Chapter 207: The Master Strategist

Since William insisted on learning Apparition, Dumbledore's initial objections were little more than perfunctory.

"William, before we begin your training, I must go over the guidelines for using Apparition," Dumbledore said.

William listened intently.

"First, never Apparate directly into someone's home—it's as rude as kicking down their front door.

"Second, do not attempt Apparition in areas protected by anti-Apparition spells. Doing so can lead to severe bodily harm and possibly death.

"Lastly, Apparition has distance limitations. The greater the distance, the harder it is to perform. Intercontinental Apparition is achievable only by highly skilled wizards. For average wizards, attempting it risks insufficient magical power, dismemberment, severe injury, or even death."

William nodded in understanding.

"Very well," Dumbledore said. "Now..."

With a wave of his wand, a wooden hoop appeared on the floor in front of William.

"When Apparating, remember the three Ds!" Dumbledore explained. "Destination, Determination, and Deliberation!"

"First, focus on your destination, the wooden hoop in front of you.

"Second," Dumbledore continued, "summon the determination to occupy that space! At this point, you'll feel as though a void has opened up. Allow the desire to enter it to consume every fiber of your being, until your body buzzes with excitement!"

"Third," Dumbledore said with a smile, "spin on the spot to enter the void—but do so gently and with deliberation!"

Dumbledore had barely finished speaking when a loud CRACK echoed. William disappeared and reappeared two meters away from the hoop.

"How was it?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"Failed," William said, raising his left hand, which was missing a pinky finger.

William waved his wand, reattaching the finger to his hand, and began applying a healing spell while retrieving a vial of blood-replenishing potion from his ring.

"Don't rush," Dumbledore reassured him. "It's normal to struggle the first time, it's always tricky to find the entry point."

Another CRACK followed as William tried again, with no better results. This time, he realized his leg was still stuck where he had been standing.

"Splinching—the separation of body parts—occurs when determination falters," Dumbledore said calmly. "Always maintain focus on your destination. Don't panic. Take it easy…like this."

Dumbledore stepped forward, opened his arms, and spun elegantly in place. His robes billowed as he vanished, only to reappear behind William.

Closing his eyes, William pondered for a moment before trying again.

This time, he successfully appeared within the wooden hoop, uninjured.

"Not bad," Dumbledore said with a satisfied smile.

"Professor," William asked, "I need to practice more with Apparition. Does the permission you granted cover the whole school or just this room?"

"I never disable the school's anti-Apparition wards entirely, but today is an exception, isn't it?"

"Thanks!" William said before vanishing on the spot.

Dumbledore waved his wand, conjured a chair, and sat down with a cup of tea in hand.

Meanwhile, William appeared in his dormitory, which was empty.

Still unfamiliar with long-distance Apparition, William felt nauseous, as if he were carsick. 

After downing a potion to alleviate the discomfort, he rested for a couple of minutes before vanishing again, this time reappearing near the tallest tower of Hogwarts.

The tower was deserted except for two cats: Mrs. Norris and Boba Tea. They sat side by side, watching a Quidditch match in the distance.

Watching games, enjoying the breeze, soaking up the sun, and indulging in outdoor "adventures"... truely, Boba Tea clearly knew how to enjoy life.

"Boba Tea, dating is fine, but you'd better come home at night, or I'll neuter you," William threatened.

Boba Tea let out an annoyed meow. Mrs. Norris licked Boba Tea's fur, looking as innocent as a perfect photograph.

William stepped forward and leapt off the hundred-meter-high tower, vanishing mid-air.

This time, he appeared at the Quidditch pitch, standing atop his Nimbus 2000 as if flying a sword.

Everyone was stunned. Who would have expected someone to appear mid-match, seemingly out of nowhere?

Wait... two Starks?

William extended a hand, gently taking the Quaffle from "himself" and throwing it through the hoop with pinpoint accuracy.

He had appeared so suddenly that the broom he stepped on began to plummet. William reached out, grabbing the Golden Snitch, then landed on Cho Chang's broom and handed it to her before disappearing again.

The entire sequence took less than thirty seconds, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

In a dimly lit room,

Babbling lay lazily on a couch, her feet swinging playfully as she occasionally let out soft, joyful laughter.

In one hand, she held a cucumber-flavored crisp; in the other, a thick book, its cover depicting two young girls embracing, a clear sign it was not suitable for school or work.

A gentle breeze swept through as William appeared, snatched her crisps, and vanished again.

Babbling leapt to her feet, her wine-red eyes glaring as she scanned the darkness for the crisp thief.

William continued Apparating across the school, appearing in nearly every corner.

Finally, he returned to the classroom just as Dumbledore finished his tea.

"It seems you've mastered it," Dumbledore said, standing up.

"So, William, what would you like to learn next?"

William tucked the crisps into his pocket, thought for a moment, and said, "Nonverbal magic."

"Nonverbal magic is certainly a skill worth mastering," Dumbledore agreed, "However, I suggest you first learn Occlumency."

William was taken aback. "Occlumency?"

"Yes, you harbor many secrets that must be protected from prying eyes," Dumbledore said seriously, "You're skilled with potions and likely carry antidotes to Veritaserum.

"But a master Legilimens could easily invade your thoughts."

William fell into deep thought.

"Of course, Occlumency is also invaluable in combat," Dumbledore continued.

"In battle, experience is one thing. But if an opponent can read your thoughts, they can anticipate your next move and counter it.

"With Occlumency, you can shield your mind.

"An exceptional Occlumens can even plant false memories, tricking opponents into believing they've predicted your actions, only to lead them into traps."

William raised an eyebrow. Wasn't this the classic "I'm five steps ahead while you think I'm only two"?

He never expected Dumbledore to be such a master strategist.

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