Wasn't done properly.

"Master… Where did you learn the Lunar Arts?"

Although he had expected that question, Mark still went stiff. He did have an answer, but it probably wasn't the one his maid was looking for. Pondering the matter over and over again, there was only one answer he could give.

"I was hoping you could tell me." He said. "It just… appeared."

"Just appeared?" Lara's tone was doubtful.

"Well, there is something else…"

There was no logic to the hesitation preventing Mark from revealing what he knew. Maybe it's because of how private the matter felt, be it for him or the maid.

The ruby irises scrutinizing him didn't let up so he gave in before long. He told her everything. About how he was having dreams, and how the latest of which is the only one he remembers vividly. He told her about the knight whose life he had been living, and how he suspected that of being the reason he gained those new Abilities.