Vasilisa starts leading Ryujiro and Yuki.
All the navy soldiers just stand there because their captain, Rodion told them something before he died.
"No matter what happens, don't shoot or fight these people. Even if I die.
Although that day will never come."
Vasilisa(pointing a fingercat a shack):
"That's where i was being held. In that small shack over there.
Let me grab my weapons."
Ryujiro: "Weapons? Can you fight too?"
Vasilisa: "I may not look like one, but I'm good at archery. And I know how to use guns as well.
He taught me everything."
Yuki: "So you do have a man, huh. What a relief."
Vasilisa: "I once had him...
That's why I want to return to America.
To meet him again.
He's a skilled Cowboy and a great person. Maybe he can help you in achieving the things you want. His name is Dusty.
Dusty Yeldstone."
Ryujiro: "By the time we reach the United States.. I would already have completed my goal.
So there's no need for some cowboy to help me."
Vasilisa: "We don't know what happens in the future.
Let's see."
Vasilisa picks up her bow & arrow along with her guns.
Ryujiro: "Hey, Lisa! Where are you!!? Come out quickly!"
Yuki: *smashes his head with a punch*
"Lisa, huh? When I gave you a nickname, you were irritated. And now... I hate you, Ryuku-Kun!!!"
Ryujiro: "Why are you crying? You're not my girlfriend or something, so why should I care how you feel? We're comrades."
Yuki (while blushing): Well.. I can be, if you want.."
Ryujiro: "Can't hear you.. speak loudly!"
Yuki: "Nothing, you bastard!!
Killed my motivation."
Vasilisa: "Let's go now. To the King's palace.
King Alexander II."
Ryujiro: "Yeah.. I know him."
Vasilisa: "You know him? How so?"
Ryujiro: "I'm here to take revenge of the Samurai.. The rulers and authorities of every country that was in the Samurai massacre.. are destined to get killed by my hands.
Alexander II was one of them. He was the one who killed my father, Ryu Kurogane.
But i know.. he's not a proud warrior.. that motherfucking coward.. he killed him from behind.. sneaking in between the fight.
Let's go now. We're currently in Vladivostok. The king's palace is in Khabarovsk. It'll take time."
Ryujiro and Yuki covered their bodies and faces with black clothes, led by Vasilisa.
A military soldier: "Hmm? Hey, Miss Vasilisa. Who are these people?
Vasilisa: "Slaves from Japan. My captain Rodion brought them here and I'm taking then to their respective posts. These Japanese bastards... They're so irritating."
Soldier: "Oh I see.. Japan. Not too far away. Well then, take care."
Vasilisa leads the way.
They travelled and travelled.. by foot only.
Yuki: *gets tired after walking for two days*
"Hey.. Miss. Vasilisa.
Why aren't we taking any vehicles or horses or anything!?? I'll die at this rate!"
Vasilisa: "We can't leave any clues behind.. Nothing. Just bare walking.. and walking.. and walking.
After continuously travelling for 17 days, they eventually arrive at Khabarovsk while facing a lot of troubles.
The palace was built at a coast surrounded by a graveyard.
There were four guards who were deployed at the main gate.
Vasilisa told Ryujiro and Yuki to hide behind some big rocks.
Vasilisa: "Listen.. If you two go there, then you'll be attacked immediately and everyone will be alerted about your presence.
So stay here and do as I say.
Those guards know me... It's hard to say that they'll let me in but at least they won't attack me. I'll kill two of the guards there.. Just when I kill them, you can come outside and look after the other two easily. I can't handle all four at once.. At least one of them will definitely run away or do something to tell everyone about us, the intruders.
I need your help.. take action immediately when I do.
Vasilisa goes towards the guards.
"Hey.. I have some important business with the king .. Let me in."
One of the guards: "I'm sorry.. even if it's you, Miss Vasilisa, we can't permit you to go inside without any emergency or business."
You'll have to go back."
Vasilisa whispers: "Not even my ass is going back."
She pulls out two arrows and with bare hand, she passes them through the necks of two soldiers.
Ryujiro comes out and threatens the other two.
Ryujiro: "Yuki.. You stay back..
I don't want any trouble for you. Just kill a rabbit. I'll handle these shits..
Hey! Tell me now. Is you king.. Alexander II here?? Or has he gone somewhere?"
One of those guards: "He's right inside and he'll kick your asses!!"
The other guard:" You brain-dead idiot! Why would you tell him about-"
Ryujiro: "Thanks."
He cut their heads off in front of the main gate, and then buried them in the graveyard.
Ryujiro: "Get ready, Kurogane... The king is close."