Deciding On Stella

I had somehow gone out of control and it led to my current situation. Then with the unfortunate timing with Lily's birth and the fact that I had let the misunderstanding continue to fester because I didn't act quickly, I was entirely at fault. Prima had relayed the message that I was sorry, but Doll was also waiting for the right opportunity to see me as well.

Doll was kind enough to say she didn't dislike what we did up to the part where she was overwhelmed, and I promised when my situation was sorted out, I would properly take care of her again, and there wouldn't be a second disaster. That seemed to smooth things out the rest of the way for us.

Now, there was a reluctant guest at the table with us. Stella, whom all the goblins were curious if I was giving big seed to. I hadn't, yet. But, unfortunately, I was reacting fully to her while her chest was uncovered which prompted many more questions from the girls because of it. I could say plenty of things to deny that I had more interest in Stella over the goblins who had been in my care, but the fact was, right now only Stella was capable of arousing me.

I had let Prima know it would happen tomorrow for sure. The Great Protector had said Prima had to witness it, so regrettably I couldn't grant Stella the privacy she should otherwise be allowed to have in order to hide her shame. Did I feel shitty knowing what I was going to do? Yes, very. But I also wanted to be done with it already. I wanted to return to my everyday happiness with the girls who came to see me here. I just wanted one last day to remember what it meant to feel human.

Berry, Lily, Truffle, and Pear stuck around after breakfast to enjoy the hot bath with Vera.

I had taken the chance to show Doll the first piece of exercise equipment I had made. It was a slanted bench intended for doing sit ups. Sadly, with land magic I couldn't make overly complex gym equipment, or at least I haven't figured out how to–yet. I might have used the machines often in my previous life, but I didn't exactly have the first clue to all the internal moving parts involved.

I didn't ask Doll to participate, only to observe. That went nowhere when she also wanted to give it a go. I was pleased that she wanted to try the slant bench for sit-ups. After doing a few round-robin with her, she said it was both easier and tougher to do them. Easier because she could hook her feet in the grip I made where the legs dangled down from the knees at, but harder because she was at a lower angle and had to come up a lot farther to reach her knees. Honestly, nothing was better for defining abs than a slant bench in my opinion.

It was roundabout, but I asked how she was feeling, and if she thought my big seed had taken in her belly. She was certain it had, but she wasn't showing just yet. She was hopeful though. Like the others, she also wanted to have strong ones. While we were talking I heard a shriek, and saw the girls surrounding Stella who was now in the bath.

She was screaming at them not to touch her.

I had to rush over there to sort out the problem, which was one of a feminine design. Truffle, of all goblins, wanted to know what was so good about human females compared to goblins, so she was actively touching Stella's body. Stella… has a big chest. Maybe it's because she's originally a village daughter? They aren't Holstein level tiddies, but they are big and plump, and I also want to caress them in my hands.

Truffle was doing just that. Freely groping them as if checking a grapefruit for bruising.

"Truffle… please stop."

"What wrong? Only milkies."

Yes, goblins call them milkies, for obvious reasons. Stella was smart enough to not be violent against her, but she was clearly disgusted. She's a normal girl who was just good enough with a bow to run away and become an adventurer so she could avoid settling down on a farm in some no-name village and get knocked up early. That's why she became an adventurer. I don't think at any point she even considered she'd end up in this situation. I know I didn't. Humans are adaptable to a point, but sometimes fear and disgust can make it difficult to accept things so far outside of a person's comfort zone. It didn't matter that these goblins were also females. Only that they were goblins, which she was taught to hate.

I wasn't, again, unfortunately, a better option here. Accept being groped by a female goblin, or allow being touched by the man who is about to rape you? Obviously she found neither choice acceptable. We had been in the same party for a few months, but we weren't exactly much more than a pick-up group that worked. Kairos, Stella, and myself had a good dynamic, and we accomplished quite a few things together, but we were all fledgling adventurers starting out with a career cut short. It's an occupational hazard. Plenty of parties just get killed or disappear, only to be discovered as skeletons later, maybe still in possession of a guild card, or maybe not.

It's not like some A-rank party is going to waste time searching for us.

Well, maybe if my mother becomes involved and thinks I'm still alive…

Truffle, who at best was in the middle of chest sizes in the goblin tribe, fell far short of Stella. So why wouldn't she be curious as to whether it was Stella's chest size that was giving me wood? I don't personally think it was that. I think it was either proximity or awareness, pheromones might even be the culprit…

I had to explain to my goblin wives about the custom of human modesty and clothing. About bras and panties, and shirts and pants, and dresses for women and even accessories like hats. All of them listened intently, but none of them quite saw the benefits of them, mainly because a loincloth slid to the side and made fucking easier, and it would be a huge hassle to have to put on and take off a bra when letting strong ones drink from their milkies. They didn't even have any modesty when it came to using me right in front of each other, or rubbing themselves while waiting their turn.

They were base and true to their desires, and relatively simple. And I admit to preferring that.

I can't say I want my wives to suddenly start wearing bras, however. Look, I'm a man. I'm not a great man, but I'm a man surrounded by colorful titties. Sure, they are green tiddies, sometimes blue or even brown, but they are still tiddies. And every pair of them carefully held my hopes and dreams inside.

Aren't I good at deluding myself?

Doll decided to join the bath with the other girls as well. It was her first time inside it, and she took a seat in the warm water right next to Pear. I'm a long way from fostering bathing culture in goblin society, but right now every girl in here was clean enough to get a full pass for everything I could want to do to them sexually.

It didn't take much for the goblins to shift their focus from her to me now that I was in the bath as well. I had Berry sitting between my legs, Lily and Vera sitting on my legs, while Pear and Truffle pushed their bodies into either side of me. Doll… wasn't quick enough to secure a spot, sadly. Sorry, Doll.

Stella stared at me, the words under her breath I couldn't hear, but her lips were readable enough: "Disgusting."

I know it was coming from a place of anger, but I felt even more connected to my goblin wives once she said it. Because of course a human woman would want to shit on a man's happiness, when she herself isn't.

This is why I'm so reluctant to escape these days. Whatever conflict my wives have with each other, it does not extend to the bedroom…