Using Magic & Berry's Wifely Charm (1)

I had waited patiently for Lily and Jewel to wake up. Jewel who had sat up first was the first to show me signs of a growing baby bump and I couldn't help but extend my hand to feel it. Lily would probably be showing signs in the next day or so, most likely. I was four goblins in and still had the rest of the tribe to go, however many that was. I had already planned the next two I would give my big seed to, and my current objective was to see if I couldn't go visit Berry immediately. The thing is, I didn't know if I was still under cave-arrest or not.

Also, with Lily laying on me, the added weight made me feel like I had to make a trip to the shit-pit before anything else. She might be a runt, but she's surprisingly solid.

Can I just say how weird it is taking a communal shit with two goblins I have impregnated? There's a pile of leaves in the shit-pit, which I learned are only there because of Lily. One of Lily's many jobs, being the runt of the tribe and kind of forced into doing, is literally to be the toilet-paper re-filler here. But, I'm glad she's diligent in doing those tasks anyway. I like being able to have a mostly wiped ass, and the idea of old brittle leaves being too dry and breaking apart in my crack as I wipe, leaving shit on my fingers, is just the most horrific, unpleasant, and uncivilized thing I can think of. Definitely leagues above fucking needy goblins with questionable hygiene!

After the group relief, I made my way next-door to Berry's room where I found her wide awake and rummaging through something in a nearby corner while our daughter was asleep on the straw bed. All the bloody mess from the birth had been removed, and there was no sign of the other two goblins who had stayed with her through and after the birth of Diana still being around. Nor of the cave-hole having been widened by the Great Protector.

"Berry?" I announced myself.

She froze for a moment and turned around, then barreled into me with a hug.

"Husband!" I wrapped my arms around her. "Husband not dead!"

"Not yet, anyway. I came to take some measurements if you'll allow me."

"What measure?"

"How deep you need me to dig the wall for you and Diana to be comfortable."

I had looked over at my goblin daughter and noticed that she had grown a bit more. Berry had explained that she had originally intended to expand her room to about half of the length of the straw bed she slept on over the three months she was supposed to have to do it in. The straw bed was approximately five feet in length, so it shouldn't take too long to widen the cave that much through magical means.

"Listen, Berry." Jewel said to her, "Husband stone magic only use when Jewel here. Great Protector say."

I could see Berry wearing a mixture of happiness and worry on her face. "Great Protector say Jewel must be with Husband when use magic stone?"

Jewel nodded.

"Yes. If not… big bad. Not want trouble Great Protector."

"Not many time for dig wall." Berry said as she went back to rummaging through her collection of berries in bowls covered with rags. "Also need go hunt for rabbit and berries.."

"Lily go with Berry." Lily offered, "Watch Diana, pick red berries for Lily?"

"Half bowl red berries?"

"Deal! Get ready hunt!" Lily said, and then darted off.

Goblins here pretty much have two gears I've managed to observe; Get shit done, and be lazy. They do the first efficiently so they can do the second more efficiently. It's almost an art form.

Berry had a cloth sash of some kind with many pockets that she carefully filled with different plants and berries along with a cylindrical stone having flat ends. It was her compounding tool, and how she did her hunting with poisons. She also had a big pouch which was fitted onto a rope loop that dangled from the bottom of the sash, as well as a small stone knife that was sharpened. She was a little half-naked goblin Rambo with that scar she had.

I had asked if it was alright to hold my daughter, and Berry was fine with it.

"Time Diana Artemis wake up. Sure Diana Artemis want see Husband!"

I went over to the bed and carefully picked up my goblin daughter. She was as big as my niece was in my previous life at about six months old, and it had only been a few days since she was born. I carefully put her to my chest and stroked her leathery-brown colored back lovingly.

"What Husband think Diana?" Jewel asked me.

"I think she's cute. Maybe she'll have Berry's hair?"

She didn't have much of it on top right now, but there were plenty more strands of it to be seen now than from when she was born. What she did have that kind of threw me off, were really sharp teeth. As I found out when she woke up and made a play for my index finger. I had to retract it quickly because I was almost certain she had enough jaw strength to sever one of my digits.

"Hi there baby girl. I'm daddy."

"HyaAhBDdd." she screeched, showing off the petite eldritch horror that was her current dental situation.

"That's right. Daddy."

She raked at my skin with her sharp little fingers, leaving some scratch marks behind. Diana was a goblin and had goblin physiology, so it was just a parenting pain I needed to endure. I kind of wanted a loincloth now, just because I felt like I shouldn't be indecent anymore when coming to visit my daughter. Maybe I'll see about asking for one later. No, perhaps I can use it as a jumping off point for when I talk with Prima again. I know a conversation with her is coming, it was obvious when she woke up that she was thinking about saying something to me.

I don't expect an apology. But I hope we can be amicable to each other going forward.

Diana began licking my chest, and I got the idea here that she was hungry.

"Berry, uh… does she need to drink?" I pointed at my own pectoral.

Berry walked over and took Diana from me, the sash slung diagonally criss-crossed her long brown scar so it looked like a bodily "X." She had put Diana firmly at her hip and my daughter knew how to do the rest. So I watched nature in action.

"Husband also want milkies?" Berry said in a way only a baby mama could, as she pointed to the other available deep green breast.

Give me a human MILF with some bodacious cream-colored breasts and perky pink nipples and I'd say yes before my brain fully processed those words. But green goblin breasts with brown nipples? Well, I'm a man. And goblin or not, those were some nice looking tiddies. It would be rude to let the mother of my child think that I was good enough to creampie her seven times, but not good enough to take a sip of her gob-milk when offered.

Just a little bit of sucking on her breast was enough to have her spilling a sweet fluid into my mouth.

I feel like it would have been way better if I could have done this while her belly was swollen with the baby instead of after, competing for the same resources with my own daughter, but mission accomplished however, I guess?

Berry giggled and I could help but laugh too.

Jewel was squeezing her own breasts trying to make something come out, but to her own disappointment, nothing did.

"It'll come soon for you, Jewel." I consoled her.

"Husband drink Jewel milkies when ready?"

In for a penny, in for a pound.

"I'd love to!"

That at least put a smile on her face, as Jewel rubbed the small protuberance of her belly.

Lily returned to the cave-hole, ready to take Berry hunting with her. Diana left with them both and I was left in Berry's cave-hole with work to do now.

"Sorry if I'm keeping you from doing something important today, Jewel."

"Husband want dig wall in Berry's cave-hole. Jewel know. Ready use topaz stone?"

"I am. I need to do something real quick first, though."

I had grabbed a few choice pieces of straw from her bed and used them as guides so that the room would be relatively aligned. My goal was to make a bedroom big enough for Diana to grow into. I can always expand it, but it's better to do it right the first time. Gathering enough pieces, I was ready, and walked to the wall. Jewel handed me the stone, and standing behind me, put her knife to my neck again. I explained to Jewel what I was going to do first, and then I began to channel the land focus from the topaz gemstone and began using basic magic to shift and compact the dirt, hewning out the wall and started making an indentation large enough to fit my arm all the way in.

This… was going to take some time?