Chapter 8 - Feelings are not allowed in this world, Princess

I've been all smiley today ever since I got to talk to my mum using the burner phone Maryann bought for me.

"You look extraordinarily cheerful today" Romano glared at me once I stood in front of him

"Is it a crime?" I raised my eyebrows at him inquisitively

"It means you're having a good time paying your father's debt and I do not want that at all" He shook his head. "I want you to feel pains."

"I think your beef with me is more than that stupid debt. What did I ever do to you?" I sighed, exhausted at his hatred towards me.

It's one thing for someone to hate you. It's another thing for someone to hate you for no good reason

"I didn't call you here to have a chit chat. We do not have that kind of relationship" He sneered, sipping his beer.

"Yes, master. How may I help you then?" I bowed