Step into the Unknown

Toga and Kimika spent several days in a row hunting down their fanatics in all the nearby areas. They kept doing this until the number of fanatics had decreased so much that they became almost impossible to find. 

Each of them felt different emotions about it. Toga was upset because their combat skills training in real battles would stop, and she would have to find ways to convince Kimika to do something else, as she really didn't want to return to their previous routine tasks. 

On the other hand, Kimika felt joy because she no longer had to fight people and injure them. However, she couldn't shake off a slight sadness because, over these few days, she had started to enjoy the feeling of battle and the adrenaline it brought.

Moreover, Kimika began to feel intrigued by the trigger, as almost all their opponents used it. Those who just moments ago had seemed weak and incapable of fighting back became dangerous adversaries after taking the trigger. 

Because of this, she became increasingly interested in it, despite its negative effects. She thought that in moderate amounts, it could serve as a backup plan and perhaps become their means of escape in critical situations. 

When Kimika suggested carrying some trigger with them in case a strong hero tried to catch them or they encountered dangerous opponents, she was immediately met with a refusal from Toga, who didn't even let her finish the suggestion.

Toga couldn't allow them to carry this drug with such serious consequences, and the thought of her friend having to take it worried her. 

She wasn't ready to accept the risks that could arise from using it and was even slightly angry that Kimika had thought of and suggested it in the first place. After all, she wasn't training her almost to the point of exhaustion for her to rely on some drug, but rather on her own strength.

Moreover, Toga didn't want Kimika to develop an addiction, or worse, start relying solely on the Trigger. What also worried her was the possibility of changing the taste of her blood. 

She already kept a close watch on Kimika to ensure she didn't even think about smoking, drinking, or using drugs, as any little thing could not only affect the taste of her blood but also her overall health. 

When Toga saw that they could no longer find their fanatics, who had served as opponents for training, and realized that she would indeed have to return to past missions — like robbing jewelry stores, museums, or destroying cafes — she decided that before that, they should spend an entire day together, not for tasks, but just for each other.

This would allow her to take their relationship to a new level, as she could arrange something like a date, while telling Kimika that it would just be a simple friendly walk to relax. 

They would stroll together, try various dishes, rest, and ride attractions similar to those they had been on recently. Toga felt that this would be an incredibly enjoyable time with her friend. 

And although the attractions didn't bring her much joy or adrenaline — since her criminal life had long since stripped her of such emotions — at the beginning, every day had been an attraction for her, and she had felt adrenaline each time.

The mere possibility of spending time with Kimika, seeing her sweet smile, and hearing her genuine laughter was incredibly tempting.

Especially at the end, when she planned to ride the Ferris wheel. At the very top, during sunset, when the sky was filled with warm shades of orange and purple, creating a truly romantic atmosphere, she would kiss Kimika for the first time, and there would be no chance for her to escape. 

And so, as they were parting ways after their morning training, Toga caught Kimika's hand as she was walking away, and with a playful smile, eager to execute her plan, she suggested: 

"Kimi, how about we go for a walk today? Like two best friends, because we're always either training, hunting fanatics, doing missions, and blah blah blah..." Toga said, rolling her eyes to increase the effect, then glanced straight into her friend's eyes, feeling a blush spread across her face. Smiling, she continued: 

"Well, we haven't walked around like, you know... best friends in a while. Haven't tried something delicious together, like ice cream, and I really wanted to try it with your blood… Or we could watch a movie in the genres of mysticism or sci-fi, or maybe one of those horror films you really like… though I'm really scared of horror…" she said with a mischievous smile. "And we'd have to spend the whole session cuddling in front of everyone…" she added, never breaking eye contact. "Or we could just take an evening stroll through the amusement park, ride everything, and not break it in the end…"

Kimika, completely exhausted after training, as always, saw nothing wrong with the suggestion. 

She felt guilty, as she had always used her friend: training with her to become stronger or taking part in their nightly adventures, which were needed for Kimika to accumulate money, not Toga, who had no need for it and did it all just for her. 

Therefore, she didn't even think about rejecting the tempting offer. Moreover, she was ready to spend time with her best friend like this every week, if not every day. 

"Of course, why not? If you want, we can go for walks like this pretty often..."

Hearing the agreement, Toga couldn't contain her excitement and jumped up and down with joy. 

"Hooray! Alright, now go home and get ready!" she exclaimed, and then, unable to hold back, ran off. As she was running, she yelled, "And don't worry, I'll cover all the expenses! We'll have the time of our lives!" 

After that, Toga, happily and quickly, continued running toward her new temporary apartment to prepare for the date. Kimika, equally full of joy, headed home to get ready for this walk with her best friend. 

Once they were home, the girls immediately began preparing. They took a shower to wash off the sweat from training, then put on comfortable, stylish clothes. 

Toga, having checked all the best spots on the map and the reviews, had already planned out their entire route in her head. She quickly set off for Kimika, who had long been ready and was simply waiting for her arrival.

"Well, shall we go?" Kimika said, clearly noticing the excitement for the upcoming walk on her friend's face. 

Without answering, Toga suddenly grabbed her hand and started leading her along the route she had planned. 

The first stop on their route was an ice cream shop, completely dedicated to selling ice cream, because Toga knew well how much Kimika loved it. It was the best ice cream shop in their city, and perhaps even the best in the whole country. 

They offered every imaginable ice cream flavor: lavender, tomato, bacon and caramel, honey, and many more. They also had all the fruit flavors, along with original and unusual combinations.

As they walked in, they were greeted by a pleasant mix of smells, and to their surprise, there were almost no other customers except for them. They began leisurely choosing their ice cream, especially Kimika, who approached the task with complete seriousness, as if her entire life depended on her choice. 

"Maybe strawberry? Or perhaps pineapple... Or mango?" Kimika kept repeating as she wandered back and forth, unable to decide which flavor to choose. She kept picking from the ones she loved and those she hadn't tried yet, as if it were the same kind of decision as choosing between different sodas or chips.

"Kimi, how about we get cones with all three flavors together? Or we can pick one flavor now, and try a different one on our next walk?" Toga suggested, having already chosen pineapple ice cream. 

She looked at her friend with a loving and admiring gaze, as if she were watching a little kitten trying to decide what to eat. 

"One flavor is boring! Let's get all three scoops!" Kimika energetically replied, her eyes lighting up with excitement, and she was almost bouncing in place like a child about to get their favorite treat. 

After getting the three scoops of ice cream — strawberry, pineapple, and mango — Kimika beamed with happiness, looking at her large, triple-scoop ice cream that looked incredibly delicious. It was much bigger than Toga's small single-scoop ice cream.

But Toga didn't pay much attention to that, as it wasn't important to her: she knew that very soon she would get the best sauce in the world — Kimika's incredibly delicious blood. 

"Let's go here!" Toga said, pointing to a dark alley where she could get a little blood. She knew it was better not to do this in public, out in the open, among people, as it might attract unnecessary and unwanted attention to them.

Entering the alley, Toga carefully bit her finger, from which drops of blood quickly began to fall directly onto the ice cream. She couldn't wait for the moment when she would taste that incredible flavor.

Kimika didn't say anything, but a slight joy passed through her mind at the sight of Toga's behavior, and she blushed lightly.

When there was enough blood on the ice cream, Toga grabbed Kimika's hand and, to avoid losing the precious blood, she began to energetically suck the blood from her finger.

In just a moment, the two girls were walking hand in hand down the bustling streets, savoring their ice cream. Kimika had a three-scoop ice cream with different flavors, while Toga had a single scoop of pineapple-flavored ice cream covered in a blood sauce, although to the onlookers, it looked like strawberry or cherry.

Upon reaching their next destination — the riverside promenade, where they sat on a bench, the girls continued to enjoy their ice cream. Kimika, watching the ducks, commented on how they caught fish, occasionally pointing out other interesting details around them. 

Toga, however, was more captivated by the cuteness of the little ducklings swimming nearby, a joyful smile on her face as she relished the calm atmosphere alongside Kimika, who didn't even realize that they were on a date.

After admiring and finishing their ice cream, they headed to the cinema for a horror movie that Toga had chosen, much to Kimika's surprise, as she knew that Toga didn't like such films.

During the screening, Kimika, mesmerized by the events on the screen, closely followed each horror scene, while Toga, almost hiding, sat next to her, trying not to look at the scariest moments. This, though it surprised Kimika, sparked a slight feeling of care and a desire to protect Toga from it, which made Toga very happy.

And although the movie occasionally featured romantic scenes — kisses or words about love, during which Kimika constantly blushed, even at the slightest displays of romance, sometimes covering her face with her hands and peeking through the gaps between her fingers, Toga couldn't help but smile as she watched these cute reactions. 

It seemed incredibly sweet, and she couldn't wait for the moment when they would both reach the final destination of her journey, and the first kiss would become a reality. 

When such a scene appeared on the screen again, Toga couldn't resist and quietly whispered: 

"Look how romantic..." — Toga whispered, touching Kimika's hand. Her voice was soft and warm, and that tender sound sent shivers down Kimika's spine, filling her with a strange yet pleasant feeling she couldn't explain.

After Toga's comment, Kimika remained silent, absorbed in the movie as if trying to distract herself from the recent events, and they spent the time together without any unnecessary words.

When the film finally ended, they headed to a café, which looked wonderful in the evening atmosphere. There, they enjoyed pizza and cocktails. 

After leaving the cafe, the last, equally anticipated stop on Toga's route awaited them.

In the amusement park, even more adventures awaited them. They spent several hours trying various attractions — from roller coasters to bumper cars, and it was a true celebration of emotions. 

Toga felt in her element, fearlessly throwing herself onto the most extreme rides, eager to feel even the smallest rush of excitement, while Kimika tried to keep up, though sometimes wary of certain attractions. 

They entered a haunted house, where, surprisingly, everything was the opposite of what they had experienced in the cinema. Toga laughed continuously at the terrifying and incredibly funny attempts to scare her, while Kimika, though trying to stay calm, occasionally clenched her fists and hid behind Toga, who appeared fearless and confident.

After a few more adventures, Toga finally stopped in front of a huge Ferris wheel.

"Well, shall we go here for the last ride?" — Toga asked, pointing at the Ferris wheel and looking at Kimika with a sparkle in her eyes.

Kimika sighed but nodded. Her heart raced as they sat in the cabin and began to slowly rise. And at the very top, when the cabin stopped, an incredible view of the entire city unfolded before them. A gentle breeze brushed their faces, and the evening lights twinkled in the distance.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" — Toga asked, but these words weren't directed at the view. Instead, she focused on Kimika's face. Her face seemed to bloom with a blush, and the smile playing on her lips reflected the sparkle of awe.

Kimika, unaware that this was a special moment and where her friend's gaze was directed, silently nodded, trying to hide her nervousness from the unfamiliar feeling. 

Toga leaned in closer, and this made Kimika shift her gaze to her. Their eyes met, and in that moment, the atmosphere became both tense and tender. 

Toga, never breaking eye contact, asked with a gentle smile. "Did you know that I've always dreamed of moments like this?" Her voice was soft, but there was something magical in it.

Kimika felt her heart race, and she tried to pull back, but there was nowhere to go. Noticing her fluster, Toga quietly whispered, 

"Don't be afraid," — and Kimika realized that resisting was pointless.

Leaning in even closer, Toga gently kissed her. Her lips touched Kimika's, and at that moment, Kimika first felt a flurry in her heart, followed by a wave of excitement.

Confidently seizing the moment, Toga began deepening the kiss. Gently, with a hint of aggressiveness, she slid her tongue between Kimika's lips, inviting her to dance. At first, Kimika, bewildered and unsure how to react, simply trusted her and relaxed, following Toga's lead.

Kimika, who knew almost nothing about romantic matters, realized that what was happening between them was clearly no longer just friendship. Her thoughts were torn between the desire to hold onto this moment and the fear of losing what they had. 

She didn't want to understand or accept her feelings, because all she had ever dreamed of was having a best friend like Toga by her side, someone who would always be there.

The kiss lasted, and when Toga finally pulled away, ending their passionate kiss, making it clear that she was the one who started it and the one who finished it, Kimika felt a longing for more, but the overwhelming embarrassment prevented her from saying a word to ask for more. 

She simply covered her face with her hands, trying to hide the blush that was burning on her cheeks. Toga, on the other hand, just watched her and her reaction, with something predatory in her gaze — it felt as if she had caught her prey, one she would never let slip from her grasp. 

Toga was fully savoring this amazing sight, occasionally licking her lips, knowing that soon she would get even more than this.

"What a beauty..." Toga softly said, looking at Kimika, her voice filled with admiration, complemented by an incredible smile as she licked her lips, as if savoring another kiss in her imagination. 

When their Ferris wheel ride descended, Toga took Kimika's hand and led her through the nighttime park, reveling in this amazing moment. She knew that what had happened earlier was just the beginning; now, she could do this as much as she wanted, and most importantly, whenever she desired.

A light laugh escaped her lips, sounding as if it was just a prelude to something bigger. Kimika, still recovering from the recent kiss, couldn't even imagine what new adventures awaited her very soon.


Sometimes it feels like I'm not writing fanfic about My Hero Academy, but rather some romance... Maybe I should try writing a novella purely about romance? (But I hope the chapter itself turned out well, it's just that the cat had no experience in relationships... but he's not upset because he... he... he's a lone wolf! :3)

Also, what do you think of the chapter focused on Kimika's relationship? It feels like a precursor to something bigger and scarier.

I also want to inform you that two chapters come out every day on my Patreon! Here, only one is released, but on my Patreon — there are two a day, hee-hee-hee. Come by so you don't miss new chapters and can read them faster than anyone else!
