Corruption, Again?

The librarian, eager to assist, gathered a selection of tomes he deemed suitable for William's needs.

"I understand your focus is on body enhancement," he said, his eyes twinkling behind his spectacles. "These should provide some significant boosts to your abilities."

The first tome detailed a B-rank spell called Raging Torrent, which promised to amplify William's strength to extraordinary levels. What intrigued William most was the spell's potential for modification and enhancement.

"Once you reach B-rank and above," the librarian explained, "you can customize and refine your spells, creating unique variations tailored to your specific needs. Think of them as the foundation for your magical repertoire."

Lower-ranked spells lacked this adaptability. This, William realized, was why mages were truly recognized for their mastery of B-rank and higher magic. Those were the spells that defined their abilities and set them apart.