Chapter 12: Monster I

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Chapter 12: Monster I


"You're right... I'm getting too ahead of myself. I should focus on the present instead of the future... Starting with..." X nodded.

X reviewed the data stolen from Antonio again, compiling it into a folder with several other subfolders, making it easy for the client to search through.

That's especially so since she wants blackmail material, and there was plenty in Antonio's data.

However, X didn't bother with hacking Antonio's uncle. He's the bigger fish, but that also comes with risks.

X doesn't want to push his luck more than he already has, and his caution is well-founded when he is targetting someone from Arasaka, one of the most influential megacorporations in the world.

Moreover, the stolen data has some black material on the uncle, both from the conversations between them and some information detrimental to the uncle that Antonio saved up just in case.

In a place like Night City, even family cannot be trusted, especially in the competitive environment actively fostered by corporations.

Even still, the black material on the uncle is too little to have much impact... Maybe the Uncle was cautious even against his nephew, likely all high-level Arasaka executives are this cautious.

[Jackie, pass by Vik's clinic today or tomorrow to take the result of my investigation. Tell the client that the price for the information I got is 400 Eddies]

Only after he compiled everything did X contact Jackie, the latter responding moments after.

[Just send them to me directly?]

[No. Come and take the physical shard]

X shut down his laptop directly after. He can send the information directly to Jackie, or even directly to the client, but he'd rather not.

The client named Valerie will definitely use the information against them, so sending the information through the Net is akin to leaving footprints on the sand of the Net.

It's likely that X is being too cautious as the likelihood of them tracing him back is very low, but only when that likelihood is nonexistent would he be relieved to move forward with his plans.

X went to work, at the clinic. There is an important client arriving today, none other than the high-ranking Tyger Claw member from before.

He was chromed up with a Berserk implant, something which requires a lot of time and checkups.

Now he was here not only for a checkup but also for a healthy refill of nanites to complete the Berserk conversion.

Just like last time, he arrived with a team of bodyguards, looking all high and mighty, an air of pure arrogance surrounding him.

That's only natural. If the city had taught the high-ranking gangster anything, it's that he's above the law.

"Vik told me you'll be taking care of me today. I'm in a hurry so do it quick," The mighty gangster instructed.

"Sure, please have a seat first," X seemed to have already entered the Z mode, totally unconcerned about anything else but performing his job well, and ignoring the bodyguards about who were watching him closely.

"Jack in," X instructed after the Tyger Claw client sat down. The link allowed him to survey the man's physiology, and most importantly, the state of his implants, specifically, the Berserk cyberware.

"Vik has told you not to overtax yourself, and it's been only a few days," X frowned as he read through the data before him.

"Doesn't matter, just some Gym time, so it shouldn't have much impact, would it?" The gangster raised a brow.

"Just lower the intensity of your training and all should be good," Whether the client would abide by his advice, X didn't know nor did he want to know.

"Take off your upper clothes and lie on your stomach," X continued with his work, instructing the client before starting the refill process.

It's a very easy process, just inject the nanites into the Berserk spine, and it will do the job of circulating them to the heart and then throughout the body.

The workings of the implant are wonderful, a work of art, and a clear showcase of the advancement of technology throughout the past decades.

The fact that the Ripper came to an outside Ripperdoc instead of the Gang's Ripperdoc further proves X's guess.

There must be a lot of infighting in Tyger Claws, not surprising in the least. That's why X decided to go on with his plans.

Therefore, and in accordance with X's cautious style, a harmless program was executed while the Tyger Claw was linked, a program running in the background that uploaded a harmless code to his cybernetics.

Truly, the code is so harmless that it can not affect the Tyger Claw in any way, almost like a bunch of Gibberich.

X wouldn't easily take such a risk against a bunch of ruthless lunatics like the Tyger Claws, and he would naturally assume that the high-ranking gangster does get checked by his own people after every operation.

Therefore, X merely injected a harmless piece of code, and he's planning to upload a few more in the next few sessions.

The combination of all of those codes, however, isn't so harmless.

The rest of the day was fairly calm, with very few clients coming in, and the ones that came didn't require operations outside of X's expertise.

Vik was indeed busy that day, so it was on X to take care of everything, including closing the clinic at the end of the day.

X's steps then led him to Misty's little shop where Jackie awaited him, or rather, used him as an excuse to chat with his crush.

"Has Night City been kind to you?" X asked as he handed Jackie the shard.

"Kindness and Night City? Never thought I'd hear that in the same sentence my friend," Jackie let out a laugh.

"Yeah?" X raised a brow as he smiled, "I'd say that even in a place like Night City, kindness still exists. Just look beside you and you'll see kindness personified."

"Huh?" Jackie looked beside, and viola, there stood none other than Misty, one of the oddest souls of NC.

"That's very kind of you, but you're exaggerating... I'm only doing the bare minimum," Misty, although her expression spoke of happiness at such a compliment, still shook her head.

There is too much despair in NC, and what she does to help is pretty much pointless in the depravity that's this city, or at least, so she believes.

"See, the sweetest yet so humble," X shook his head as he walked out, leaving behind a few kind words to the embarrassed couple, or rather, future couple, "May you have a lovely night!"

X then went home, to the comfort of his cozy spot on the roof, "Welcome back," He was warmly welcomed by Joi.

"Thank you," X took a seat on his couch, relaxing and letting himself go, "What do you think? Of the view?"

"You like the neon lights and chaos of the city, so I guess you find it lovely..." Joi sat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder as she responded, "I prefer peace and quiet... Also, nature... There is none of it here."

"Have you ever been to such a place? Peace and quiet?" X wondered.

"No, never... I've only heard of it and seen it in adverts. I can only dream of such a place... Have you?" Joi also wondered the same question.

"I have... It was lovely, for a while, then it grew stall, and boring... Maybe I'm not built for that kind of life," X nodded.

Before she could respond, X stood up, passing right through her and walking up to the projector, "What are you doing?" She wondered before fading away as X took her chip out.

She could no longer function though not for longer as soon appeared again, X having put the chip back on.

"You..." Joi was confused if only for a second, her processing power allowing her to understand what changed within her.

She brightened up as she danced with Joy, jumping on him for a hug, a hug that cannot be felt for she is only a projection, "Thank you!"

"You said you wanted to help... I do need your help," Stated X, having just liberated her, allowing her to connect to the Net.