Chapter 2

The three of them took their seats and began to savor the red wine.

The waiter poured three glasses of red wine and brought them to the table. Qi Feng lifted his glass, saying, "This is a special Pomerol vintage. While it may not be the most exquisite, its flavor is undeniably authentic. Give it a try."

"Thank you," Li Yangchen replied, taking a sip. "It's indeed delightful."

"The taste is quite pleasing," Mo Yiyan remarked, running his fingers along the rim of his glass as he raised an eyebrow at his cousin.

Shortly thereafter, the waiter served the dishes. True to its five-star reputation, even a simple vegetable dish was presented with exquisite color, aroma, and flavor.

Throughout the meal, Qi Feng engaged the two in conversation, and the atmosphere remained light and enjoyable.

As the meal neared its conclusion, Mo Yiyan, who had been relatively quiet, turned to Li Yangchen and asked, "Miss Li, what subject do you teach?"

"Mathematics, I believe. Yangchen is enrolled in a combined bachelor's and master's program," Qi Feng interjected before Li Yangchen could respond.

Mo Yiyan nodded thoughtfully, toying with his lighter.

Li Yangchen smiled but did not elaborate.

After the meal, upon learning that Li Yangchen lived at the Four Seasons Garden, Qi Feng suggested to Mo Yiyan, "Since you're headed that way, please take Yangchen home."

Li Yangchen insisted that taking a taxi would be convenient and that it was unnecessary to trouble him. However, Qi Feng argued that it would be safer for her to be accompanied by someone she knew since she had been drinking. Mo Yiyan also awaited her, so she relented.

Qi Feng resided in a five-star hotel above the restaurant. After escorting them to the entrance, he received a work-related call and returned to his room to attend to business.

Outside the restaurant, the two waited for Mo Yiyan's driver to arrive.

At that moment, Li Yangchen's phone chimed with a WeChat notification, prompting her to glance down at her device.

Mo Yiyan, having noticed her distraction, gently pulled her closer to him.

Just then, two playful children dashed out, giggling and chasing one another.

Mo Yiyan released Li Yangchen's hand, lightly resting his hand on her shoulder to guide her in front of him, everything feeling remarkably natural.

Once she realized what was happening, Li Yangchen smiled gracefully at Mo Yiyan, saying, "Thank you, Mr. Mo, for your protection earlier."

Had it not been for him, those two children with their ice creams might have accidentally smeared their treats on her.

Mo Yiyan nodded in acknowledgment, casually pulling out a cigarette. Just as he was about to light it, he remembered Li Yangchen was standing nearby. Displaying great courtesy, he asked, "Miss Li, would you mind?"

Taken aback, she looked up and understood his question upon seeing the cigarette between his fingers, and she nodded in assent.

Mo Yiyan took a drag from his cigarette, turning his head slightly to exhale the smoke politely away from her.

Li Yangchen's fingers curled subconsciously, recalling the sensation of being held by that strong hand. Perhaps it was simply because it was rare for her to have a man grasp her hand; in her memory, it had only been her father in childhood and Gu Cheng during her school years. Now, it was this unfamiliar man.

A black Bentley pulled up, and Mo Yiyan opened the door for her, saying, "Please, get in."

She nodded and entered the vehicle, saying, "Thank you, Mr. Mo."

Once inside, Mo Yiyan instructed the driver, "First, take Miss Li home."

"Understood, Mr. Mo," the driver replied.

Li Yangchen then provided the driver with her address.

The car was quiet, and unable to think of a topic for conversation, Li Yangchen remained silent. Mo Yiyan, who had also been quiet, picked up the tablet in the car and began to read the news.

Turning her head, Li Yangchen concentrated on admiring the scenery outside the window.

As they drove onto the overpass, Li Yangchen's phone rang, and she retrieved it from her handbag, glancing at the screen to see it read "Dad."

Surprised that her father was calling her tonight, she quickly answered, "Hello, Dad! It's been so long since I've heard from you. Have you missed me?"

When her father was busy, he rarely kept his phone nearby; most of the time, his secretary answered his calls. She seldom initiated contact with him, fearing she would disrupt his work.

Mo Yiyan cast her a sidelong glance, surprised to see that this seemingly aloof woman also had a playful side.

Mo Yiyan turned his head to gaze at her.

Her gentle profile, framed by long hair, revealed the delicate porcelain of her neck, and the happiness radiating from her brows made her smile bloom like a flower.

Her diamond-shaped lips were animatedly articulating soft, soothing words on the other end of the phone:

"Hmm, the visa has been processed... I wasn't assigned to grade papers this year... The college entrance exam results will be announced on the 25th, and afterward, I'll be guiding my students in filling out their applications... Alright, I'll let you know once I purchase the tickets. Make sure to arrange your time to accompany me... Take care of your health, don't forget to eat when you get busy... I'll cook your favorite dishes for you when I arrive... Okay, Dad, goodbye!"

As Mo Yiyan watched her animated expression, a fluttering sensation akin to a gentle breeze tickled his heart.

After Li Yangchen hung up, she noticed the penetrating gaze beside her. Turning her head, she met Mo Yiyan's eyes.

"Miss Li, do you teach the graduating class?" Mo Yiyan inquired.

"Yes," Li Yangchen replied with a smile, tucking her phone back into her bag.

Mo Yiyan nodded and continued, "How long have you been teaching?"

"Three years, just from the first year to the third year."

"Z University isn't a normal teacher training institution. Why did you choose to become a teacher?"

"I, um—"

Before Li Yangchen could finish her thought, the driver suddenly slammed on the brakes. Her body tilted to the right, causing her handbag on her knee to tumble to the floor. The man, who had been seated very close to her, suddenly lurched forward, their lips nearly brushing against each other.

She froze, her bright, expressive eyes widening.

In that instant, all reactions eluded her, even her breath momentarily halted.

Mo Yiyan was equally startled; the abrupt stop had caused him to lose his balance and collide into her. Their noses met—his strong, masculine one against her petite, delicate feature.

In that fleeting moment, Mo Yiyan felt a tightening in his throat, an undeniable stir within him.

The air seemed to thicken with tension.

His brows slightly furrowed, yet he did not pull away. The woman in his arms pushed against his chest with all her might, forcing him back before she straightened herself and turned her gaze toward the window.

The driver, realizing a near mishap had occurred, quickly turned to explain, "Mr. Mo, someone just ran a red light. I apologize."

Mo Yiyan's handsome face darkened in silence, leaving the driver to obey and focus on driving without further comment.

The car fell into a profound silence; neither spoke again.

Mo Yiyan reached for the bottle of mineral water on the seat beside him, unscrewed the cap, and took a long sip before picking up the tablet to resume reading.

Soon, the car arrived at the entrance of the Four Seasons Garden community. After it came to a stop, Li Yangchen unfastened her seatbelt, exhaling slightly in relief. She turned to Mo Yiyan politely, saying, "Mr. Mo, I've arrived. Thank you for bringing me back."

Mo Yiyan glanced at the residential building outside, lit a cigarette, which he held between his fingers, and nodded, saying, "You may go now."

She thanked the driver again, opened the door, and stepped out.

A gentle night breeze swept through, lifting the vibrant red hem of her dress, illuminated by the streetlights.

Mo Yiyan remained in the car, watching her retreating figure grow smaller in the distance, his gaze shifting with an unusual curiosity seldom seen in his eyes.

Once Li Yangchen returned home, she placed her handbag down and headed to the bathroom, catching sight of her slightly flushed face in the half-length mirror, a result of consuming half a glass of red wine.

She frowned, pondering the fact that she and Mo Yiyan were hardly acquainted, yet within a short span of less than an hour, he had grasped her hand, and moments ago, their lips had nearly touched. Was it the alcohol that dulled her reactions?

Indeed, alcohol could lead to trouble; moderation was wise.

The next day, while organizing her handbag, Li Yangchen discovered that her passport was missing. After searching her home thoroughly, she still could not find it.

Taking a moment to calm herself, she began to speculate where it might have been misplaced.

Suddenly, she recalled the abrupt stop of the car from the previous night—could it have fallen into someone else's vehicle?

Thinking back to the rather awkward situation from last night gave her a slight headache. She had assumed they would not be in contact again, yet now she found herself in a predicament, having likely left her passport in that man's car; she had no choice but to reach out.

Though she did not possess Mo Yiyan's contact information, her senior did. Just as she was preparing to ask her senior for his details, her phone rang.

The number was unfamiliar, but the phone had a vintage charm, reminiscent of older models from years past. She had a faint inkling of who it might be.

"Hello," Li Yangchen answered.

"Is this Miss Li? This is Mo Yiyan." His voice on the other end was steady and somewhat low.

"Hello, Mr. Mo." It was indeed him.

"Your passport is in my car." His simple statement confirmed Li Yangchen's suspicions—it was indeed in his vehicle.

"Could you please tell me where your company is? I can come to collect it now." Today was a weekday, and she assumed he would be at the office.

On the other end, Mo Yiyan held his phone in his right hand, while his left index finger traced the image on her ID.

Half an hour ago, as he got into his car, he had noticed her passport lying there. After obtaining her phone number from Qi Feng, he had called her.

"Is it urgent, Miss Li?"

"Not particularly."

Just as she replied, Li Yangchen overheard someone on the other end saying, "Mr. Mo, we've arrived at the international terminal."


"I have a business trip now. If it's not urgent, I can contact you after I return in a week."


The call ended promptly.

A week passed without Mo Yiyan contacting Li Yangchen, nor did she inquire about him. The results of the college entrance exam were announced, and she became engrossed in guiding her students through their application processes. With her busy schedule, she did not think about her passport; after all, she planned to visit her father only after wrapping up her work.

During the final class meeting, Li Yangchen felt a pang of reluctance toward the students she had taught for three years.

Each time she looked at the vibrant, youthful faces before her, she found herself lost in reverie, transported back to her own youthful days, where a handsome boy would smile at her in the sunlight...

Three days later, in the evening, Li Yangchen received a call from Mo Yiyan, informing her that he had just returned from his trip and inquiring if she had time to come by the SOHO club to retrieve her passport.

Coincidentally, her year was having a dinner gathering that evening at a venue nearby, so she told Mo Yiyan she would meet him after 8 PM.

That night, when Li Yangchen arrived at SOHO, she called Mo Yiyan, who instructed her to come up to the fourth floor.

As she exited the elevator, she spotted Mo Yiyan standing in the corridor, smoking.

Upon noticing her approach, he extinguished his cigarette and walked toward her.

"Sorry, I just reviewed some documents and suddenly remembered that your passport was in the car," he said, his tone calm.

Li Yangchen was momentarily taken aback.

"I didn't bring a driver or assistant with me today, and I still have some matters to attend to here. It's not convenient for me to go to the parking lot right now. Could you wait for me for half an hour, Miss Li?" He glanced at his watch before addressing her again.

"Alright, I'll wait for you on the first floor." Li Yangchen had no other choice; she couldn't feel angry. She guessed that someone of his stature might not regard others' affairs with the same urgency! She needed her passport and had no option but to wait.

"No need for that. Please wait for me in this room; I've already arranged for it," he replied, gesturing toward the opposite VIP Room 5 as he pushed the door open.

"Mr. Mo, Teacher Li?" Before Li Yangchen stepped into Room 5, she heard someone call her name. Turning around, she noticed a familiar face exiting from Room 4.

Upon closer inspection, she recognized him as a relative from Jiangyang; they had encountered each other a few times when Wu Jiaxin's yoga studio had just opened, although they were not well acquainted.

Li Yangchen offered a polite nod but said nothing as she entered the private room.

Mo Yiyan glanced back at her and said, "Wait for me," before closing the door behind him.

Shortly thereafter, a server arrived with an assortment of fruits and beverages.

Li Yangchen took out her phone to check messages and respond to inquiries from parents in her student group.

Whether it was the sumptuous comfort of the VIP room's sofa or the fatigue she had accumulated over the past few days, after finishing her replies, her eyelids grew heavy, and she found herself drifting into a light slumber.

Outside, Zhou Chenglin felt a surge of unease upon seeing Mo Yiyan and Li Yangchen together.

Li Yangchen was a friend of a relative from Jiangyang, and he had seen her a few times. With her striking beauty, she had certainly made an impression on him; she seemed to be a teacher.

On the other hand, Mo Yiyan was a well-known figure in Pengcheng, admired by many women. Although there had been no public scandals surrounding him, Zhou Chenglin understood how men like him operated; they were inclined to indulge in various flavors, whether discreetly or openly. Was he perhaps interested in this somewhat aloof female teacher?

Back in VIP Room 4, Zhou Chenglin felt a restless curiosity and sought to probe the nature of Mo Yiyan's relationship with Li Yangchen.

"Mr. Mo, do you know that Teacher Li?" Zhou Chenglin inquired with keen interest.

With a click, Mo Yiyan lit a cigarette, inhaled deeply, and nodded without elaborating.

Noting his reluctance to engage further, Zhou Chenglin hesitated before attempting a different approach: "That Teacher Li is truly a beauty—graceful and charming, a stunning woman."

"What's wrong, Lao Zhou? Tired of your students and now seeking a teacher to amuse yourself?" teased another man who emerged from the restroom, having overheard Zhou Chenglin's remarks.

Zhou Chenglin cast a glance at Mo Yiyan and jested, "Actually, the idea of a teacher does sound appealing! And since they have such high standards, it would be easy to part ways when one tires of them!"

The other man clicked his tongue and shook his head. "You should be careful; what if karma catches up with you?"

Mo Yiyan frowned slightly, releasing a ring of smoke before stating, "Let's get back to business."

His handsome features became increasingly entrancing in the haze of smoke, but his expression remained inscrutable.

The three of them continued their discussion until nearly 9 PM. The other two had other engagements and took their leave first.

Mo Yiyan approached Room 5, opening the door to find the lights on but the space eerily quiet. Li Yangchen was reclined on the sofa, dressed in a white T-shirt and cropped jeans, her feet adorned with three-centimeter sandals, embodying a fresh and clean aesthetic.

It appeared that the prolonged waiting had lulled her into a light sleep.

He strode forward, deliberately softening his footsteps.

Li Yangchen's hands were folded beside her face, reminiscent of a child in slumber; her legs were neatly tucked on the sofa. The light cast a gentle glow on her fair and delicate skin, accentuating her exquisite features…

Mo Yiyan leaned in, momentarily entranced.

With her rhythmic breaths, his heart began to race in tandem, the knot in his throat tightening as he slowly drew nearer, his dark gaze fixated on her soft lips…

Li Yangchen was not in a deep sleep; sensing someone approaching, her eyelashes fluttered, and she opened her eyes.

Her sleepy expression was somewhat childlike and dazed. Upon seeing the tall figure beside the sofa, she blushed and hastily rearranged her hair. "...Did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry…" She felt embarrassed and asked, "Did your meeting conclude?"

"Just finished. Let's go," Mo Yiyan replied, stepping out of the room.

Li Yangchen grabbed her handbag and followed him to the elevator.