Chapter 8

Ax-el stood in the cold metallic corridor of the Viltrumite outpost, his gaze fixated on the large observation window that overlooked the endless expanse of space. The faint hum of the station's engines buzzed in the background, but it barely registered to him. Anissa stood beside him, arms crossed, her expression thoughtful as they awaited the commander's arrival.

The door to the observation deck hissed open, and the outpost commander, a grizzled Viltrumite with a scar running down the side of his face, entered with an air of authority. He was tall, even by Viltrumite standards, his broad shoulders and thick frame intimidating to most, but Ax-el hardly gave him a glance.

"Commander Zorak," Anissa greeted curtly, her tone formal.

"Anissa," Zorak replied, his eyes flicking briefly to Ax-el before turning his full attention to her. "I wasn't expecting you back so soon. What brings you here?"

Ax-el spoke up before Anissa could answer, his voice calm but direct. "I need to know how to get to Earth."

Zorak raised an eyebrow, clearly caught off guard by Ax-el's straightforwardness. "Earth? That backwater planet Nolan's been assigned to?"

Ax-el didn't flinch. "I don't care about Nolan's mission. I just want directions."

Zorak's eyes narrowed as he studied Ax-el for a moment. "You're not Viltrumite. Who are you, and why are you so interested in Earth?"

Ax-el glanced at Anissa, who gave a small nod, silently affirming that she had his back. Turning back to Zorak, he folded his arms across his chest. "I'm Ax-el. Where I'm from doesn't matter. I need to get to Earth. Now, are you going to give me the coordinates, or do I have to find someone else who will?"

The commander's expression hardened. "You think you can just walk in here and demand—"

Ax-el's eyes glowed faintly, and in an instant, the entire room seemed to tremble under his presence. Zorak instinctively took a step back, his instincts screaming at him to stay cautious. Anissa watched the exchange with a knowing smile, clearly enjoying the subtle display of power.

Ax-el's voice remained calm, almost casual. "Let me make this clear. I don't care about your mission, your empire, or your chain of command. I'm not here to make trouble—unless I have to. All I need is the information, and then I'm gone."

Zorak clenched his jaw, frustration flashing across his face. He knew better than to pick a fight with someone like Ax-el, especially after seeing how effortlessly he handled the Grand Regent back on Viltrum. With a begrudging sigh, he relented.

"Nolan's mission was supposed to be simple," Zorak began, walking over to a control panel and pulling up a holographic map of the galaxy. "Conquer Earth, prepare it for Viltrumite expansion, and report back when it was done. But something's changed."

Anissa's eyebrows furrowed. "Changed? What do you mean?"

Zorak's fingers hovered over the panel, highlighting a specific area of the map where Earth resided. "Nolan's been on Earth for far too long. Longer than it should have taken to finish the job. He's… stalling."

Ax-el remained impassive, but Anissa's expression shifted slightly. "Stalling?" she repeated, clearly intrigued. "Why would he do that?"

Zorak shook his head. "I don't know. We've had limited communication with him. He sends reports, but they're vague. It's like he's trying to hide something. Our intel suggests that he's started a family there, and he might be growing soft."

Anissa's expression soured at the thought of a Viltrumite shirking their duties for something as trivial as familial bonds. "If he's betrayed us—"

Ax-el interrupted, his voice sharp. "I don't care if Nolan's betrayed you. I just need to get to Earth. The rest is your problem."

Zorak gave Ax-el a long, scrutinizing look before turning back to the map. "Fine," he grumbled. "Here are the coordinates." He pressed a series of buttons, and the coordinates for Earth's location appeared on a small device. He handed it to Ax-el, still eyeing him warily. "Take it and go."

Ax-el pocketed the device without so much as a glance, his focus already shifting toward his next move. "Thanks," he said simply, turning to leave the room.

Anissa followed closely behind him, her expression contemplative as they made their way back to their ship. "You're not even curious about what Nolan's doing?" she asked, breaking the silence.

Ax-el shrugged. "I already know what he's doing. He's protecting his family, just like any Viltrumite would do if they grew attached. But that's not my concern."

Anissa frowned slightly. "And what is your concern? Earth? What's so important about that planet?"

Ax-el glanced at her, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "You'll see soon enough."

As they approached their ship, Anissa couldn't help but wonder what Ax-el's true intentions were. He had shown little interest in the Viltrumite Empire's conquests or politics, but there was something about Earth that seemed to draw him in. And that intrigued her more than she cared to admit.

Once inside the ship, Ax-el quickly input the coordinates Zorak had given him into the navigation system. The engines hummed to life, and within moments, they were speeding through the void of space, Earth's distant star now firmly within their sights.

Anissa leaned back in her seat, watching Ax-el as he piloted the ship with ease. "So, what's the plan once we get to Earth?" she asked, her tone casual but curious.

Ax-el's eyes remained focused on the starry expanse ahead. "We observe. For now."

Anissa raised an eyebrow. "Observe? That's not like you. You're a man of action, not observation."

Ax-el's smirk returned. "Patience, Anissa. Earth is different. There's more to this planet than meets the eye. I just want to make sure I've got the lay of the land before I make my move."

Anissa studied him closely, her mind racing with questions. Ax-el was different from any other being she had encountered. His power was beyond anything she had ever seen, but his motives remained shrouded in mystery. Still, there was something about him that drew her in, something that made her want to follow him wherever he went.

"Fine," she said, settling into her seat. "We'll observe. For now."

As the ship hurtled through space, Earth growing larger on the horizon, Ax-el couldn't shake the feeling that something significant awaited him on that distant blue planet. He didn't care about Nolan's betrayal or the Viltrumite Empire's conquests. His interest in Earth was personal—something he couldn't fully explain, even to himself.

But one thing was certain: once he set foot on Earth, everything would change.

For him, and for the universe.