Potential and Purchase

*Your talent 'The King's Wisdom' has finished compiling the perfect potential training plan for Icarus. Would you like to view it now?*


Priscus was very excited about this, if he could truly train Icarus to be a perfected version of himself then there was no reason at all that the upcoming games couldn't become the perfect launching point for his return to prosperity.

Taking a look at the information compiled it took him a few moments to even understand what he was reading, but once he did only one thought penetrated his mind.


*Perfect potential training plan for Icarus.

Current potential: B-Class(maximum attribute points before gene unlock is 10.0 per attribute. The potential is the total capacity of the body's genes before they begin to unravel. The higher the potential the stronger the genes, and the higher attribute capacity before gene unlock is required.)

Current stats: Vitality- 7.3, Control- 6.9, Spirit- 7.2

Level: 9(43/100%)

Priority 1: Max out potential attributes, primary focus on control

Priority 2: Evolve skills to the intermediate level

Priority 3: learn and develop defensive skill (spear domain) to at least basic level 5

Requirements to achieve.

Priority 1 and 2: be able to smoothly perform all skill maneuvers while wearing an F-Class restrictive suit set to maximum difficulty. (Will require E-Class gene supplements to sustain growth over 5 weeks, 1 dose per week, work will consist of 2-hour super sets of restrictive training, followed by accuracy drills, followed by flexibility training. Each section will last for 2 hours after which there is a 1-hour break for food, before skill training which will be a 3-hour block before 1 hour recuperation and then rest for the night.

This schedule is to be followed Monday through Friday, beginning each day at 7 a.m. Sharp. Saturday is strategy study for a two-hour block, followed by a two-hour meditation block. Finally, a four-hour general strength block is followed by 30 minutes of cool-down and recovery stretches.

Sunday is a rest and recovery day, this is the day that is recommended for the gene supplement to be administered for optimal results.

Priority 3: requires all attributes to be at least 10.0 before training can begin. Further details will be given upon reaching this threshold.

Costs: As the King has access to the store it is recommended that the King exchange the 220,000 denarii in his possession to acquire the stipulated training equipment and supplements, doing so will require 120,000 denarii.

An additional 20,000 should be spent on E-class nutritional meals all of which can be found in the store. If the King does not want to cook the meals himself it is recommended that he spend an additional 5000 denarii to hire an E-class chef to take care of it.

The remaining 75000 should be spent on refurbishing the training space and replacing outdated or broken items. Replace the training grounds with at least an E-class variant. 

Fully enclosed and functional training spaces can be purchased for 30000 denarii, and come equipped with every conceivable machine required for optimal gladiator training. 

Higher class variants have the same machines but the quality and results are far better.

The final 45000 should be spent on new equipment, the current F-class weapons and armor will not be able to withstand the strain of training or actual combat once training is complete. 

E-Class weapons and armor are far more durable and will allow for proper training without risking spoilage before true combat.

Warning: Failure to comply with the training plan will cause Icarus to stagnate in his growth. Without the intense workouts, it is impossible to stimulate his genes to reach their current maximum potential.

Additionally, it is recommended that Icarus wait until he has achieved perfection in his potential before trying to open his gene lock. Failing to do so could cause catastrophic organ failures and in extreme cases even death.

To open a gene lock is to forcibly increase the body's potential beyond its natural limits. Doing so requires complete control of the flow of ones vitality enabling you to smash it against the gene lock over and over until it breaks. 

However, this is dangerous as if the vitality isn't strong enough it will be eroded by the gene lock and eventually destroyed. Causing irreparable damage to the practitioner, and eventually death if not stopped in time.

More details about specific exercises, targets, and forms are held in their own individual tabs.*

Priscus was floored, the detail held in just the overview page was ridiculous. And as he viewed the individual tabs labeled Priority 1, 2, and 3 he became even more shocked.

Each one detailed exactly the kind of exercises Icarus had to perform, the level he had to perform them to, the time taken, nutrients required to fuel his body, optimal stretches for recovery, and so on.

There were terms used that he had never even heard of but the level of exacting detail made it so he understood almost instantly. 

There were detailed weekly checkpoints and even a guarantee that Icarus would reach his maximum attributes if the schedule and training was followed to the letter.

The only problem was Priscus had no idea how in the frack he was going to get all this information into Icarus' head.

The training was almost entirely different than the forms and styles he had been training in. And it seemed quite impossible to get all the skills to the intermediate level when he had to begin from scratch.

'System.' Priscus thought quickly, trying to wrap his head around how he was supposed to pull this off in only 5 weeks. 'I know you said to follow this plan to the letter but I have no idea where to even begin with this.'

*Don't worry host.* Came the system's gentle reply, the system knew already that it would be a lot to take in so it was very patient in its answers.

*The most important part of this whole program is the purchase of the new training space. It comes equipped with all the machines required to follow the training program to exacting measures. 

There are sparing bots, virtual training programs, guided forms exercises, and much much more included in the E-Class training facility. And the better part is that its collapsible and able to be moved and installed in any facility.

Also, the facility is run by its own independent AI, I can interface with it and download the training information and requirements. It will then run the programs on schedule and with perfect accuracy, there is no need for you to try and memorize all of this information at all.*

In truth that was a huge load off Priscus' shoulders. Given enough time he could probably come to understand the training program and even become a decent instructor in it.

But to be able to skip the middleman was truly a gift and one he was determined to take advantage of.

"Icarus!" Priscus called out, causing the young man to immediately stop what he was doing.

"Yes dominus." Icarus stood ramrod straight with his right fist placed over his heart.

"Come stand beside me, you're about to witness some incredible things."

"...Yes Dominus." Confused but trusting Icarus stood to the right and slightly behind Priscus. Assuming the posture of a bodyguard, which in truth would be his function should the two ever go outside together.

Once again Icarus was reaffirming to himself that no matter what happened he would remain faithful to his Dominus, the sudden increase in his strength was reward enough in his mind. And yet his dominus was going to show him even more wonderful things?

It didn't matter what Priscus showed him, if loyalty was a measure that could be seen Icarus' would already be at 100(Immoveable.)

'System, make all the purchases required by the training plan including the chef, I have no confidence in my ability to handle such ingredients.'

*Acknowledged, purchase of True Veles training program materials including chef. Total cost 220,000 denarii, Proceed?*


The moment Priscus spoke a bright light began to expand from the center of the room, growing brighter and brighter until both he and Icarus had to cover their eyes.

The light lasted for only a few moments before dying out and what was left behind caused both of their minds to short-circuit. 

The entire 1000-square foot training area had transformed into something out of a sci-fi novel.

The entire floor was covered in metallic tiles the color of cobalt, each tile a 5 by 5 square. In the center of the room a 5/5 sparing arena was marked with white tiles and a humanoid sparing bot was standing idly in the center.

Along the west wall were racks of pristine weapons and armor sets hung in neat pairs upon the metal walls. Where once was open sky there was now a ceiling of the same kind of tiles but with strange circular patterns winding their way across the entire thing.

The gatehouse at the north side had been absorbed and now instead of a gateway to outside, there was an enclosed kitchen area with several cooking stations and a large freezer and pantry area completely stuffed full of all kinds of E-class food.

The southern part of the enclosure, taking up roughly 400 square feet, was now a futuristic-looking gym. With all kinds of machines, and 3 different enclosed rooms whose functions were not clear at first glance.

Suffice it to say this space now looked like the gyms of some of the highest-rated lanista families in the empire. It would have cost Priscus millions of denarii to purchase something like this from the empire, and he doubted that it would be able to furnish something of this quality.

Icarus was equally dumbfounded, the rundown, dirt-floored, antique training space was gone. Vanished in a flash of light, and now before him was the wet dream of every gladiator he had ever known.

If it was possible his loyalty towards Priscus would have broken through the 100 mark at this point. He knew beyond a doubt that there was no one else alive who could do what his master had just done. Or if there was he had never heard of them, but that didn't matter.

He was in on the ground floor of what would possibly become ground zero for the greatest Ludas ever. Excited didn't even begin to cover his feelings at the moment. It was more of a fevered reverence and blinding determination to do all he could.

Priscus was equally stunned, even more so when he noticed that there was a humanoid bot standing in the kitchen area just waiting for orders.

That was most likely the chef he had ordered, he didn't know why but he had expected a human to come out of the system. But no, it was a robot.

*Purchase and installation are complete host.* The system's sudden voice brought Priscus back to reality. *Would the host like a tour of the facility and its functions?*

A broad slow smile spread across Priscus' face as he replied.

'Yes, system...tell me everything.'