Chapter 33: XYZ's Clinic I

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Chapter 33: XYZ's Clinic I


"I'm surprised... Like, I knew you'd make it high very quickly, but I didn't expect it to be so fast," Vik couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of what he just heard.

"To be fair, I also didn't expect it to be so quick, but a few opportunities showed themselves to me, and I took them," X chuckled as he took a sip of hot tea.

He and Vik were sitting in the latter's clinic, watching a boxing match. It wasn't a live match, but one of the iconic fights of the decade that you just got to watch again every now and then.

"Very few would be able to use opportunities as well as you have," Vik said as he took a sip of coffee, "Hell, most can't even see the opportunities standing before them."

"Should we start?" X asked.

"I do have to question your choice, installing only one cyber eye could lead to a lot of implications which I assume you know," Vik warned.

"I know I know," X shrugged, "But I have no choice, cyber optics can be messed with. Leaving one organic eye can eliminate the downsides while leaving me with all the upsides."

"The people that can mess with them are usually pretty high up the ladder... I guess that's where you're aiming." Vik remarked.

Using a single cyberoptic introduces several technical and physiological challenges.

A key issue is the disruption of depth perception, as stereoscopic vision relies on both eyes working together to judge distances.

This could make tasks requiring precise coordination, like aiming or object manipulation, much harder.

Calibration becomes an additional hurdle; the cyber eye and organic eye need to sync in terms of color, brightness, and response times.

Any mismatch could lead to frequent recalibration and maintenance, adding inconvenience.

Moreover, the brain constantly adjusting to the disparity between a cybernetic and organic visual input can lead to eye strain, headaches, or even long-term visual fatigue.

The most important drawback, however, is the imbalance in sensory data between the cyberoptic and the organic eye.

Advanced cyber optics often include features like night vision, thermal imaging, or data overlays, which would only be available on the cyber eye, creating an asymmetrical perception.

This could make it difficult to process information effectively in fast-paced situations.

Despite its issues, X still went with it because leaving an organic eye has a vital benefit he simply can not give up.

In such a world, having one organic eye alongside a cyber eye offers crucial defense against both Netrunners and advanced AIs that can easily hack most cyberware.

A fully cybernetic visual system risks total blindness or manipulated perception under attack, as skilled Netrunners or AIs could alter or disable the cyber eye remotely.

However, an organic eye remains entirely unaffected by hacking, giving the user a reliable, secure vision that can't be digitally manipulated.

This hybrid setup ensures that, even if the cyber eye is compromised, the user maintains enough awareness to respond to threats or escape.

The organic eye becomes an invaluable safeguard in a world where powerful AIs and hackers pose constant risks to anyone with full cybernetic vision.

"Kiroshi Optics," X brought out the product from his bag, showing it to Vik, "Preem, but cost too much even though I got it through Wakako."

"Let me have a look," Vik took the container into his hands, and eyed the eye floating inside, "It's beautiful. How much?"

"12 grand," X answered.

"You could afford that much?" Vik was surprised.

"Yeah, I completed a bunch of high-quality gigs, and Wakako sent me my part of my fees ahead of schedule," X nodded.

"That much is just a part of it?" Vik was even more surprised.

"They were a bunch of very difficult Net gigs, so..." X shrugged.

The website takedown operation was a rarity in Night City. Even one of those sites being taken down is rare let alone so many in the span of a month.

Those kinds of websites have big individuals behind them, individuals that hire Netrunners for protection.

Therefore, the bounty for these kinds of sites was around a couple grand at least, though sometimes they pay a hundred for a temporary takedown, or disrupting the functionality of the site.

"Well, lie down please." Vik got to work.

"I'm going to make a small incision around your eye to remove the old optic. Do not rush, the eye is a very sensitive area."

After injecting an anesthetic, Vik carefully made an incision around X's orbital area, deftly removing his existing eye to make way for the Kiroshi implant.

"If you are to be officially a Ripperdoc, stock on anesthetics a lot. There are times where they run low." While doing his thing, Vik started clarifying the secrets of the craft.

"There will definitely be times when some 'Tough' clients won't want it. Tell them that the anesthetic is for us, to make sure you can't move and disrupt the process," Vik continued.

Using a delicate interface tool, he connected the optic to X's optic nerves and neural pathways, ensuring the implant aligns perfectly for real-time data processing.

"Most Ripperdocs use cyber eyes to operate in such a micro manner. I use smart glasses, some use intuition, and others just have a hunch. Always be precise."

Once secured, he ran a diagnostic scan to confirm functionality, "Focus there... How do you feel?" Vik asked, gradually testing each vision mode.

"Different, but good," X said with a peculiar smile, nodding as his field of vision sharpened and adjusted to the enhancements.

He could see a lot more, and he could zoom in, capturing even the tiniest of dust particles with precision.

That's, however, the least of the Kiroshi eye's capabilities. What he needed them for was his Ripperdoc work as well as Netrunning, so that's what he ordered.

The Cyber Eye has a bunch of fancy useful features for both fields of work, especially Netrunning.

"I guess I won't be seeing you anytime soon," Vik muttered.

"Unless you don't want to see me again," X raised a brow, correcting him, "I mean, we're basically neighbors, just call me and we can go have a drink... We never hang out together outside of work."

"Yeah, yeah, we can do that," Vik smiled and nodded, watching X leave, and only when the latter was no longer in sight; did Vik mutter, "I'm proud of you, kid."

X didn't go back home but walked to Misty's shop, finding her showing a customer her products, and illustrating to her the value of spirituality.

He sat down to the side and waited for her to finish, "I've heard you won't be coming around much." After she was done, she sat by X's side and stated.

"I will be around, just not as much," X shook his head as he leaned back.

"Oh, that's not as bad. I will miss having you always around," Misty muttered as she rested her head on his shoulders.

"I will also miss having an angel by my side, so don't worry, I will be visiting often," X chuckled.

"Angel?" Misty couldn't help but let out a giggle, "You've always had a way with words."

X let the silence settle in a while before asking, "How is Marrie?"

"Hm? You don't know? She told me she talked to you?" Misty was confused.

"Maybe she said that just to get you off her back?" X, of course, knows that she had not talked to him, "Then again, I'm not the best to talk to in such situations."

"Well, at least she's doing good," Misty explained, "She seemed to have found a new purpose in life."

"Hey, X, my choom. Can I talk to you, alone?" Their conversation was interrupted by Jackie who found himself leaning on the door at some point in time.

"Sure," X stood up and walked alongside him.

"I've heard you moved out? That true?" Jackie asked with his arms crossed.

"It couldn't really be called moving out... You know, I've lived on the roof before... I found myself a home, a good home," X explained as he leaned against the wall.

"So... You're very close with Misty, huh?" Jackie asked in a weird tone.

"Yeah, she's my dearest frien..." X halted his answer, eyeing Jackie suspiciously, "Jealous?"

"No no, I mean, no but yes," Jackie finally let out a sigh and nodded.

"Oh, well, you have nothing to worry about my friend... Misty and I, we're only friends," If Jackie wasn't suspicious before, then the way X said it made him mad suspicious.

"Hahahaahaha," X couldn't but laugh as he walked away, not letting Jackie lose too much, "Hey, I'd fuck your bike before I fuck your girl, so no need worry man."

"What'd my bike do to you!? Sick fuck?!"