It took little effort for her to capture what part of me she desired and to induct her into the equivalent of goblin womanhood. How she was able to fit me in with ease where even Prima had some difficulty is a testament to something, what exactly, I don't know… but it was done. Inside of her, while tight and hot, what I expected would be there, the goblin membrane that acted as a barrier to her womb, what was also part of the Ceremonies of Blood called the Blood Awakening, was absent.
To Diana, though, it didn't seem to matter. I don't think even if Glace wanted to, she could stop Diana now. Diana's sharp fingers pressed hard into my chest, around my pectorals, piercing my skin and drawing blood. She gyrated her hips and used me as a supportive bracing so she could easily raise and lower herself on my cock.
Diana was growling and drooling and enjoying every bit of this depraved act.
Glace, who remained off to the side wearing her raccoon shaman outfit had slid the tail to the side and was rubbing herself as she watched.
I was being violated, which was nothing new in retrospect… only the participants.
But as a man, unless I could get unaroused, trying as I might to think of something that could potentially do it, I was forced to face the reality that nothing had changed at all since my capture months ago. I was a goblin breeding slave, and as my balls churned, sending that sensation upwards to my brain, nature was far more willing to give my daughter what I would have adamantly refused.
I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes, wanting to cry but unable to shed a single tear as I was forced to ejaculate inside my tan skinned bear-killing wolf-slaying drop goblin princess.
It was done.
Well, the first round was done, anyways.
As Diana is a strong goblin and I was being entirely passive on my end trying to cope mentally with what she had done and was continuing to do, she had plenty of energy to keep going a few more times. I was angry, without a doubt, but my anger wasn't directed at her. A little at Glace, yes, but not at Diana. Primarily, I was angry with myself for not being able to break free from the restraints. For being weaker than either of my daughters while being an adult man, to the point that two young goblin girls could so easily capture and disable me and do whatever they wanted. That neither my own magic nor physical strength was strong enough to break free of this situation.
When Diana was done doing the deed, she collapsed on top of me, licking the dried blood around my pectorals from where her fingers had dug into my skin. Glace left the room, but left my bonds intact, requiring me to manifest another single Rune to dispel them, which I did to the ones on my wrists as soon as I could.
I could have pushed Diana Artemis off of me, I could have spanked her as a punishment, I could have vented my frustration at her. There were so many things I could have done to show my disappointment in her actions, but all I did was put my arms around her and hold her against my body. Because I didn't know what the right thing to do here was. All because the very last thing I wanted to do to her, was to ever have her associate sex and violence as things that go together.
As a man, it's one thing to have let Prima force herself on me when I was in a similar position after having been captured. I made the choice to live by accepting it then, mainly because I had been on a quest to subjugate goblins, which by due process would have meant subjugating Prima in the first place. I realized that it could be considered some kind of cosmic karma payback that, in exchange for Prima not being subjugated, and in return for me not being killed in turn, I had to accept that as the balancing act of life in action.
It's also another thing that I committed such an act to Stella as a means of saving both of our lives. Me, because I was selfish and didn't want to die after having finally become a father, even if my daughters had a completely goblin appearance. Stella, because, if I didn't do it, she would have had no value and therefore no reason to be kept alive. It's a stretch of reasoning, yes, but it was all I had to work with. I did what I felt I had to, believing that Stella would rather live and find an eventual chance to escape, than to die in some goblin cave in the middle of nowhere for no good reason at all.
"Gwooh~ Husband…"
I took as deep a breath as I could with Diana Artemis lying on top of my body and stroked her hair gently.
"Daddy." I corrected her defeatedly, knowing it wouldn't make any difference now. We had just passed that point of innocence.
"Diana Artemis… love Husband."
I wanted to reply to her and say the same. But doing so in this situation… might be misleading.
I manifested a Rune again to dispel the restraint on my ankles and could at least move all of my limbs properly again. I was able to tilt my body to the side, depositing Diana onto the straw of the bed we had been sharing. She turned her body over and pressed her back against my front.
"Husband care Diana Artemis?"
I brought my arm down and draped it over her body. She took hold of it once I had and placed it on her belly, keeping her own arm pressed over it and securing it against her body. While keeping her body warm with my own, I retreated mentally and determined that things, while bad, could have most certainly been worse.
Orchid and Lilac could have been here, or Glace herself could have joined in. In the end, the only damage that occurred here was to the familial bond I have with Diana Artemis. Not wanting to take a walk of shame back to the breeding room, I closed my eyes and privately wished that when I next woke up, it would be in any other cave-hole, next to any of my adult wives, and be nothing more than a disturbing nightmare.
But such things were not to be the case.
When I woke up, Diana was gone. I lay alone in her bed, not wanting to accept the truth.
I made my way from her upstairs room down to the first floor, taking back my bone bracelet with the topaz stone which had been left for me on her dining table. I traveled down a bit through the main corridor stopping only to use the shit-pit to relieve myself before returning to the breeding room where I then slipped into the cold shower, and then into the heated bath to soak afterwards in an effort to get myself clean. Afterwards, I went into my small bedroom adjacent to Vera's and using the topaz stone I sealed up the entrance to my room and began carving an elaborate barrier to keep everyone and everything out.
I couldn't help but think that maybe boredom was a culprit for what had happened, so I came up with what I thought would be a good idea to combat it. I silently created a passage from my room heading upward, where I would do what thousands of generations of parents had done long before me.
Create an elaborate system of chores for my daughters to do.
After all, they can't get into mischief if they have things they need to get done first…
Sorry for the inconvenience, please all power stones should be directed to my premium novel "Hidden Myth" Thanks for your support