Chapter 3: Z

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Chapter 3: Z


"The human psyche can sometimes be an extraordinary thing, but more often than not, it's the weakest link, easily influenced by the circumstances surrounding them and by traits that don't necessarily have to be associated with being human, that should be why cyberpsychosis happens," Y concluded.

"Keep that in my mind when you get those pervasive thoughts, influencing you to chrome yourself to the teeth," Vik responded, his head down as he studied some kind of device in his hand.

"Well, I've studied the subject thoroughly and compiled a list of about a dozen reasons why cyberpsychosis happens. If we go by that, we can probably find a solution to the issue or at least a way to minimize it," Y pointed out.

"That you think you can solve what most corps struggle to solve with all of their endless resources... I would've called you crazy if you weren't such a monster," Vik shook his head in exasperation.

When Y said that he could learn quickly, Vik didn't take it too seriously, but Goddamn if that wasn't the biggest of understatements.

The man was capable of devouring information like he was drinking water, and even now, the act of Y scrolling through Vik's computer, seeing nothing but a blur, that might be taken as just messing around.

Vik knows better, he had realized that Y certainly has a photographic memory.

No, sometimes it feels like even photographic memories shouldn't be that good, way too efficient. However, Vik was already thankful for taking him as an assistant.

"Yo! Need myself a chrome!" We have a visitor, the loud kind. Those are usually Vik's clients, individuals that want to make a name for themselves.

Rarely do gang members come here, gangs usually have their own Ripperdoc responsible for installing implants and maintenance.

However, sometimes, they stumble into Vik's clinic, mostly looking for maintenance.

"Please have a seat," The enormous knowledge in the computer was left behind as Y stood up, professionally welcoming the client, "Have a look at our catalog."

Just those simple words made Vik's life so much easier. Y awaited the client's choice and strangely stayed silent instead of asking questions, which is his nature.

The job requires secrecy. It's an important aspect of the job to not prey on your client's life. In fact, the less you know about them, the better, just in case they experience cyberpsychosis in the future.

"That one, I can afford that one," The client took his time browsing the catalog of cyberware on the screen before him, finally settling on something simple.

"Rippers? Wise choice," Whether Y truly meant his words, the client will never know, "If you just transfer the payment to this number, we can start the operation now. It shouldn't take more than an hour"

Y already walked away to the corner of the room where several boxes of cyberware were left there to collect dust. He had seemingly memorized the place of every cyberware, so all it took him was reaching out before bringing out several metallic devices.

The application on the catalog told Y exactly what the client wanted, the number of Rippers he desires, and in which fingers exactly he wished them implanted.

Y first confirmed that the payment had been received before proceeding with lowering the operation table and then placing the client's hands on the side holders, locking them in place, "It will hurt a bit so please be patient with us."

It's not rare for Ripperdocs to use an anesthetic or painkillers. They have their own connection, although some Ripperdocs do not guarantee them.

Therefore, some clients find themselves having to suffer through the pain. Vik does his best to always have anesthetics.

However, unless it's a serious operation, Vik usually doesn't use much, so Y's words didn't surprise the client one bit, "Wasn't born yesterday, so get it over with."

"Of course," Y nodded, taking a deep breath and blinking for a single second before getting to work, his expression turning void, calm like still water.

It was now time for a little bit of art as Y... Z picked up a specialized pen before getting hold of the client's hands one by one, drawing a few meticulous lines running along his fingers.

Z went on to lock the finger on which the operation would be ran before stepping back and preparing the tools for the operations, sterilizing all of them, especially cleaning the Rippers.

Only then did he glance at Vik, awaiting the long-expected response, "Go on. It's time to shine, kiddo."

Z wasn't the talkative kind as he merely nodded, seemingly expecting such a response, his eyes devoid of emotions as he picked up a scalpel blade.

"Wait wait? This Kid is gonna do the implant? That wasn't the deal!! I came here because of you, Vik, not some random," The client naturally had a problem with that.

Vik built himself quite the reputation to get here, a trusted reputation for a Ripper. That's why people come to him, Vik not someone else.

Y would've stopped. Y is very respectful. Y only breaches boundaries when it comes to his curiosity, always seeking more knowledge.

Z grasped the cold sharp blade tightly as he put on specialized goggles, and as if he didn't hear the client's complaint, his blade moved swiftly, slicing at one of the marks he drew himself.

Rippers are cyberweapons, the kind that is considered a form of black market cybertech and as such is not accessible through the average on-the-Mall clinic. That's what Ripperdocs are for.

The operation consists of replacing the top two joints of each finger with a plastic and metal sheath, in which three-inch carbo-glas claws are housed.

They're quite reputable with wannabe criminals not only because they look cool but also because the rippers can be extended by clawing the hand in a catlike fashion, also quite cool.

Therefore, it wasn't the first time Z saw the process, even though it was through Y's eyes, and the latter throughout the last month had studied most of the operations thoroughly.

All they needed was fieldwork, so without as much as a quiver, the scalpel moved three times, slicing through the client's skin like a knife through butter, "Damn it!"

The client was in a bit of pain, but he managed to hold it in, letting X take control.

The client's middle finger was thus sliced open, and the mechanical arm by his side made sure they stayed open, leaving the top finger joint for all to see, not for long as Z brought another mechanical arm that acted as a precision blade, cleanly slicing off the joint.

All that remained was replacing it with the ripper and implanting nanotechnology not only for the ripper but also to stitch the finger back together. The operation in its entirety took merely a minute or two.

Only five fingers more to go, and trust me when I say that it would've hurt a lot, beyond imagination, if it was done without anesthetics.

Even with them, the client can still be heard groaning in pain. It was as if Z lost the capability to hear anything, so focused that he even ignored Vik.

Fortunately for the client, Z finished the operation in record time, in just about ten minutes, allowing him to let out a sigh of relief, still sweating profusely.

Z helped the still dazed client up, letting him sit in one of the other chairs before going back to thoroughly clean the operation table. Only then did he take off his nitrile gloves and throw them into the trash.

Z left all the talking to Vik while he waited by the side, until the client left, a no doubt pleased client after testing his rippers, "Can we still improve?" Z doesn't ask questions.

"If you can, I am not the one to ask," Vik shook his head, "Honestly, it almost felt like you used a chipware to automate yourself for the operation... However, I know you didn't, all the more frightening."

Vik's eyes shone blue as he eyed Y, "We all have our secrets, so I won't prey further. I expect you to do the same. And there's this... For surpassing my highest of expectations."

Right as Vik spoke, Y received quite a sum of eddie, a thousand eddie. It's the end of the month since he was hired and in contrast to what Vik said before, Y was getting paid.

"Have the rest of the day for yourself," Vik said before sitting back in his chair, watching a boxing match, only glancing at the door when Y left, "Night City and its ludicrous surprises... Never gets old."

Y walked out, in quite the good mood, even humming to himself, something unusual for him.

"X? Leaving so soon?" That was naturally Misty who halted her conversation with a man right next to her upon seeing X.

"Oh yeah, Vik gave me the rest of the day off!" X responded as he passed by.

"What's the occasion?!" Wondered Misty.

"A job well fucking done!" X turned around, walking back as he added in a jovial tone, "Now I gotta pay this lovely city a deep tight visit, so see you soon my dear!"

Y does not curse. That's certainly X. No matter, as they said before, everyone will know them as X from now on, a disguise that can not melt, and well, X is the wild card, he can be neither, either, or both.

X is after all the main personality while Y and Z have only ever acted as assistants, allowing the wild individual that's X to roam free.

"My dear? The fuck is that guy, Misty," The man by Misty's side couldn't help but wonder.

"Vik's new assistant," Misty shrugged, "Let Vik introduce him to you. He probably knows him better than I do. I can only describe him as quite the sweet weirdo."