Chapter 3: "The Path Beneath"

The tremor had passed as quickly as it came, and the jungle settled back into its natural rhythm, though Xander could still feel the echo of it in the ground beneath his feet. He had brushed off the strange feeling that something larger was at play, chalking it up to the wildness of the Halyra Jungle. After all, the jungle was full of surprises, and he was here to face them head-on.

He moved through the thick foliage with purpose, following a path he had carefully mapped out based on his research. This trail, mostly hidden and overgrown, was one that previous expeditions had overlooked. It wound deeper into the jungle, toward a region that was rumored to hold ancient secrets—secrets tied to the Volkris legacy.

Xander had memorized every twist and turn of this path, each marker, each rock formation that led him closer to his goal. His hoverboard was tucked away in his pack now, and he relied on footwork as he navigated the uneven terrain. The jungle was humid, the air heavy with the scent of damp earth and exotic plants. Yet something else lingered in the atmosphere—a subtle, tingling energy that made the hairs on his neck stand on end.


It was faint at first, just a gentle hum beneath the sounds of the jungle, but as Xander ventured further down the trail, he felt it intensify. The mana here was denser than anywhere else he had been. It thrummed through the air like an invisible current, pulsing in time with the beating heart of the forest. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but the deeper he went, the more charged everything felt. His instincts sharpened, alert to the unseen forces swirling around him.

Unknown to Xander, the mana surge wasn't limited to the jungle. Across the world, mana fields were spiking, rising to levels not seen in centuries. The events in Avalon had set off a chain reaction, the disturbance in the leyline triggering a global escalation. Magic was no longer a hidden force confined to dark corners of society—it was now waking, spilling over into the world in waves of raw, untamed power.

Back in Avalon, chaos reigned.

The mana beast that had emerged from the rupture was rampaging through the city, its massive form towering over buildings, shattering glass and ripping apart the very fabric of reality. Energy crackled around it, the air warping with the unstable magic it radiated. Every strike of its claws sent ripples of power through the city, warping the streets and turning solid structures into fluid shapes.

Lucian Volkris stood at the window of the council chambers, his gaze dark as he watched the destruction unfold. He had seen many things in his long life, but nothing like this. The mana disturbance was unlike anything the magical world had ever encountered.

"We can't let this escalate further," one of the council members said urgently, their voice filled with panic. "The mana beast will tear Avalon apart."

Lucian turned sharply, his voice cold. "Deploy the mage squads. Contain the creature before it reveals too much. The public is already aware of magic's existence—now we need to ensure it doesn't spread beyond our control."

Outside the chamber, a mage squad was already assembling. Dressed in combat robes infused with enchanted runes, they carried staffs and weapons charged with magical energy. They had been trained for situations like this, although none had ever faced something as catastrophic as a mana beast loose in a major city. As they moved out into the streets, their purpose was clear: neutralize the threat before the world descended into further chaos.

Meanwhile, back in the jungle, Xander continued along the trail, oblivious to the turmoil unfolding miles away. His focus was on the path ahead, on the subtle clues that might lead him to the artifact. But the deeper he went, the more intense the mana became. It pressed down on him now, like a weight in the air, thick and palpable. He could feel it vibrating through the ground, humming in the trees.

"This is it," he muttered to himself, excitement building. He was getting close. Closer than anyone had ever been.

Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet shifted.

Xander froze, instinct kicking in as he dropped into a crouch, bracing himself. The jungle seemed to hold its breath for a moment, the usual sounds of wildlife falling silent. Then, without warning, the earth heaved violently. A low rumble echoed through the forest, and the ground cracked open beneath him.

He stumbled, trying to regain his balance, but the quake was too strong. The ground buckled, splitting wide, and before he could react, the earth gave way completely. Xander fell.

The world blurred as he tumbled downward, the air rushing past him in a chaotic swirl of dirt and debris. He reached out, trying to grab onto something—anything—but his hands found only empty air. The crack in the ground had swallowed him whole, and he plummeted into the darkness below.

His descent seemed endless, the wind roaring in his ears as he fell deeper and deeper into the abyss. Then, with a jarring thud, he landed on something soft. Moss? No, it felt different. He groaned, blinking in the dim light, trying to make sense of where he was.

The air down here was thick—suffocating almost—with mana. It crackled around him, visible now in faint tendrils of light that snaked through the cavern. He pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, his heart pounding in his chest. He had fallen through the jungle floor and landed… somewhere else. Somewhere ancient. Somewhere forgotten.

His eyes adjusted to the faint glow of mana that illuminated the space around him, revealing walls etched with strange, glowing symbols. The ground beneath him was not dirt or stone but something smooth and cold. He realized with a jolt that he had stumbled into a ruin.

The legacy of the Volkris family lay before him.

But as he stood, brushing the dirt from his clothes, a new realization struck him—a realization that sent a shiver down his spine.

The mana was not just increasing here. It was building toward something. Something massive. Something dangerous.

And he had just fallen into the heart of it.

Above ground, the jungle shook once more, as if the very earth itself was reacting to the surge of power unleashed below.