Walking Towards Paradise

Lem was experienced enough to recognize the feeling of spirituality.

His attention was grabbed immediately.

His simulated self began looking around.

Unfortunately, the feeling of spirituality was faint and only came from one direction, indicating that the object was not as saturated as the spiritual mushrooms.

Lem felt his hopes shrink significantly. 

When his simulated self finally identified a small, fingernail-sized berry, his remaining excitement had vanished entirely.

It was not even as impressive as the berry he had thrown to the fox.

[You look and find a faintly spiritual berry. You eat it, but the improvement to your vitality is negligible.

You eat from your rations and fall asleep…]

[Day 6: You feel slightly weaker due to the evil power consuming your vitality…

As you are walking, you notice a pleasant feeling, and you recognize it as the feeling of spiritual energy.]

Lem grew excited again.

It had only been a day since he found the spiritual berries, and he had already discovered another source of spirituality.

His simulated self began looking around, but it was difficult to distinguish what the source of the pleasant feeling was.

It was as if it was flowing in from everywhere…

Lem's excitement increased.

After taking a few steps in every direction, Lem's simulated self determined that the feeling was strongest in the north.

He began walking.

Two meters forward. 

He stopped and reassessed the direction. The pleasant feeling had become unmistakable, and it still felt present in every direction.

Two meters forward.


Two meters forward.


The pleasant feeling was growing stronger and stronger.

It was as though he was taking a warm bath in spirituality.

Lem suddenly became worried. 

If the feeling was already this strong, how powerful was the object of spirituality?

His simulated self clearly shared his concerns, as it stopped moving.

Was it walking towards certain death?

Or would this be a tremendous moment of fortune?

[You look around for the source of the spirituality, and find that it is present everywhere, and coming from the north. You consider avoiding the area, but you are desperate for an opportunity to escape your fate.]

For Lem's detached self, it would be an easy decision to avoid the danger, but his simulated self did not have access to the simulator.

When death was already only a few days away, there was little choice in the matter. Taking risks was the only path to survival!

[You begin to travel towards the north, but you are nervous about what you might find…]

Two meters forward.


Two meters forward.


The pleasant feeling continued to intensify. He was growing more comfortable by the moment.

Step after step, it felt like blankets of warmth were being wrapped around him. 

Even though he was taking an enormous risk, his body felt so comfortable that it was impossible to be anxious.

He unconsciously began to imagine that he was walking towards paradise.