Chapter 6

Ax-el and Anissa walked side by side through the corridors of the Viltrumite capital ship, the silence between them heavy with unspoken thoughts. Ax-el had just made a spectacle of Thragg, humbling the Grand Regent in front of his entire empire. Now, the Viltrumites would have to reevaluate everything they thought they knew about power, and more importantly, who held it.

"You're not like anyone I've ever met," Anissa finally said, breaking the silence. Her tone was curious, but cautious. "Thragg's strength is legendary. He's led our empire for centuries, never losing a single battle. And yet… you made him look weak."

Ax-el glanced at her, the smirk from earlier still faint on his lips. "Strength alone doesn't win every fight. There's always someone stronger. I just happen to be that someone right now."

Anissa's eyes narrowed slightly, studying him closely. "And yet you didn't kill him. If you had, you could have taken control of the Viltrumites. Why didn't you?"

"I told you," Ax-el replied calmly, "I'm not here to conquer. Not yet. Thragg is useful for now. Besides, I don't need an empire to prove how powerful I am. When the time comes, the Viltrumites will follow me, but only when I decide it's time for them to do so."

Anissa nodded, though a part of her still didn't fully understand. Viltrumites were raised to believe in power and conquest, but Ax-el had a different approach—one that intrigued her. He was strong, yes, but he also had something else: patience.

"So, what's your next move?" she asked, her voice soft, but laced with curiosity.

Ax-el shrugged. "I'll continue my journey, learn more about this universe, and see where it leads. I don't plan everything out."

They stopped at the ship's hangar, where a smaller craft awaited to take Ax-el off the planet. Anissa stepped in front of him, her gaze intense. "Let me come with you."

Ax-el raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"You're different. You've shown me that there's more out there than just the Viltrumite way. I want to see it for myself. I've spent my life following Thragg's orders, but now I want to follow someone who's going somewhere new. And I want to see just how far your strength can take you."

Ax-el looked at her for a long moment. He could sense the sincerity in her words. Anissa was a warrior to her core, but she was also someone searching for more—something beyond the brutal conquest that defined the Viltrumites.

"Alright," he said, nodding. "You can come. But understand this: I don't need a follower. If you're coming, it's because you want to, not because I need you."

Anissa smiled, a rare sight for her. "I can work with that."

As they boarded the ship and prepared to leave Viltrum behind, Ax-el couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning. He had shaken the foundations of the Viltrumite empire, but there were still larger forces at play in the universe—forces that he intended to face head-on.

But for now, he had a new companion by his side. And with each step forward, the path to his ultimate goal—creating his own kingdom and claiming the throne of the omniverse—became clearer.

As the ship left the planet's atmosphere, Ax-el's thoughts drifted to what lay ahead. He knew that somewhere out there, the Viltrumites would regroup, and Thragg would plot his next move. But it didn't matter. Thragg was no longer the biggest threat in the universe—Ax-el was.

And soon, everyone would know it.

Back on Viltrum, Thragg struggled to his feet in the aftermath of his defeat, rage and humiliation burning in his chest. He had underestimated Ax-el, and that mistake had cost him dearly. But Thragg was not the type to accept defeat. He would rebuild, grow stronger, and one day he would make Ax-el regret sparing him.

In the shadows of the ruined coliseum, Thragg clenched his fists, his eyes burning with fury.

"This isn't over," he growled, his voice low and filled with venom. "Not by a long shot."

The Viltrumite empire had taken a hit, but their hunger for domination would not be extinguished so easily. Thragg would bide his time, just as Ax-el had. And when the moment was right, he would strike back with a vengeance.

But deep down, Thragg knew the truth—the universe had changed. And Ax-el was at the center of it.

The game of power had only just begun.



Anissa is the FL?????