Eleventh Simulation

The sun began to rise over the leafy canopy, bringing a new day to Lang Forest. Lem watched as the branches cast long, narrow shadows across the forest floor. 

It was hard to believe that it was only the first morning since he had been abandoned by his village. The simulator had completely distorted his sense of time. 

In any case, Lem had waited for the entire night, and he was ready to find Lang Town. 

He summoned the simulation screen.

[Simulation: 839%]

[Detecting Karma is small enough to extract energy from the environment. Run Simulation?]

Wait for two hours. Travel north until the mushrooms, southwest until the seed, and then search for Lang Village north of the harvesters.

Yes, Lem thought.

The breeze passed over him.

[+1 Energy]

[Starting simulation…]

[-1 Energy] [-100% Simulation]

[Simulation begins.]

Lem sank into the ethereal state.

[Day 1: You are abandoned in Lang Woods. As the sun rises, you decide to wait for two hours…

You begin traveling north at a fast pace. You wish to reach the mushrooms quickly without creating an unnecessary commotion…

You see a few strange brush marks on the ground, but do not think much of them…

You are too full of energy to sleep, so you maintain your vigilance at night…]

[Day 3: You feel slightly weaker due to the evil power consuming your vitality. You want to make it to the mushrooms before the sun falls, so you pick up your pace…

You find a few spiritual mushrooms. You immediately eat them. 

A large amount of energy enters your body. You begin to practice the [Nine Bull Fist] of your village to relieve the excess energy, focusing on speed.]

Lem felt optimistic about the current simulation.

He had already known that the initial few days would be safe, but with all of the chaos of the last few simulations it was still heartening to see such a stress free beginning.

He watched carefully, studying the feedback from his body as his simulated self practiced the [Nine Bull Fist].

Unfortunately, the energy quickly settled down, and he was not able to make any interesting observations.

[After an hour, the energy is reduced to a manageable level, and you stop practicing…

The sun is setting, so you do not continue traveling. As night falls, you move away from the log where you found the mushrooms. You scan the forest around you for signs of danger…]

[Day 4: You begin to travel in a southwest direction, intending to find the spiritual seed…

You hear the sounds of chopping, and you avoid the area…

As it is nearing nightfall, you hear a few small noises. When you look, you see a tyrant sloth high up in a tree, eating the foliage. The beast is a distance away. You continue walking…

Night falls, but you keep walking…

You eat from your rations and fall asleep…]

[Day 6: You feel slightly weaker due to the evil power consuming your vitality…

As you are walking, you come across another clearing…

You see many small signs of beast activity…

You eat from your rations and fall asleep…]

[Day 7: You feel slightly weaker due to the evil power consuming your vitality…

You come across a juvenile tyrant sloth. The beast gives a low warning growl...

It comes barreling towards you. You throw your spear. As it leaps out of the way, you explode towards it with your quickest punch.

Your fist explodes the tyrant sloth's arm with a loud sound, and you are launched backwards. You regain your footing and make sure that the sloth is dead...

You find the saturated patch of ground and dig out the small spiritual seed…]

In the last simulation, Lem's simulated self had been able to resist the urge to eat the seed whole.

Lem hoped that the current version of himself would still have enough self control to do the same.

Otherwise, there was a chance that the entire simulation would be derailed from the start…