Lang River

[A few minutes later, you come across the river. You push away brambles and watch for deep-water mud, as you get closer to the banks. You are careful not to get too close, as you are aware that the river is full of dangers, but you want to find clues left by the harvesters.]

As the river came into view, Lem was filled with wonder.

The water was clear and deep, spanning dozens of meters in width. Certain parts were filled with froth from the collision with rocks and logs that were lodged in the sediment, while in other places overhanging trees had their complex root networks exposed as they clung precariously to the sides of the banks.

More than a few fish were visible as dark figures of different sizes darting beneath the surface.

In the village, the only water he had seen was collected from the rain or pulled up in wells.

The sight of running water and mossy riverbanks with fallen trees was beautiful and miraculous by comparison. The sheer power visible in the waterflow and the accompanying sound gave him a feeling of bliss.

His simulated self had less time to appreciate the sight.

Instead, he continued to maintain his vigilance.

Some places were extremely muddy and suspicious, and other rocky areas looked like potential ambush spots.

Every step he took was deliberate and measured, as he navigated the terrain.

At the same time, he tried to find signs that the harvesters had passed through.

A footprint or any other unnatural impressions in the ground would be a good sign that he was close to finding something.

[As you reach the riverbanks, you begin to survey the surrounding area…]

Lem watched as his simulated self struggled momentarily with indecision.

Which way should he follow the river?

West or east?

His simulated self began traveling west along the riverbank. With no real basis for making the decision, he had chosen randomly.

As he walked, he monitored his surroundings, paying the most attention to the riverside.

He was already walking a few meters away from the water and he was prepared to run further at the first sign of danger.

The atmosphere fell into a tense silence, with the sounds of the river drowning out the usual small forest noises.

Two little crabs scuttled about in front of him, each the size of a finger. He had already seen more than a few tiny, broken crab molts, so he wasn't surprised.

A short while later, Lem's simulated self spotted a long stretch of chaotic impressions in the riverbank ahead.

As he drew closer, he saw a few human footprints, and breathed a sigh of relief.

How lucky!

He had walked directly north and randomly chosen a direction, and almost immediately found the landing spot of the harvesters!

Now, all that was left was to follow the river in the direction of its flow.

More than likely, he would find Lang Town further along its course. It was just a matter of time.

[Close by, you find long scrape marks and human footprints, and you assume that it was where the harvesters loaded their cargo. You cannot determine which direction they traveled from, but you guess that they traveled from downriver, because it would allow them to transport the cargo back with the aid of the river.

You begin to walk on the riverbank, following the flow of the river…]