Cafe Heist: Part 1

The next day, Kimika and Toga resumed their training. It was almost the same as the first time, except that it lasted longer so that Toga could spend more time honing Kimika's knife skills. She was extremely pleased to see her friend's determination, which was a result of the previous day's mission, during which they were nearly caught.

After realizing they could have been exposed, Kimika understood she couldn't afford to waste time. She knew she needed to strengthen herself so as not to be a burden to Toga.

After the exhausting training, Kimika was completely drained. Coming home and collapsing onto her bed, she fell asleep instantly, hoping that over time she would adapt to this pace and be able to return to her usual life, so as not to arouse suspicion among her teachers, since the intense training left her too tired to attend classes or complete assignments.

She knew her mother was only home at night to sleep, spending almost all her time at work. However, if Kimika continued skipping classes, the teachers might report it to her mother, who, in questioning her about the reasons, could accidentally find out about her training—or, even worse, her nightly escapades.

So in the evening, after receiving a message from her friend, they set out together to the same restaurant to receive a new task. But before getting it, Toga briefly recounted what had happened the previous night.

"Hmm... It's good you weren't caught," Giran said calmly. "As for the trigger, you can keep it or just throw it away. Those people are busy with other matters right now, and even if the doses were unique, it's not as important as their internal problems... And... I guess you'll choose something else that's not related to the trigger."

"Aghams," Toga replied, then slowly leaned in towards Kimika's neck, gripping it like prey. She began to slowly and savorily suck her blood.

Giran, looking at this, showed no emotion, as he had seen much stranger and scarier scenes. He was absolutely indifferent, but he was a bit concerned that someone outside might notice this, and he would have to look for a new place to meet with clients. That would be unpleasant, as the pancakes in this restaurant were incredible, and he wouldn't want to give them up.

Kimika, although used to Toga drinking her blood, felt particularly uncomfortable this time. They were doing this in a public place for the first time, and, unbeknownst to herself, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Your blood is just as exquisite and sweet," Toga said joyfully, having drunk only enough so that Kimika wouldn't feel heaviness or dizziness that could interfere with their task, but at the same time, enough to satisfy herself a bit. And at those words, Kimika's cheeks flushed even more.

"If you've finished your games, then listen," Giran began, trying to draw their attention. "There's only one task that fits your requirements, and that's robbing a cafe that is obstructing my client. No one has taken it on for a while, so the reward has been increased."

Feeling that there might be hidden dangers, Toga couldn't help but ask, "Tell me more about the cafe. Why has such a simple task remained unfulfilled, even with the increased reward?"

"There are almost no difficulties, but the thing is, there's a police station nearby, and so no one wants to take the risk. The cafe is closed, and there's only one guard inside, so it's almost child's play. The task is simple: rob the cafe and create complete chaos there... Although it... m... will be quite loud," he said, not wanting to withhold details, but instantly began to justify himself. "However, this task is perfect for your request—no bloodshed is needed. As for the guard... you decide what to do with him. And I almost forgot, there's another bonus: you can keep all the money or any valuables you find."

Toga thought for a moment, but ultimately agreed to the task, eager to elevate their criminal activities to a new level and debut in criminal circles. This would allow them to receive assignments directly from clients, significantly increasing their profits since there would be no commissions.

Through their reputation, they could get jobs directly from very wealthy clients of their own choosing. Although they could also receive these tasks through a broker, the commissions were incredibly high — almost half of their earnings — though that was understandable given that the broker's work was exceedingly dangerous, even more so than theirs, and he was the one taking the risks, not them.

Kimika was not convinced this was a good task, despite the large sum they could earn, and even realizing that this money would help her get closer to the reason she had become a criminal in the first place — to find funds for her father. But it was all incredibly dangerous, several levels above simple smuggling.

Knowing Toga, Kimika was also afraid that she might not only seriously injure the guard but kill him in the process. However, Toga simply ignored her friend's concerns, and they set off to carry out the task.

"So, this will be your first task with outsiders!" Toga exclaimed energetically, maintaining her carefree attitude. "I chose this task because you need to learn how to deal with people. You don't want to get caught easily on some mission just because you don't know what to do with opponents, right? So you need to learn while you have the chance! Besides, this task is much more interesting and cooler than the smuggling we've worked on before. I'm sure you, like me, were incredibly bored! And they pay a lot more — it's just an amazing combo, isn't it?"

She tried to encourage Kimika, hoping that she would calm down and be able to have fun, as there was nothing difficult about this task. What was so hard about robbing a café with just one guard? It wasn't like it was a fight with a hero!

Approaching the cafe, they noticed another detail that hadn't been mentioned to them. This was not an ordinary cafe — it was a large two-story building with many rooms, such as a play area for children and numerous halls, and that was just what they could see through the huge panoramic windows. 

They should have suspected something was off when they heard about the guard, as why would a small café need a guard, especially near a police station? 

Gradually, it dawned on them that the clients of this task were very interested in its execution, and it seemed that Giran had to conceal certain details to convince them to take on this job. This cafe looked like it was extremely popular and was probably hindering other establishments. 

However, even these new circumstances did not make them back down. Toga and Kimika completely circled the cafe so they wouldn't be seen and began to devise a plan on how to successfully complete the task.

And after a while, the plan was finally formulated, with Kimika playing the main role in it. This was to be her first experience in such matters, especially when dealing with opponents.

The plan was that there was an open window in the cafe's backyard through which Kimika could slip in. Toga, in turn, would throw stones at the panoramic windows to draw the guard's attention. And when the guard approached the distraction, Kimika would calmly climb through the window and open the back door for Toga.

~~~ Meanwhile, the guard ~~~

At the same time, the guard named Ren, in the security room on the second floor, thought about how easy this job was for the money he was getting. He was supposed to guard a café that had been rapidly growing lately due to its unique offerings and safety, and even now it was actively expanding and had no plans to stop.

But honestly, Ren didn't quite understand why he was even being kept here. There was a police station nearby, where heroes were constantly on standby, ready to arrive in a few minutes, if not in one minute. 'Even an alarm system would be a better and free alternative than me,' he thought, sighing sadly.

However, despite this, he was absolutely happy. After all, sitting in one place, watching movies or series, or playing games while getting paid for it was his childhood dream! Doing nothing, relaxing, and earning money — what could be better? Moreover, the chefs often left him various dishes, some perishable items, or meals returned by customers for nonsensical reasons. 

So he could enjoy free food while others paid a lot of money for it. And even better, he could take dishes home without spending a dime on food.

Having time to think, he even had the idea that he could stay home, knowing that no one would even think about robbing the place. "Why would they, if all the earnings are taken when the cafe closes?" he asked himself, repeatedly mulling over this thought. There was something appealing about it, but at the same time, he was troubled by the thought that if someone saw it, he could be fired, and this cool place would be taken by someone else. So he decided to just continue to feel like he was on vacation. 

But at that moment, glancing at one of the cameras, Ren noticed something strange. He often looked at the monitor since the cameras were set up not only inside the cafe but also in the alleyways outside, where interesting events occasionally occurred. More than once, he had watched young couples having fun. Each time, he saw something new, like when hero number one, The All Might, suddenly appeared in the alley as if he had teleported there.

This time, his attention was drawn to the pebbles that were incessantly flying toward the panoramic windows from an impenetrable blind spot. At first, they were just small stones, but with each passing minute, they grew larger and larger. 

Ren immediately got up from his seat, realizing that if the windows were somehow damaged by these stones, even if it was just a scratch, his salary would be reduced, or worse, they would find out that he wasn't doing anything. 

The cost of repairing even one window was several times greater than his salary, so such a financial blow would be fatal for him. He hoped that this was just childish mischief and that as soon as he saw the kids, they would run away, and that would be the end of it. But he was already ready to take action, such as calling the police, to avoid any potential problems.


Starting to implement the plan, Kimika, having received the signal that the guard was approaching Toga, quickly got to work on her part. She easily climbed onto the garbage bags that had been placed under the window in advance to save time. She was incredibly lucky that this was one of the few blind spots from the surveillance cameras. 

However, she felt extremely scared. If she got caught on camera, her characteristic horns, unusual eyes, and bright hair would undoubtedly attract attention. So she quickly pulled on her hood, making holes for her horns, and topped it off with the hat Toga had given her. Although the hat could easily fall off, it was still a better option than having no disguise at all. She knew that this hat was only a temporary solution and that soon she would need to find something more reliable to hide her horns.

When Kimika finally climbed through the window into the restroom, she began to carefully move toward the exit, trying to avoid the cameras and not run into the guard. To her luck, the guard was loudly complaining about the "kids" throwing stones at the windows, and his flashlight only illuminated the areas he was looking at, giving her some advantage since she knew exactly where he was looking. 

Kimika tried to open the doors that led into the main room on the first floor, and fortunately, they turned out to be unlocked. Quietly opening them, Kimika quickly scanned the room. Before her was a large space filled with tables and chairs, and in the corners stood small surveillance cameras aimed in her direction. Realizing that she was already in view of them and it was too late to come up with a plan, she focused on the back doors that she needed to open for Toga, and fortunately, they were quite close to her.

Gathering her strength, Kimika softly crept through the room, trying not to make a sound so as not to attract the guard's attention, even though she was no longer trying to avoid the cameras since she was already visible on them. Every step she took was calculated and cautious. She felt as if she could hear every beat of her heart, but she kept moving forward, realizing that if she didn't manage to open the door for Toga, she would have to deal with the guard on her own, which she certainly wanted to avoid. 

And as soon as she reached the back doors, taking a deep breath, Kimika carefully turned the doorknob, hoping that luck would be on her side.


The first part of the café heist ended on such a moment... 

What do you think of the character Ren? He will appear again :3 And soon it will turn out that he is not a lucky person at all...

I also want to inform you that two chapters come out every day on my Patreon! Here, only one is released, but on my Patreon — there are two a day, hee-hee-hee. Come by so you don't miss new chapters and can read them faster than anyone else!
