Victoria is Intoxicated

Despite her attempts to produce the magical seals, Victoria wasn't succeeding. She was still a novice mage, and the magic Stuart had taught her wasn't the easiest to perform.

"I don't think I can do this," she kept saying to herself, and that self-doubt was preventing her from completing the task.

William had already tried to calm her down and get her to focus, but it didn't work. Because of this, he decided to be a bit harsher with his words.

"If you don't do this, you'll keep being one of the worst students here, and in the end, you'll become a joke to everyone. Not to mention, you'll never make your father proud."

William's words were harsh. Victoria felt a surge of anger upon hearing this from someone she had started to trust.

She focused entirely on trying to unlock the dungeon door, and to her surprise, she succeeded on the first try! William's harsh words had worked.