The Real Lara.

Still dumbfounded, Mark took a few seconds to come up with a response.

"Just so you know, she's Lara in name and appearance alone." He opened his inventory and selected the pen from the list ten materialized it with the 'Use' option. "The person on the inside is entirely different."

"Entirely different?"

Kanna appeared confused, but only for a second. She snatched the pen then turned back to the maid.

"So you aren't really Lara?"

"I… It is complicated."

"Would you mind sitting here?"

The question appeared to serve no point as the illustrator pointed at an empty sofa. She gave a few more instructions then dragged a chair and sat down herself, and with the pen and tablet in hand, she began sketching.

A few minutes passed before anyone spoke again.

"If… if she isn't Lara then who… who is she?" Pausing, the illustrator looked back at Mark. "Don't tell me it's just a cosplay?"