The desires are increasing more and more. It is coming in the form of words, He can vaguely hear it and it said, ' You are me and I am you, If you die now then it will lead to my death. Live and destroy them". The time started to move and the one who was losing consciousness was in his feet. The two of them were surprised, they started to sense the presence of an unknown entity and the amount of Hael which Zen had was zero. Earlier they were able to see the Hael inside him despite he was not using it but now everything has changed and they were urged to elevate their defenses. At the instant he disappeared from the position and one of the two flew away because of the blow he received from Zen, the other one ran at full speed. Instantaneously Zen appeared above him and kicked in his head. The moment he was flying due to the blow Zen constantly punched in the stomach till he lost his consciousness. The other one which Zen had hit earlier woke up and attack him. It was blocked in an instant and Zen rose in the air and ended him with a kick in the back. He fell into the road with such a force that shattered it. The fight is almost at a wrap . When Zen was ready to leave, the two of them rose up and said," We can't be defeated by a newcomer like you, We will fight till the end". They were involving in a death match with Zen whose attitude was changed due to the possession of Zael. It is a common phenomenon that when someone uses the Zael of a devil his attitude being overwritten by Devil's. However a Devil cannot possess the body a perfect vessel.