Standing in an alley, next to a warehouse, a woman in a gray, half coat with a fur collar. Her black, high waist shorts accentuating her lower body. She was leaning against a few crates, running her fingers through her ripped thigh high on her left leg, while eating a kitkat.
'It's getting colder. I should switch to my winter fit soon.' She thought to herself before her ear twitched, picking up a noise.
Being a rat thiren, she could pick out more sounds than a human could. Something she often found a blessing and a curse through her daily life.
She glanced over, seeing some men try to quietly enter the warehouse she had been watching for two weeks. The Jackals gang was a rather large and dangerous one. One that engaged in illegal Hollow raiding, stealing from smaller guilds, murder of Hunters and other lesser crimes. They were especially dangerous due to having Hunters in their gang acting as high ranking members.
'It's about time.' Jane Doe licked the chocolate off her lips and flicked her tail as she stealthily approached the warehouse.
Her steps as quiet as a mouse, she hopped up a few containers and easily made her way onto the roof. Her eyes scanning the roof for anyone and anything of interest. Luckily, there was nobody posted up there, but there was a decently sized window that let her peer down into the warehouse.
Inside, she saw the men close the large warehouse sliding door and began searching the wooden boxes neatly arranged along the long and wide walkways that filled the warehouse. Jane knew what they were tasked to find, but she had to see it with her own eyes.
'Are they really this dumb enough to try..?' Jane smirked and shook her head before slipping the window open and silently entering.
Jane's lithe body landed on a metal catwalk above the men, keeping track of the larger one. A Hunter. Only D ranked but she wasn't going to underestimate the power of mana. She knew too well that even the weakest Hunters couldn'y be underestimated.
"Hey! Sir! We found it!" One of the gang members, a teenaged white boy with brown hair and lanky body, called out.
The Hunter gang member grit his teeth in anger and spun on his heel before quickly walking towards the boy. He smacked him upside the head, knocking the boy on his ass.
"I told you NOT to fucking yell.. If we get caught here.. We'll be skinned alive by Thomas fucking Andre himself.." The boss whispered, trying to hide his fear.
Jane's tail twitched at the mention of his name. America's National Level Hunter, Thomas Andre was the strongest man in the world and the leader of the Scavenger's Guild.
'No.. This warehouse isn't one of his. Most likely, it's private property of one of the Scavengers Hunters. He wouldn't bother with something like this.' Jane let out a small, amused snort and watched the Hunter carefully pry open the box.
A piece of equipment was revealed within. A fur cloak, with some kind of beast head as a hood. It certainly seemed strong. But definitely beneath Thomas Andre. Jane pulled out her blades and prepared to jump down when she felt something. A presence, cloaked in darkness like she was.
A woman with long, wavy amethyst colored hair in a bodysuit that covered her up completely. Half of her face was obscured by a mask. Her eyes, an interesting green color, seemed to lock onto Jane. Intensely scrutinizing her for a few moments before she herself leapt down.
"Who is..?" Jane's eyes widened as the woman elegantly leapt down into the mess of gang members, landing behind them with a soft 'clack' and drawing the attention of the Jackals.
"Who the fuck are you!?" The Hunter spoke up, immediately drawing his D rank blade and pointing it at her, while the rest gripped their bats, chains and brass knuckles.
The woman simply stood straight and looked at the group. She seemed less than impressed, even going so far as to look down upon them.
"How uncouth. But what was I expecting from a group of ne'er-do-wells? If you knew what was good for you, you'd surrender immediately, soil yourselves in fear and beg for your lives. Not necessarily-" The Hunter lunged forward as she talked, driving his blade down at her, seeming to use a special stabbing skill that imbued hot mana into the blade's tip.
"-..in that order." The woman had pulled out a rather large blade that seemed to come from on top of her wrist. A long, double edged blade that almost looked to be covered in Ether. She effortlessly parried the Hunter's thrust and met his face with the heel of her boot.
"Auu-fgh!" The Hunter bit back a curse as his body jerked back from the force.
"Jump her, you idiots!" The Hunter barked, getting back to his feet and siccing his men on the lone woman.
She seemed to freeze up for a moment as two gangoons came at her, swinging a chain and a bat at her back and head. The Hunter smirked, thinking she had froze up in fear. But the woman simply bent backwards, as if she were doing Yoga, letting the attacks pass harmlessly in front of her face. Then, she quickly turned and grabbed the two by their heads and smacked them together. Being a Hunter herself, they were easily rendered unconscious.
Jane was impressed. But at the same time, concerned and confused.
'How did she sneak up on me..? How long was she here? Is she here for the equipment?' Jane couldn't make heads or tails of her intentions. She suddenly showed up, started talking down to the gang and started a fight.
And she was winning.
The woman was rather mobile, every attack was met with a block, parry or avoided entirely. She was practically dancing around them. But as a Hunter, doing so to regular humans wasn't impressive. But she was doing so to a D ranked Hunter. She seemed.. disappointed? Shocked?
"Die!!" The D ranked Hunter yelled as he activated some kind of physical enhancement skill and began to swing at the woman, after she had knocked out the last of his men with a knee to the temple.
The woman seemed excited by his challenge and boost in power. His swings met the blade attached to her wrist in a series of relatively fast jabs, swings and stabs. Her body was pushed back a few inches by the fifth blow, where she gained a shallow cut along her shoulder. Then another at her right leg.
Jane was about to jump down and help when she noticed it. Her wounds healed, quickly.
Then, she went on the offensive. Her own blade began to cut his arms as she took one quick step into his guard. She took an approach very similar to how Jane herself fought. Speed and absolute aggression. She parried when she needed to, but pressed on the attack until the man's arm and chest sustained dozens of small, precise cuts. She was thankful the woman seemed intent on non-lethally taking him down. But that wasn't the best way to do it.
'Regeneration skill..?' Jane pondered thoughtfully, noting how rare the skill was before leaping down and planting her two boots onto the Hunter's head, knocking him out and coming face to face with the woman.
"Well hello~ We never got to talk up there. Do you mind telling me why a girl like you is in a place like this?" Jane asked, putting on the charm to hopefully lower the woman's guard.
"Why would a pretty thing like you be out here, beating up some -ahem- helpless little troublemakers when Pubsec could handle it?" Jane smiled, giving the woman an appraising look.
The woman's eyes narrowed briefly before her eyelids drooped a little. She took two quick steps toward Jane, who kept her blades close by.
Only, she hadn't expected the woman to drag her finger up from her neck to her chin.
"Be careful. I'll flirt back, Jane. I was testing myself. Tonight's meeting was.. a happy coincidence. I never expected to see you here. Hopefully, we'll be seeing more of each other." The woman brought the finger she touched Jane with to where her lips ought to be and let loose a slight snicker before leaving the way the gang members came in.
'Well damn... She's not half bad.' Jane folded both of her hands in front of her face and hid her smile.
'Oh my god.. I love her!' Belle gasped to herself as she leapt onto a building across the street.
Jane Doe was one of her favorite agents in her past life. For numerous reasons..
After five minutes of fangirling, she looked at the blade that appeared from her wrist and grinned. Her gacha spin earlier that day was rather good. Thinking back on it, she may have gotten too excited after getting her spins.
[1- Skill! Minor shapeshifting! (Hair, eye color, nails)
1- Plasma grenade (Fallout 3)
5- Magnum magazines (Halo CE)
1- Gojo Satoru shades (JJK)
1500- USD
1- 10% on 'Mahoraga' template! (Divine General's reflexes + Sword of Extermination gained!)
1- Marin Kitagawa bikini
5- Tickets to Disney World
1- Box of tissues
1- John Smith outfit (Eminence in Shadow)
1- Tearwyn plush (Legendary!!!)
"LET'S... GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Belle cheered loudly within her room, even if the last one confused her.
Wise, in his own room, was used to Belle's enthusiasm when it came to winning gacha and simply put on some headphones.