Chapter 9

Upon entering the dungeon, Belle immediately made an observation. There was nothing very 'dungeony' about this dungeon at all. They had appeared in some open area, outside what looked to be some old ruins made of stone. Anby and Billy both carefully inspected the area they popped into, but as with most dungeons, it was safe, for now.

"Okay! Since this just popped up and we have no idea what type of enemy or traps to expect, we'll be going through this slow. It's also a good first experience for Belle. So be sure to show her what to look out for." Nicole stated confidently, perking up as she looked over to Belle.

'Is she trying to appear as reliable? Unexpectedly cute! Nice job, Nicole!' Belle cheered in her mind as she gave Nicole a thumbs up.

"Outside is better. Maneuverability is key." Anby added, looking at Belle with a peculiar expression.

"That's true. I'll follow your lead then." Belle replied with her usual determined smile.

"Don't worry. I've got good eyes. No trap will take us off guard!" Billy declared confidently, taking the lead into the ruins.

The ruins were surrounded by grassy hills and trees, likely being the only man made structure present for miles. The ruins themselves didn't seem to have been a town, or city. There were old stone streets, that led to crumbling buildings and towers, but the place seemed more like a fort than any actual town.

"Wait, is that armor..?" Billy called out, walking cautiously toward an empty set of full plate steel armor, simply laying on the ground.

"Hunter equipment!?" Nicole became excited for a moment, inspecting the quality of the set, before clicking her tongue in disappointment.

Belle walked over with Anby and immediately knew why. It was steel armor, yes. But it was rusted and old. And not quite matching the quality Hunters above rank D would actually use. But wishing for higher ranking equipment in a D rank dungeon was just wishful thinking on Nicole's part.

"Uh.. we don't have to take this, right? These things aren't exactly easy to lug around." Billy asked, hopefully.

"Not worth it. If it weren't rusty, I might have considered it. Now come on, there's-" "Uh, Nicole?" Belle interrupted, pointing further ahead down the street they were walking.

Nicole's eyes followed her finger, blinking in confusion when she saw what Belle had been staring at. More pieces of full plate armor. Scattered around in various positions all over the ground. Some were rustier than others. Some were missing more pieces, such as the heads, and sometimes arms.

"Too unusual. In horror movies, this is where we would suddenly be ambushed." Anby stated, sliding her blade from its sheath.

"DON'T JINX US-" Billy cried out, but Anby's guess was right.

The sets of armor began to move. Sluggishly and clumsily, they started to pick themselves up. Their rusty bodies creaking and groaning from the exertion. Most had no weapons, but a few had grabbed loose bricks and one even had a rusted sword in its right hand. Belle made two guesses as to what they were.

One, posessed armor. She didn't remember seeing many spirit type enemies in Solo Leveling, other than Jin-Woo's shadow army. Two, magic armor. Sort of like golems, their movements powered by a spell or inscription within the armor itself. Belle was inclined to believe the second option more. Spirits would have an easier time moving around in armor.

"They're coming! Anby, take the one with the sword! Billy, shoot the ones with the bricks!" Nicole ordered, both Billy and Anby immediately moving to take the targets down.

"Belle, you're with me. Don't underestimate them." Nicole slammed her case-like weapon into the torso of one of the unarmed armor golems, smashing it back into two more.

"Got it!" Belle replied, ducking a rather wild haymaker, one that, while a little slow, pulverized the stone wall right next to Belle.

'Don't get hit then..' Belle internally decided to avoid trying to block, pushing the armor golem back with a swift kick.

It staggered back a few steps, but regained its posture soon after. Though Belle noticed something glowing from within the chestplate. Taking the initiative, she leapt up and hit it with a double drop kick to its upper chest, toppling the suit of armor over and getting a better look inside. Her intuition was correct, there, inside the armor, was a magic inscription that seemed to be making the armor move.

Belle then turned to Nicole and shouted, "Nicole! There's magic incriptions in the armor! I think that's what makes them move. Try hitting them!"

Nicole glanced back after smashing her weapon over the head of the armor golem attacking her and nodded. She then proceeded to fire right into the armor, piercing through and hitting the glowing inscription. As soon as the inscription was damaged, the armor golem fell, clattering to the ground in pieces.

"Billy! Anby! Hit the glowing marks within the armor!" Nicole shouted as she shot the armor golem Belle had knocked down. The numerous bullets flying out of her weapon destroying the inscription.

"We really need to get you a weapon.." Nicole sighed, reloading her gun.

"Ahaha.." Belle nervously laughed it off, watching the trio dismantle the golems more effectively.

'I need to find a good place to pull out Nikana Prime.. Chainsword's a bit unwieldy for me. Not something you'd find in a dungeon like this either.' Belle eyed the surrounding area, looking for a good place to 'stumble' upon a weapon.

There was a larger ruin straight ahead. There were quite a few golems on the ground, seemingly inactive.

"Whew! Good eyes, Belle." Billy complimented, twirling his two guns before holstering them.

"Good senses." Anby added, watching Belle and Nicole walk over to them.

"Here..!" Nicole picked up the rusty blade one of the golems had been carrying, handing it over to Belle. "Use this for now. We can get you something later, if we don't find anything half decent here.."

"Aww.. Thanks, Nicole!" Belle took the blade and teasingly bumped her hips into Nicole's.

"Okay okay.. You can express your gratitude later. For now, let's clear this dungeon! I think I know where the boss is." Nicole bit her lip and stared at the building ahead.

"Kinda.. er.. creepy though, isn't it?" Billy half chuckled, hiding his discomfort.

"Nonsense! Just beat the ones that move!" Nicole stated, dragging Billy along as she storms over to the building. Anby looked at Belle, a little smile on her face as they quickly took off after her.

The golems had begun to move once more. But this time, they were prepared. Only Belle had a slightly tougher time dispatching them, but that was mainly due to the fact that the sword she was using was rusty and dull. After two minutes, the group advanced inside, where there were two immaculate armor golems. Only, the armor was immaculate, appearing almost brand new. Standing at four meters tall, the two golems guarded a large door with undecipherable writing above it. They looked to be knights, one dressed in red robes, the other, in a majestic blue cape.

"Truth.." The red robed Golem spoke in a deep voice, its hands, which were wrapped around the hilt of its large sword, tightened.

"The truth will set you free. Lies will only bring ruin. The creator witnesses." The other golem, a far fairer voice spoke.

"Those who dare enter must only speak the truth. If you fail this test, you will die." The golem with the deep voice stated, lifting the massive sword out of the stone floor.

Without giving the group a chance to respond, the red robed Golem pointed its blade at Belle.

"What is thy greatest desire?" Its voice boomed with regal authority.

Belle paused, looking up at the golems while Nicole, Anby and Billy gave her serious expressions. They seemed ready to move. Belle shook her head at them and stared defiantly at the Golem.

"My greatest desire? Currently.. Yes.. currently..." Belle took a deep breath.