[Interludes Vol. 1.5] In which we spent a little time following Mint and Ebony from a little sister goblin’s perspective.(1/3)

~~** Interlude | Mint **~~

It has been three days since the events of the [Last Bloodmaw] secret storyline had my previous character wiped and replaced with my current one—Mint Wyze. There were no shortages of both tutorial and disturbing main story quests to get me up to date on what it meant to be a Bloodmaw Goblin.

My first two quests were to eat some kind of bloody thing attached to me, and then breastfeed off of the mother goblin who gave birth to me. The first one I could sort of deal with, but the second… I mean, there were a LOT of goblins present while I had to do it. I was so reluctant, the game prompted one of the NPC goblins who introduced herself as my big sister goblin Ebony to give me a detailed tutorial.

Plus, my VR2L-ON equipment that I had purchased on the cheap, and which had rather low-specs, was suddenly operating like it was the highest end product on the market! I was seeing green goblin boobies in upwards of 4K resolution… to the point I could see little particles of dirt on them. Plus, I mean… they felt like real boobs would feel, and they were… bigger than my own… in the real world.

Everything; touch, taste, hearing, vision, and smell, were working way above the settings I had every set for them. In fact, the feedback from the haptics must have been reset to the upper levels, because all of my senses kept making me believe that where I was right now was almost more real than the real world my main body was currently residing in.

Anyway, to recap the previous two days, it went something like this:

I took a nap after nursing. When I woke up, there were fewer goblins present. [Pepper] my mother goblin, [Jewel] who was one of the teenage goblins around the same age as my mother goblin, [Ebony] my big sister goblin who was trying to teach me all sort of things, play games with me until I was exhausted, and talked so much that she brought my goblin language skill to near the maximum level.

Then there was [Ark Wyze]… who was still in his human form and taking care of everyone in the cave we were in. He was a very dedicated person to these goblins. He pampered Pepper while she was recovering from childbirth, feeding her plenty of food and giving her massages that she seemed to enjoy. When he had a free moment, it was either to take care of and play with Ebony and I or to mate with an already very clearly ready to be done being pregnant Jewel in front of us. Those two went at it with some serious intensity.

Whatever developer was behind the programming is definitely going to be fired should this scenario get released to the public in this state!

I could only really begin to talk on the second day, when my language proficiency reached 50%

Ark Wyze, who everyone here calls Husband, is the only male to be found in Goblinhome. He alone is the father of all of my sisters and basically all the adult goblin are in his harem, even the one called [Old One] who looks to be the oldest—somewhere in her mid-thirties if I had to take a guess. She's pregnant, too. All the adult goblins who aren't visibly pregnant, already have children.

By count, there's fourteen adult goblins including Old One. There's eleven goblin children including me, [Mint].

I've basically been able to confirm that I'm somehow in the past timeline of the game and have now assumed the role of his eleventh child who had died after a week. All I had to go on as to what caused her to die was that she had somehow lost the will to live. I'll do my best to keep her alive and see what comes of it, if it's possible.

Day three has involved me meeting with Diana Artemis again, my eldest goblin sister, and she has brought two more of my sisters—Orchid and Lilac—to give me a physical examination of sorts.

"You both strong-one and smart-one. Need see where belong."

Apparently, Diana Artemis and Glace had come to the idea of creating a sort of caste system within the tribe. Goblins who excelled in physical combat, goblins who excelled in magical combat, and goblins who excelled in producing things.

I usually played hybrid classes, as they were the easiest type for me to use since I was mostly a solo-player and going all in as a physical or caster class would mean I would inevitably need to party up for some of the harder content. My starting stats as Mint the Bloodmaw were superior by far compared to any of the other races I had played up until this point… except for my stamina which was rather low.

Outside of the cave known as Goblinhome, there was something like a parkour course on the opposite side of the fire-pit in the center of the open field. Button and Glace were also there with us, along with Ebony who refused to leave my side for any reason, insistent that since she was my big sister, it was her job to help me learn how to be a goblin. I don't see how that applied to me needing to run the parkour course alone, but whatever. She at least cheered me on a whole bunch, which was nice, if not distracting.

On my solo run through the parkour course, I came in second place. Apparently, I lost to [Bitey], who was Ebony's pet bone-spider. But, I mean, who can beat an animated jumping spider made of bones on a parkour course?

I was worried about being a disappointment, but that didn't happen.

"Not bad."

My appraisal from Diana Artemis was thus.

I had potential as a goblin hunter, and if I wanted to, I was free to join the hunters when I was old enough to do so. After that, I was passed over to Glace who together with Button and Ebony had me work on my magic skills.

Button didn't seem to be possessed of magic, but she assured me that she could use it. She said it wasn't the same kind of magic that Vera, Glace, or Ebony had, but that it was taught to her by Husband, and was a special kind of fighting magic.

Considering her class was some kind of Monk, it wasn't an unbelievable claim.

Glace, who was the tribe's Shaman, demonstrated her magic by manifesting a number of Runes and doing stuff like creating an oversized [Land Barrier] and [Water Lance]. She was a monstrously high-spec glass cannon caster. Raid-level, almost.

Ebony didn't appear to use the Rune system for her magic.

"Bones listen Ebony. Iggy listen Ebony. Ebony love friends!"

It seems that the magic she could use was somehow tied to whether or not she was using her magic wand. And that thing was a Transcendent-tier weapon! According to my HUD's appraisal of it (when she let me hold it for a moment, such a trusting big sister…) it was a branch of the Spirit Tree that had been crafted by the reclusive Spirit Elves who lived in harmony with it as its caretakers into a wand at the behest of Salondra Wyze for her son.

What should be a bound item exclusive to Ark Wyze was instead useable by those of his lineage.

Or at least, select ones...