Vow and the Division of Hearts

Upon seeing that the simple approach had not yielded results, All Might sighed with a hint of exhaustion, realizing that he would have to resort to extreme measures. 

With incredible ease, he lifted Kimika's captured hands higher, making her hang in the air like a helpless puppet. 

"This was not a question or a request, Kimika. This was a fact. You lost. And your so-called 'Bloody Pleasure' ends here and now." 

Kimika kept her gaze fixed on All Might's eyes, maintaining the same almost insane smile, which seemed like it could never disappear or even slightly fade, despite the pressure of his powers and words. 

And, despite the hopelessness of the situation, there was not a trace of fear or doubt in her eyes — only cold stubbornness.

All Might was greatly surprised by this stubbornness and carefreeness, as if everything that was happening right now was just a child's game. 

He couldn't fathom how the girl he had just fought had transformed into her complete opposite — in both actions and behavior. It seemed that, apart from her body, her quirk, and determination, there was nothing left of the girl she once was. 

And only now, consumed by these thoughts, did he notice the black, tar-like horns, piercing eyes, and sharp fangs — features that were far from human. 

'It seems that after her horn exploded because of me, something happened… I stepped back for just a moment, and that was enough for her to completely change, while my colleagues nearly died…'

He felt an immense guilt for allowing himself to step away, even for a brief moment, from the battlefield, thinking the fight was already over. And instead of confirming its end once and for all, he went to Nezu, who had been watching the battle through the cameras on their uniforms.

"Hey? You've been so deep in thought that it seems like you even forgot about me?" she said with a mocking tone, slightly tilting her head to the side. "Do you really think that by squeezing my hands almost to the point of breaking, you're allowed to consider me defeated? Or maybe, because the one you saved at the last moment by ruining my fun is now drilling through me with his gaze, not giving me a chance to activate my quirk... that makes you sure of my defeat?" 

Hatred slowly shifted her gaze to Eraser Head, who stood slightly behind All Might. His eyes were burning bright red, already looking as though they might start bleeding, which made her smirk ironically.

"Could it be... That dear old doctor, who did everything she could to save my life, and I... repaid her by nearly killing her? Although, fortunately, your colleagues managed to save her at the last moment. You know… after this, they really should try buying a lottery ticket." 

She shifted her gaze to Recovery Girl, who, along with Midnight, was sitting in front of the unconscious and bandaged Present Mic, glowing with a green light. Mic was regenerating almost before their eyes thanks to her quirk.

Recovery Girl whispered something quietly to Midnight, then, leaving her colleague with the injured one, stood up. Slowly, but determinedly, she began to approach them, simultaneously pulling a syringe from her bag. 

"Hmm, she pulled out a syringe. Probably with a sedative? How cliché... But you know what's really interesting? She already injected me with something like... a calming agent. And, as you can see, it didn't help one bit."

The more All Might observed this girl, the more he began to see not Kimika, but someone else. He couldn't deny that the determination — or rather, the self-confidence — both of them displayed was at an incredibly high level, while their personalities began to diverge more and more. 

This sparked in him an even greater curiosity and desire to understand what exactly was happening to this girl. He eagerly awaited the moment when all of this would be over, and he could speak with Eraser Head and Nezu, who likely knew more about her than he did and could shed some light on what was happening to Kimika.

"You really surprise me... Kimika. Your determination... It reminds me of myself in some ways. You, like me, throw yourself at enemies, even if they are far stronger than you, with the same relentless stubbornness on your face." 

Pausing, he noticed how Eraser Head turned off his quirk and began to raise the capturing weapon — this meant he would approach and bind her, bringing everything to an end. All Might simply nodded, signaling that he understood the next steps.

"But you know what I've realized over time? You can have all the determination in the world and keep throwing yourself at a stronger opponent, hoping to win just because of your resolve — but that's not strength, it's just recklessness and overconfidence. And because of that, innocents or your loved ones can get hurt," he said, deliberately shifting his gaze to Toga, who was still lying unconscious on the ground. "And as you can see, these are not just empty words."

"Your determination didn't save you at the beginning of the battle, nor will it now. You're not me, you don't have the strength to always be the victor, and even your unique quirk, evolving at an astonishing speed, will eventually let you down. No matter how strong your resolve is, no matter how powerful your quirk, one day you'll recklessly and overconfidently throw yourself at a powerful opponent like me and lose. But while my goal is only to capture you, causing as few injuries as possible, this opponent may have a goal not just to take your life... but to do something much crueler than death."

All Might knew how important it was to convey this thought to her. He had once been in her shoes, fighting to the very end, with the same fire in his heart and eyes. But he also knew that this determination could one day cost unimaginable sacrifices. 

'All For One... The greatest evil in this world.' 

He couldn't help but bitterly smile and feel the pulsing pain in his abdomen... 

It was a vivid example of his own words, because even though he had achieved something no previous wielder of his quirk had — destroying the greatest threat to the world, All for One — it had cost him nearly everything.

Hatred, hearing the almost preachy words of her opponent, for the first time showed something other than a smile — deep anger and the true face of her essence. Clenching her teeth so hard they even creaked, she couldn't contain the overwhelming urge to kill him. 

Yet, there was indeed a grain of truth in his words, because the current situation was truly completely against her.

Her hands were held by the world's strongest hero, while Eraser Head was about to wrap her up with his capturing weapon, which she could clearly see, and Recovery Girl was already fully prepared to inject her with a sedative. Though it wouldn't make her fall asleep, it would weaken her significantly. 

But that wasn't the worst part. 

She could feel control over her body slowly slipping away, returning to its true owner — Kimika. And the closer the moment of full control's return came, the weaker she became. 

'At best, I have a minute… right?'

Turning her smile, though ironic, she realized the absurdity and hopelessness of her situation. 

And only one idea came to her mind: how to both laugh at the situation and show All Might that he had no right to tell her what to do, while at the same time escaping.

Although this meant losing something incredibly important, something that could have been used at a better moment, she had no choice but to use it now. She understood perfectly: if she didn't do this, she would be caught, and within the heroes' territory or in prison, she would have no chance of regaining control over Kimika's body, as it would always be under constant surveillance. 

Slowly, so as not to accidentally reveal herself, she began to withdraw all the hatred spent on creating her horns, keeping them outwardly normal while they became empty on the inside.

And all that was left for her was to try to distract All Might to buy time for her plan. 

"You... you're telling the truth. All this talk about determination and arrogance will serve as a good lesson for me, especially from you, 'the world's strongest hero and number one hero... the hero who brings smiles.' I'll remember this for the rest of my life"

But after a pause, she suddenly smiled, and that smile instantly became filled with irony, shifting the atmosphere to its opposite. "But... why then do you allow yourself to be so confident, without knowing anything about your opponent?"

Before All Might's eyes, Kimika's dark horns began to shrink, as if being sucked back into her body, revealing that they were almost completely empty inside. 

"What? What's happening!? What are you doing!?" his voice remained almost emotionless, though there was a barely perceptible hint of concern. He didn't understand what was going on or what Kimika's intentions were, but he was certain he couldn't fall for this trick. It could only be a clever maneuver to deceive him and escape.

But Hatred, completely ignoring his words, began to laugh quietly. Her laughter was cold and merciless.

"Do you know... maybe you've noticed it for a while, just like Eraser Head did, but I'm not Kimika... I'm something more, something perfect. I don't have her doubts, unnecessary emotions, or fears. I am Hatred, and like everyone, I have my 'quirk'. It's flawless, unique, and all-powerful. And besides the fact that I can take over Kimika's body, one of my quirk's abilities is already active... The Aura of Hatred... Its principle is incredibly simple: all negative emotions within a certain radius around me are significantly amplified, and even the smallest trigger can unleash them. Like it did with Eraser Head... Though, I admit, for reasons unknown to me, it doesn't seem to affect you at all. But... you know, there is one way to fix that, and it seems like you've given me the time to make it happen."

In the next moment, without giving All Might any chance to comprehend the meaning of her words, an unbearable, searing pain pierced his left palm. His fingers trembled, and it seemed to him as though something alive was crawling across his skin, slowly burrowing its way inside.

This inexplicable sensation — like something foreign and terrifying was invading his body — instilled deep concern. And Kimika's, or rather, Hatred's sinister laugh only heightened this feeling, causing him to instinctively release her hand to inspect his own.

As soon as he did, a thick black substance began to drip onto the ground. It flowed from both his own hand and Kimika's. Quickly examining his hand, he saw a small scratch on his palm, into which the living droplets of the same black substance were still seeping.

"And this method is based on the fact that part of my physical form must enter your body. But! In addition to activating a simple aura of hatred, its enhanced version is triggered — Inferno of Hatred. And that's not all! Along with it comes a little bonus! Specifically... You will feel incredible pain, and perhaps even become an uncontrollable 'berserker,' consumed by hatred! And although this took almost all of my strength, I... to be honest, I can't help but enjoy the last chance to see your face distorted by pain. It will be a true pleasure before I lose control!"

And although on the outside she appeared as if all her words were completely true, inside she was incredibly relieved that, at that moment, she had no horns. And her lie would not be revealed through them. Because she knew that her words were nothing more than a farce, aimed at one thing: to have fun seeing the fearful face of All Might before she used "this"

She understood that even if she spent all of her strength, it would have almost no effect, especially on someone like him — All Might. But in this game, she wasn't seeking victory. It was enough for her that she could, even for a moment, plant doubts and anxiety in his heart.

And as she had hoped, Hatred watched as All Might, right before her eyes, began to get nervous, and it greatly amused her. She knew that seeing such an expression on the face of this fearless and confident being was almost impossible, and she was probably one of the few who could witness this moment. However, what happened the next moment was something she hadn't expected at all.

All Might, as if shaking off Hatred, completely lost his nervousness and seemed to calm down. 

'Is that all? Hmph... I thought this would last longer.'

But suddenly, he looked directly into her eyes, and Hatred saw a few tiny drops of hatred within them. This surprised her more than she could have imagined. 

"Did it work?" — she whispered, still not believing what she was seeing. 

Staring eye to eye, All Might's gaze gradually filled with anger, until suddenly... it cleared. All the hatred that had been in his body moments ago seemed to dissipate, and a bright smile once again appeared on his face.

"Well then, Hatred, if you've spent part of your physical form, as you said, on that pathetic 'Inferno of Hatred'. I'm afraid I must disappoint you. You won't see any 'show.' I'll simply wait until you completely lose control over Kimika's body. And know this, as soon as we get to the Hero Academia, we'll find a way to rid ourselves of you, like the pathetic parasite you are."

"Well then, Hatred, if you've spent part of your physical form, as you said, on that pathetic 'Inferno of Hatred,' I'm afraid I must disappoint you. You won't see any 'show.' I'll simply wait until you completely lose control over Kimika's body. And know this, as soon as we get to the Hero Academia, we'll find a way to rid ourselves of you, like the pathetic parasite you are."

Hatred felt an immense surge of anger flare up inside her. She... the very essence of hatred and all negative emotions, was called a pathetic parasite? A pitiful thing that could be so easily disposed of? If that were true, she would have killed herself a long time ago!

"Hahahaha... you... if you think such words will lead to anything, you're mistaken... And know this... if you think you can somehow get rid of me... you're wrong. The fact that I'm in Kimika's body has already made me a part of her. I live in her heart and the most vital parts of her body, and if you try to remove me... you'll just kill her. And if... if you somehow manage to find a way, then I'll kill both her and myself!"

All Might watched her reaction, and although she tried to appear calm, he could clearly see how her face was literally burning with anger, which greatly pleased him. He could feel that she was on the verge of losing control. Her words were full of threats, but he could see that, in reality, she was desperately trying to maintain control of the situation. 

And although he had called her ability pathetic, in truth, he felt an incredible pain for a moment. Likely, had it not been for his quirk, the consequences would have been worse, but even so, they were still very much felt.

Steam was literally beginning to pour out of him, signaling that he was about to lose his hero form once again, and it was likely to happen just when Hatred lost control over the body, returning it to Kimika. 

"You know... I'll come back... I'll come back and kill you! I'll kill you all! I remember each of you heroes because of what I felt... Although... you know what will be even better?! It won't be me doing the killing... IT WILL BE KIMIKA... She will grow stronger with every fight, with every victory! And I... I... will increase my control over her body until I take it completely! And then... I'll kill you with my own hands! And you... until that happens, you can keep playing the symbol of peace and the teacher of future heroes! And know this... I never speak empty words!"

Throwing one last glance at the unconscious Toga, a faint, warm smile appeared on her face.

Before All Might could say a word, he saw Kimika's eyes return to normal, completely free of any dark stain — signaling that Hatred had fully lost control over the body and returned it to its rightful owner.

However, before he could either rejoice in this victory or ponder Hatred's threats, he noticed Kimika's third golden eye, which had been open all this time, widening further as if growing in size. Instantly, the theater was filled with a golden and bluish glow. 

The light engulfed everything around — Kimika herself, him, and the entire theater, as though saturating the space with immense energy. And suddenly, with a loud sound resembling an explosion, everything abruptly ceased.

The room was once again bathed in moonlight, illuminating the remnants of golden light that gradually dissipated before his very eyes. But what happened next stunned and simultaneously terrified him: Kimika was gone. She had vanished. She was neither in his grasp nor anywhere in the theater. 

He quickly surveyed everything around him — she was nowhere to be found. There were no traces of their battle. The entire theater looked as though nothing had happened. 

Only the bewildered heroes remained, surprisingly unharmed. No cuts on Midnight, no sign of the stab wound on Eraser Head's leg, no torn clothing or massive bruise from a rib fracture on Present Mic. 

The only evidence that the fight had even taken place was the unconscious figure of Toga.


What are your thoughts on the writing style of the last chapters? Especially these two? Most likely, my future writing style will be similar to this, or it will change and improve over time, but you can point out any mistakes so I can improve in the upcoming chapters!

Now, please share your thoughts on how everything will continue! And do you like where the plot is heading? Especially the fact that I'm separating Toga and Kimika and will be describing what's happening with each of them.

And, most importantly, what do you think about the balance of the characters in these events?

Want to see the continuation even faster than the next day? Or perhaps you want even more chapters? Head over to my Patreon — it's all there! But don't worry, sooner or later, it will be here too! patreon.com/Zoi4erom
