaze to his face with barely concealed revulsion, as though he were looking at a particularly repulsive insect.

Why, he thought with bitterness, did he have to have that face? That face… doesn't deserve those eyes.

Soon, the feast ended, and the students followed their prefects back to their common rooms.

Ravenclaw had installed a new door knocker—this time, a simple mechanical one. Many students were sorely disappointed and swore to find the thief who'd stolen the old one.

Their new prefect, Penelope Clearwater, began the tour of the common room, taking over the role previously held by Robert. Tonight, she handled her duties impressively, drawing admiration from many students.

William returned to his dorm with Boba Tea, his cat, needing a good night's rest.

The next morning, William woke up early and headed to the Great Hall with Cho.

The first class for Ravenclaw was Transfiguration, which they would attend with the Hufflepuffs.

Professor McGonagall was known for her strictness; no one wanted to be late to her class.

The Ravenclaw table was already filled with students discussing last night's feast.

The Weasley twins waved them over, so William and Cho sat with them at the Gryffindor table.

Professor McGonagall was handing out timetables for third years, and George grabbed one for Fred.

"What's our first class?" Fred asked, chewing on toast thus unable to check his schedule.

"Old Fraud's class," George replied, glancing slyly at Professor McGonagall nearby and lowering his voice.

"Who's the 'Old Fraud'?" Cho asked, sipping her milk in confusion.

"The 'Old Fraud' is Professor Trelawney, who teaches Divination," Fred explained, muffled by a mouthful of toast. "Haven't you heard the terrifying school legends?"

"No," William shook his head.

"You should know," George said with a grin, imitating Professor McGonagall's stern demeanor and voice. 

"You're second years now, next year you'll be choosing your subjects. It's a very important stage in magical education, what with O.W.L.s in fifth year…"

They all burst into laughter, though Professor McGonagall cast them a suspicious glance.

"Alright, settle down before McGonagall gets here," George whispered. "Trelawney predicts a student's death every year. It's the terrifying school legend."

"Though it's never actually happened," Fred shrugged, "everyone knows she's a fraud. I can't imagine why Dumbledore keeps her around."

"I've always thought she's Dumbledore's long-lost granddaughter," George joked.

"Oh, she's had a few hits!" George chuckled. "Two years ago, she said a professor would be leaving us permanently, and Professor Robert died shortly after."

"Right, lucky guess," Fred said in an exaggerated tone.

"Regardless of her skill, if you take Divination, all you have to do is lie convincingly to pass. The upperclassmen told us so," George said with a grin. "And when it comes to lying, we're naturals!"

"Besides, Divination has a lot of perks. It's not just easy to pass," Fred added.

"In her class, you can daydream or do whatever you want. Just make up some excuse that you 'feel something bad coming', it's easy as that."

The twins passed along this insider info, hoping William and Cho would sign up for the course next year.

"Cedric, are you taking Divination too?" Cho asked.

Cedric had appeared beside her at some point, leisurely spreading Lao Gan Ma sauce onto his bread. 

Since Cho had bought it on William's recommendation, Cedric didn't hesitate to slather on layer after layer, treating it like butter.

"Nope," Cedric replied, taking another slice of bread.

Unlike the twins, Cedric didn't need an easy pass; he chose courses he found genuinely useful, signing up for several challenging classes, including Ancient Runes.

William was also studying Ancient Runes independently, but he'd started during the time loop, so he was a bit ahead of Cedric.

Cedric had also chosen Herbology for its applications in wand-making.

"You even signed up for Muggle Studies?" William asked, surprised as he glanced at Cedric's timetable.

Everyone leaned over curiously.

"Just a bit interested," Cedric replied, stuffing a bit of cream into his oversized sandwich.

"Admit it, Cedric, you wanted to learn more about Muggles to better understand a certain someone?" William teased with a grin.

With Cho's parents being Muggles, "a certain someone" was clearly a reference to her.

"Not at all. I simply have an appreciation for Muggles," Cedric said casually, though he gave William a subtle thumbs-up behind Cho's back.

That's what a true friend was for, to voice what he couldn't say aloud.

Just then, Hermione entered with the Gryffindor students, carrying the enchanted pouch William had given her.

The pouch, enchanted with an Undetectable Extension Charm, was one of several William had made for his friends, it was able to hold up to five cubic meters of storage.

The Akali's Mystery Shop catalog also listed these pouches, with a hefty price tag. After all, the charm was complex, not something just anyone could craft.

Hermione sat beside William, grabbed a glass of milk, and pulled out one of William's first-year notebooks, studying as she ate.

"Hermione, I don't think you have any classes this morning," William said, puzzled. "It's only the first day. Why are you here so early?"

"I'm going to the library after breakfast," Hermione replied matter-of-factly. "I heard if you don't get there early, there won't be any seats left. Do you want me to save you one?"

"I don't think it's that intense," William said, frowning slightly. "If all Hogwarts students were that studious, Dumbledore would be very proud."

"By the way, who told you that?" he asked.

"My roommate, Lavender Brown, mentioned it last night," Hermione said, biting into a roll. "Why?"

Ah… William suddenly realized the poor girl had already been isolated, and she hadn't even noticed.

Poor Hermione.

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