Chapter 285: Sieg, the Man Who Attracts Both Men and Women

["Synchronization—time reversal."]

["Time flows backward, accelerates—stops, replays."]


[After experiencing the agony of the deceased firsthand, Caules nearly suffered a mental breakdown, but he finally understood Jack's objective.]

[What Jack wanted was the signal that would deactivate Yggdmillennia's security measures.]

[Realizing the severity of the situation, Caules urgently tried to contact Fiore. However, before he could explain, the connection was abruptly cut off.]

[Without hesitation, Caules turned to Chiron.]

[Caules: "Chiron, hurry back and support them! We'll follow as soon as we can!"]

[Astolfo, upon realizing what was happening, also sped up, because Sieg was currently inside Yggdmillennia's castle.]


Gordes: "What the hell?! That brat is targeting us now?!"

Fiore: "It's not surprising. After all, we're the only place near Trifas with such a high concentration of magi."

Sisigou: "They timed this well, attacking just when the Black Faction was at its weakest."

Fiore: "I don't think it was planned. Jack likely didn't expect things to turn out this way."

Jack: "Hah? Are you underestimating me?"

Fiore: "I'm just stating the truth."

Fiore: "But Caules, don't ever do something that dangerous again."

Using a spell to synchronize his mind with the victim's had forced Caules to experience the pain of being burned alive. If he had lost control, he could have suffered brain death.

Caules: "Sorry, Sis."


[At Yggdmillennia's castle, Sieg was sparring with Toole outside when a dense fog suddenly descended.]

[Toole, the homunculus girl who had stepped forward to support Sieg the night before, was now the temporary leader of the homunculi.]

[Unfortunately, she only had two or three months left to live.]

[The fog quickly engulfed the castle. Sieg, unaware of its danger, was caught off guard and struck directly.]

[However, thanks to Siegfried's heart, he managed to withstand the effects. Carrying Toole, he rushed back inside. After ensuring she was safe, he prepared to head back out to rescue the other homunculi.]

[Gordes arrived and handed Sieg a fragment of the Tapestry Woven by Arachne, a relic linked to the legendary weaver who had challenged Athena. Worn over the face, it provided limited protection against foul air, but not against attacks on the eyes.]

[Braving the deadly mist, Sieg climbed to the rooftop and managed to save three homunculi.]

[Unfortunately, the last one he reached was already dead.]

[At that moment, the sound of shattering glass and Fiore's terrified scream echoed through the castle.]

[Sieg, enraged, charged toward the source of the noise without hesitation, ignoring even Gordes' attempts to stop him.]


Sieg: "..."

Jeanne: "You did everything you could."

Sieg: "I know… but watching them die in front of me is still painful."

Jeanne: "That's okay. Feeling this way proves how much you care about them."


[Fiore, realizing the abrupt communication cut-off meant trouble, quickly maneuvered her wheelchair toward Darnic's study, where a set of defensive Mystic Codes was stored.]

[But the thirty-meter distance felt impossibly long.]

[Seeing the thick fog creeping outside the window only increased her urgency.]

[Just as she unsealed the study's door, Jack appeared, breaking in through the window.]

[Fiore hurried inside and locked the door. However, it was just an ordinary wooden door, unlikely to last more than five seconds.]

[Sure enough, Jack kicked it down moments later and entered.]

[Instead of killing Fiore immediately, she toyed with her like a cat playing with a mouse. Every time Fiore reached for a Mystic Code, Jack flicked a dagger to knock it away.]

[Fiore refused to sit and wait for death. She deliberately misled Jack, pretending to go for a briefcase on the table while actually reaching for an older prosthetic limb stored nearby.]

[The briefcase contained the enhanced Mystic Code she was currently using, while the prosthetic limbs were an outdated version.]

[She no longer had the luxury of choice.]



[Fiore's old prosthetics activated, expanding into four mechanical arms that immediately fired a barrage of light bullets.]

[Though temporarily forced back, Jack wasn't defeated, and the sulfuric acid fog had already seeped into the room.]

["All arms set to automatic—target: disperse the fog!"]

[Covering her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, Fiore shut her eyes and leaped through the window.]

[There was no retreat. She had to fight.]

[Her skin began to sting—Jack's mist wasn't ordinary fog. It was the corrosive smog of Industrial Revolution-era London.]

[Although her prosthetic limbs were immune, her body was not. Once she was fully within the mist, she would be at Jack's mercy.]

[A woman, fog, darkness—all the conditions needed to activate Jack's Noble Phantasm were now in place.]


[The prosthetic limbs, equipped with heat sensors, immediately fired a shot at Jack, but it was meaningless.]


[The prosthetics abruptly ceased functioning, and Fiore collapsed to the ground.]

[Just as Jack prepared to deliver the finishing blow, Chiron finally arrived.]


Caules: "Phew, that was close."

Gordes: "Really? You have Command Seals, why didn't you use them?!"

Fiore: "I… I'm sorry…"

Sisigou: "She's still just a girl. Faced with that kind of terror, it's natural for her mind to go blank. Not everyone can calmly use a Command Seal in a life-or-death situation."

Chiron: "I apologize for putting you in danger."

Fiore: "It's not your fault. We were the ones who underestimated Jack."

[In the video, all their attention had been focused on the Red Faction. As a result, they had overlooked the looming threat of Jack.]

[Now, they were paying the price.]

[Terrified by Chiron's overwhelming presence, Jack retreated into the mist and disappeared.]

[However, just as she was about to vanish completely, a sudden slash severed her arm.]

[The attack came from Sieg, who stood in the corrosive fog, his body wracked with pain but the fury in his heart outweighed the agony.]

[Jack: "I'll kill you!"]

[Sieg: "That's my line."]

[Grinding her teeth, Jack vanished into the mist, which soon dispersed.]


Astolfo: "That's the angriest I've ever seen you."

Jeanne: "He thought he could finally live peacefully… but now, another of his comrades has died. This must be a heavy blow."


["Two days. We have to eliminate the Assassin within two days."]

[After this attack, everyone agreed—Jack had to be dealt with first.]

[However, they could only afford two days. They couldn't waste too much time before the final battle against the Red Faction.]

[Fortunately, they now had a better understanding of Jack's abilities and could formulate a strategy.]


[Sieg volunteered to act as bait.]

[Astolfo: "Do you even know her?"]

[Sieg: "No. We've never even met, let alone spoken."]

[Sieg: "But does that matter? Do I need a personal connection to be angry over what she's done?"]

[Sieg reasoned: "Even if I die, Yggdmillennia still retains control over the Master system. As long as my authority is transferred immediately, Rider won't disappear. Logically, I am the best choice as bait."]


[Astolfo slapped Sieg and ran off, tears in his eyes.]

[Sieg: "…Did I say something wrong?"]

[Fiore: "Uh… yeah, pretty much."]

[Chiron: "That was a bit much."]

[Jeanne: "Sieg, you need to be more mindful of other people's feelings. Go find Rider and apologize later."]

[Sieg: "Understood."]


Astolfo: "Stupid, stupid! Sieg, you're a big idiot!"

Sieg: "Well, I…"

Jeanne: "You still have a lot to learn, Sieg."

Siegfried: "It's alright. You've only just begun to understand these things. Take your time."

Tohsaka Rin: "Hey, isn't something off here? They're just two guys, but why does this feel like the setup for a romance drama?!"

Kayneth: "Ahem… this is a bit…"

Chihiro: "Children shouldn't be watching this."

Celenike: (grinding teeth) "Crack… crack…"


[The next morning, Jeanne took Sieg out for a walk to lighten his mood, but the atmosphere felt... different.]

[Watching their interaction, everyone could sense the air of budding romance.]

[The clueless Sieg even asked Jeanne if she could have children, leaving her blushing in embarrassment.]

Tohsaka Rin: "Tsk tsk tsk, Sieg-kun, you're bolder than I expected."

Ishtar: "Is this what they call gender equality?"

Sieg: "Huh?"

Chihiro: "Love comes too fast—like a tornado~?"

Bluebeard: "AHHHH! Sieg, I will kill you! How dare you defile my saint?!"

Astolfo: "Ahh! So unfair! You two went out without me!"