Something was really strange. Ouranos noticed that it was not only his eyes but his mind as well. Ouranos came with full force and Zen blocked it. Ouranos took his leg to kick him, and it was blocked, and Zen kicked him instead. Zen came running towards Ouranos disappeared and appeared above Zen. However, Zen was not below him, Zen appeared above him and kicked him that instant. The ground shattered due to the force. Ouranos came back to his feet and came to punch him. Zen disappeared from there and he was standing on this shoulder. Ouranos was terrified. The power of the Heavens is not only a power to attack but also defend. The heavens can sense any devil which is entering and now the situation was the same. Normal humans who have become perfect vessels can't undo the truths only the true devil of hell can match the heavens. Zen stood on his shoulder and said," Your power was really good, if you had fought my older self then he might be dead now. However, the situation is different now." Ouranos asked," Who are you, you are not him". He replied," I am Zen Beschimer, the true Zen which will come outside one day. I am not a devil just someone who has temporarily awakened something which was not meant to." The place became dark, and the universe emerged again. This time the stars were spinning in reverse. This sent shrills to Ouranos' body and he was terrified. Zen said," Now I have got my life force back, it's time to eliminate you." At that moment Zen came back to his senses. Ouranos decided to run he flew into the air. Zen also flew they were going at a crazy speed. Ouranos was going to the surface of the Earth to change the truth, and Zen deduced something like this would happen. The villagers were observing two shooting stars that were ascending. They understood that it was Zen. However, because of the awakening, his Hael and Zael were affected he started to slow down and was going to fall to the ground. Suddenly his body started to get cloaked by Hael. When he looked down, it was Sweyn. Sweyn was transferring his Hael and he said," Go and finish him, you loser." Zen started to shine with Hael, and the second shooting star was gaining lighter and was chasing the first. The villagers understood that this was the man who was destined to come here and release their souls. The villagers also transferred their Hael and Zen started emitting the white light more, his eyeballs became white. Zen was in a temporary white mode. The two shooting stars collided with each other, Zen took the sword and slashed Ouranos. It was like a white firework; the first shooting star became small bits. Zen appeared on the ground and the villagers surrounded their Saviour. The day came for them to leave the island and the people were somewhat sad. It was a farewell and they started to head towards the beach. Zen said to Sweyn," Today is our real battle he is coming for us. When I slashed Ouranos the last day he uttered the name of the third Incubus, and I was not able to believe it. He is coming for us today."