Prologue: The Shadow's Whisper

In the depths of twilight, where shadows danced and whispers thrived, a presence stirred. Erebus, the god of darkness, sensed the shifting tides of Aramania's heart. A spark of purity had ignited, threatening to illuminate the realm's darkest recesses. ''In this realm where secrets dwell and love seems but a dream, a light appears, defying the dark's clandestine scheme. Two souls, entwined by destiny, shall transform this domain's essence, and I, Erebus, stand at the crossroads: to possess or to heal." As the god's whisper faded into the night, symbol glowed brighter, foreshadowing the arrival of a mysterious stranger.The distant cry of a child heralds the dawn of a new era in Aramania's history.'' "This child is unlike any other," the midwife murmured, her fright evident as she cradled the newborn, still smeared with blood from its deceased mother. Her expression softened, a sense of foreboding enveloping her. The villagers crowded around, their whispers a mix of fear and curiosity, as they encircled the stranger's lifeless form, eager to uncover the enigma of the child's birth."Who is this woman? Does anybody know?" asked the midwife to those gathered around.The stranger's last words were barely a whisper: "Protect her at all costs." The child's piercing blue eyes seemed to hold secrets of a past unknown, leaving the villagers with a sense of unease and anticipation for what was to come."Wait, now that the mother has passed away, who will take care of the child?" they wondered aloud, their unease mounting as they recognized the responsibility that had fallen to them."We must dispose of this child, as it has been decreed to kill every stranger's child in Aramania," one villager suggested, their voice laden with fear. Another villager shook their head, unwilling to consider harming an innocent child. The villagers felt the heavy burden of decision as they contended with the dire prophecy uttered by the dying mother.'' But she's but a mere infant; how could we possibly carry out such a cruel act? '' One villager questioned; their voice filled with compassion. The villagers faced an agonizing decision that would challenge the very core of their beliefs and push them beyond the limits of their imagination.''Since when did you people care for a child? We have been selling and torturing children. Is it just another child? '' The man's comments are not lies. Armania is not a place for a weak heart.''Give me the knife. I will do it, you idiots. If this child is seen in here, all of us will be dead.''The man grabbed a knife and quickly stabbed the child without remorse, but before he could finish the act, a sudden wave of guilt and regret washed over him.The other members of the group watched in shock as he dropped the knife and fell to his knees, overwhelmed by his actions.And the child's chest glows with a symbol nobody knows.And the villagers, like hypnotized, slowly kneeled and cried in sorrow for their sins.As Erebus saw the bright light from afar, he commanded every soldier he had to search the place and eliminate the child.As it is written in the books of prophecy foretold of a child who would bring about the downfall of their kingdom. Erebus knew he had to act swiftly to protect his reign."You cannot alter the prophecy, Erebus. What is foretold shall come to pass; you and your dark shadows will be vanquished by the light that the chosen stranger will bring to this realm of darkness."A woman stepped out from the shadows, her gaze alight with resolve as she confronted Erebus. The destiny of Aramania teetered on the edge, anticipating the ultimate confrontation between light and darkness."Silence, Gabrielle!" Erebus proclaimed, his voice resonating with defiance. "I refuse to allow your prophecies to control our destiny. We will battle to the very end, regardless of the consequences." The scene was poised for a conflict that would decide the destiny of Aramania, with both factions ready to engage in a fight to the death."Look at you, being paranoid over mere children, are you?" Gabrielle taunted, her voice oozing sarcasm. Erebus clenched his fists, his resolve as unwavering as ever."And what do you think a newborn child could do to you, god of darkness?" Gabrielle teased, bowing further to provoke him.Erebus narrowed his eyes, resisting the urge to be provoked by Gabrielle's taunts. He was acutely aware that the destiny of Aramania lay on his shoulders, and he was determined not to let anything divert him from his mission.He will not let this Angel of God of all Gods distract from his mission in spreading darkness in this world and in other worlds in the future."You should be grateful that the Almighty God has not yet laid His hand upon you. I am merely observing as you tumble into the trap that was set for you," Gabrielle said with a smile.''Tsk.'' Erebus remained stoic; his focus unwavering as he prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.He would not allow himself to be swayed by Gabrielle's attempts to rattle him.The massive gates of the Erebus kingdom swung open suddenly, and the soldiers rushing inside were filled with terror."Lord Erebus, our kingdom is in turmoil. The soldiers who were dispatched to eliminate the stranger's child have turned against us. We are running out of people! They are now battling to defend the stranger's child!"Erebus's gaze sharpened as he quickly devised a strategy to reclaim command. Resolute, he commanded his troops to reassemble and ready themselves for combat, facing the unforeseen twist of events head-on.Erebus gazed upon the turmoil beneath his palace. Aware that swift and decisive action was necessary to uphold his dominion and authority, he raised his sword aloft, his determination steadfast, ready to marshal his forces and face the unexpected threat directly.However, the sudden appearance of a shadowy figure caused Erebus to halt and reassess his forthcoming action."Did you find the child?" The shadowy figure transformed into a human form clad in a black cloak. Clutching his scythe tightly, he wore a look of disappointment."Death, answer my question: have you found the child?" Erebus inquired once more."I have found the child, Erebus," Death replied, with a hint of emotion that Erebus couldn't quite decipher. "But be warned, the child's fate is intertwined with a greater prophecy that may alter the course of your kingdom forever," Death added ominously. A chill ran down Erebus's spine as he grasped the gravity of the situation at hand.''Did you kill it? '' Erebus asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Death's eyes seemed to gleam with an otherworldly light as he replied, "No, Erebus. The child still lives, but the path ahead is treacherous and full of uncertainty."Erebus was shocked by what death just said to him.''What do you mean you didn't kill the child? You are death, the bringer of the end.!! '' Death simply smiled, a cold and calculating expression that sent shivers down Erebus's spine. "Sometimes, Erebus, the greatest power lies not in taking life but in sparing it," Death said cryptically. With those words hanging in the air, Erebus knew that his kingdom was about to face challenges unlike any they had ever encountered before.''What are you even saying? If you cannot kill that child, I will then,'' Erebus said with a desperate demeanor. He transformed himself into a shadow form, and everything went black.Even the soldiers that were fighting outside the palace stopped in their tracks, sensing the sudden shift in power. Erebus's decision to embrace his darker side would have consequences that even Death could not predict.As the darkness of Erebus lifted, the soldiers were stunned to find that all the Protestant soldiers lay lifeless on the ground.The immense power of Erebus left all onlookers in awe as he vanquished his foes with a mere gesture. The battlefield, once alive with conflict, now rested in silence, serving as a stark reminder of the perils of underestimating the darkness that dwells within.And so, every soldier bowed their head in a mix of fear and reverence, understanding that Erebus was not one to be taken lightly. The legend of his might would resonate through time, serving as a warning to those who would dare confront the darkness that lurked within.Yet Erebus's actions did not cease; he wielded his might to shroud the entire kingdom in darkness, employing this veil to seek out the child.And indeed, he found the child, concealed in a distant village, oblivious to the vast power slumbering within. Erebus understood that the true struggle was only commencing as he embarked on a quest to reclaim what was rightfully his.In an instant, he teleported himself into the village, and the sight of his figure struck terror into the villagers.His silhouette hovered, enshrouded by a sinister aura, and his eyes burned with a menacing red glow that struck fear into all who beheld him. Erebus smirked, content in the knowledge that his scheme was progressing flawlessly as he advanced towards the child, poised to accomplish his ominous fate.He moved towards the radiant child, trying to embrace it, but the intense glow of its aura scorched his hands.The child's cries echoed as Erebus, resolute in his dark purpose, seized the child despite the evident distress. The onlooking villagers were gripped by terror, witnessing Erebus's struggle with the child and becoming acutely aware of the depth of his wicked intentions."Aaahh!" Erebus screamed in agony. The child's glowing aura and Erebus' dark aura appeared to be engaged in a fierce clash, casting chaos and bewilderment among the spectators. The child's radiance seemed to be overwhelming Erebus' shadow, forging a moment of intense suspense that kept everyone on tenterhooks.Yet Erebus persists, his cries unabated. "Look at me," he whispers. The words escape him without thought, a plea for the child's gaze. And then, the child does look, their eyes meeting Erebus's in a silent exchange.The child's gaze appeared to wield a power that was beyond Erebus's understanding, as though it pierced through his shadowy guise and gazed into his soul. At that instant, a sliver of doubt and fear began to infiltrate Erebus's heart, leaving him to ponder if the child possessed the secret to his downfall.Yet, he kept his composure, his face a mask of stoicism as he locked eyes with the child, resolute in revealing no vulnerability. Erebus was aware that this moment could be pivotal, and he steeled himself for the consequences that would follow.Later, his dark aura appeared to blend with the newborn child's radiant aura, as if ushering him into a world filled with both possibilities and uncertainties. Standing face to face, the air charged with tension, Erebus was struck by the sense that this child was more than a mere innocent; there was a power in those eyes that seemed to pierce right through him.Yet, he demonstrated his strength; he succeeded in wrapping the glowing aura around the core of his darkness. The color of their auras shifted to a mysterious golden hue, merging in a captivating spectacle of contrasting energies. It was a transformative moment, where light and darkness coalesced in a subtle ballet of equilibrium and concord.The glowing red eyes of Erebus shifted to a soft, warm golden hue, mirroring the fresh bond they shared. The child's eyes now bore wisdom that surpassed their age, instilling in Erebus a profound sense of awe and curiosity about the enigmatic power within them.In the presence of the child, Erebus sensed a surge in his power, as though their merged energies had unleashed a newfound strength within him. Their connection was extraordinary, defying the limits of light and shadow, and guiding them toward a destiny brimming with infinite potential.And so, his intention to kill the child was utterly forsaken, supplanted by an urge to safeguard and cherish this remarkable entity. Erebus understood that their fates were inextricably linked, eternally tied by the indissoluble strand of destiny."You are now mine, my child. Together, we will conquer this world and the others," he said with a smile on his face.He cradled the child in his arms and took him to the palace. Atop the palace, he called upon every citizen of the kingdom."This child is my own, and henceforth I expect all of you to respect and honor her as you would myself. Together, we shall guarantee her safety and prosperity, for she represents the future of our realm." The kingdom's populace nodded in accord, recognizing the significance of the newfound bond between Erebus and the remarkable child."What an interesting turn of events," Death remarked, observing Erebus from a concealed corner of the castle."Everything is proceeding as it should," Gabrielle declares, stepping out from the shadowy corner near where Death stands."So, to what do I owe the honor of this beautiful appearance by the mighty guardian of realms?" Death asked Gabrielle."I have come to ensure that Erebus fulfills his destiny and safeguards the child, for her power surpasses all that we have envisioned," Gabrielle stated with confidence. Death nodded in acknowledgment, aware that their decisions would determine the fate of the kingdom for generations."We are indeed all part of a larger plan," Death murmured, their voice tinged with solemnity. Gabrielle's eyes gleamed with determination as she readied herself to play her part in the kingdom's unfolding destiny.Gabrielle spread her wings, preparing to take flight.''So, you are going now? '' Death asks."Indeed, this is merely the beginning, and the prophecy will not be realized until the other half of the tale unfolds," Gabrielle responded with confidence."You mean..." Death's sentence hung unfinished as Gabrielle interjected, "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. I must find the other half of the prophecy and ensure its fulfillment." With those words, she soared into the heavens, leaving Death behind to contemplate the enigmatic destiny of the realm."I'm going to Earth!" Gabrielle halted mid-flight to address Death's silent inquiry.