Unable To Contain Himself

[You explain your circumstances, replacing the role of the simulator with an explanation that your instincts told you what to do. Afterward, you look back at the cultivator. 

He changes the subject, introducing himself as Master Brightflame, and you sense a shift in his attitude.]

"Lem…from Willow Tree Village." Lem's simulated self answered with uncertainty.

"Ah, Willow Tree. I have never visited, but I have a disciple who met the village chief when he was clearing the area of beasts."

Lem's simulated self paused. 

Willow Tree Village did not have a chief. The disciple that he spoke of had likely met Tamor, the village elder.

However, he was not comfortable correcting Master Brightflame. 

"Lem, my young friend, you are quite fortunate to have survived." Master Brightflame gave a small smile. "Strictly speaking, as soon as it was reported that there was a slave-Ah! Shall I say, a victim- of the evil, it became my responsibility to kill you." 

He shook his head before staring pointedly at Lem's simulated self. "Such is the duty of martial elders, as commanded by the Star Palace." 

Lem's simulated self swallowed.

[You sense that he is trying to dissuade you from trying to contact other cultivators, likely for selfish reasons, however, you also feel as though he is speaking the truth.]

A few seconds passed by with Master Brightflame staring at Lem's simulated self.

He realized that he was expected to respond. 

"I understand."

Master Brightflame slipped a hand into the robes. Lem watched carefully. When the martial elder pulled his hand out again, he was holding a green slip that was two palm's breadths long. 

"You do not need to return this."

He tossed the slip over and Lem's simulated self caught it, turning it over in his hands.

The slip felt cool in his hands. The material was a green crystal of some sort. Strangely, he could not find the characters of the technique written anywhere. 

How was he supposed to read it?

"Jade?" Lem's simulated self looked up hesitantly. 

Master Brightflame gave a slight nod.

"The primary cultivation technique of the Mountain Paths Martial School is recorded within. Now, tell me more of this water lily."

[Master Brightflame accepts your deal. He retrieves a jade slip from his robes and tosses it over, saying that you do not need to return it. He asks for the information in return.]

Lem's simulated self did not respond immediately. 

Lem understood what was running through his mind. The moment had passed so quickly, but it seemed that he was finally safe.

Lem himself had not expected the martial elder to agree.

From the guard's words, he had already thought that it was more likely than not that the offer would be rejected.

After hearing Master Brightflame's words, it appeared that martial elders were tasked with killing those infected by evil. The power that he had mentioned, Star Palace, appeared to have an authority that surpassed even sects.

Under such circumstances, Lem's simulated self had no leverage at all, and the most he could hope for was that Master Brightflame would spare his life in exchange for the information.

Yet, in mere moments, the deal had been established.

Now, within Lem's hands was the great reward that he had been waiting for all along…contained within a mysterious jade slip that he had no idea how to use.

"Master Brightflame, may I read the...jade slip…first…"

As soon as he had spoken the words, Lem could feel a spike in nervousness and regret from his simulated self.

He knew that he shouldn't have been so bold, but he was burning with desire to see the cultivation technique and couldn't help it.

Lem's simulated self shrunk visibly, anticipating a punishment for his insolence.

The bearded face of Master Brightflame began to frown for a moment, before returning to normal.

"Your enthusiasm is understandable," he said. "I have seen it in many of the junior disciples. If you cannot contain yourself further, you may look at the technique."