Prima Sex Education

~~** Interlude | Prima **~~

Ark, my human Husband, was mad at me again. And it was all because of my stupid sister! She's never been good at anything, and he knew almost immediately that she was head-stupid. He told me it was wrong to fill her belly with big seed and to make strong ones with her, but agreed to do it anyway on the condition that she stays with him from now on in his cave-hole. I'll let him see what she's like for now, and wait for him to see how stupid she is before he wants nothing more than to kick her out of his cave-hole.

Jewel had to be present while he used magic, so when we went to her and he explained what he was trying to do with my sister, she came along with us without asking for anything in trade. Jewel doesn't owe me or my sister any favors, but for Ark, she was quick to help.

Husband seems to have that effect on the other goblins. Having nothing other than his big seed to offer them, the others just… give him things. Goblins don't give. Goblins trade or goblins take. It's just another confusing thing about Husband that drives me to angry-think at him and call him stupid. I expected there to be differences between us, with Husband being a Human, but it just frustrates me when he does things that are just so… un-goblin.

I was finally able to see him use his digging magic for the first time properly. It was nothing like the Great Protector's. His magic was small and took a long time, but he did as he said he would, and made a separate cave-hole for my sister just as he did for Berry's strong one.

Two of the other goblins, Mushroom-picker and Bone-taker, came by with fresh straw for him, to which he immediately set about putting some of it down on the floor as fresh bedding inside my sister's new cave-hole. The inside of it had a small square hole to look out of if she wanted, and a series of small long-square holes dug into the wall, one of which was where the three things Ark said she could bring were put.

After that, he began to use his magic to make two more things. One was the new bed in the center of his cave-hole, which was raised up past his knees and made into another long-square. It was covered with the leftover bits of fresh straw and mixed with his old straw, leaving Ark quite happy about it.

The next thing was yet another long square that sat upon six pillars which didn't even reach his knees. He called it a table and said from now on, when any goblin came to eat with him, we would eat together while sitting there. It seemed like a useless obstacle, but again, Husband was quite happy with himself. Husband put a bowl less than half-full of different colored berries on the table, and had Jewel, myself, and my sister, sit with him at the table and eat from it. It wasn't… so bad. I could stretch my feet out underneath it at least.

Jewel and Husband talked for a little bit about visiting Bone-taker's… Ivory's cave-hole tomorrow, but Husband said he wasn't sure if he would be able to. It might be pushed back for another day, but he also promised to make Jewel's cave-hole more special, and that pleased her greatly. She left when Husband said the work he needed to do was done.

That left the three of us alone. Outside of taking her hunting with me once every five suns, I don't usually spend this much time with my sister. I just check to see she has food, and tell her what she needs to know and what to do.

"Need Prima for next part. I… want show how work first."

"How what works?"

"Big seed. Need you hop bed there, so can show what do with her after. Have time to see first, be less afraid. Be less hard for all force her, since do new thing, big important to goblin."

Ark was treating her almost as if she was still a strong one. But I asked him to do this, so I will do as he says for her sake. Not that I wouldn't do it anyway, since I like getting big seed from him. I was able to understand the purpose of the high bed now at least. Ark wanted me to lie on my back first, and he made my sister stand by him, as he explained each and every thing he was going to do with me to her. Everything from touching and licking my fuck-hole, to my rubbing my milkies, and how his seed-stick goes inside me.

It didn't feel like the usual way he gives big seed, but it still felt good.

He also didn't push into me at the end, instead pulling his seed-stick almost all the way back out of my fuck-hole when he let his big seed spill into me. When he pulled it out completely, he showed her what his big seed looked like flowing out of me. Then he wanted her to touch his seed-stick with her hand. Ark said he was trying to make her as little scared as possible when it came to giving big seed, and I could see my sister trying to do what he asked with far less complication than usual when it came to me telling her to do things.

When she finally did touch it, he had put his hand on her head and told her she was a smart goblin. She wasn't. My sister was stupid, and Husband knew it, but he felt the need to trick her, so I stayed quiet for now and let him. This was all for her sake.

Ark had me get on my hands and knees this time and gave me his seed-stick again. This time it felt much better. He pestered me by making me tell my sister how it felt and how it didn't hurt. Then he asked her if she wanted to try.

My sister was not stupid for once and climbed on the bed, getting on her hands and knees like I was. Ark told me to move in front of her and hold her hand. He wanted her to have someone safe and familiar that she knew to look at, caring for her while he put his seed-stick inside her for the first time, not calling her stupid, and telling her she was doing good, even if she wasn't.

Ark had taken a water-skin and washed her fuck-hole with stream water from it and his hand before he did the licking thing with his mouth that felt nice. Then he proceeded to put his seed-stick inside of her slowly.