Nature Of Evil

[The martial elder appears to have grown impatient, and he asks again for the information about the water lily.

You describe the circumstances of the spiritual water lily to him without mentioning the harvest tree. You say that you were too fearful of the water to enter. 

The plan you formed was to feign ignorance of the harvest tree. No matter what the elder chose to do, you would have already fulfilled your commitment to him.

If the elder decided to take the water lily from under the watchful eyes of the tree, then it would give you more information on the strength of the martial schools, as well as that of the harvest tree.]

After Lem's simulated self finished speaking, he looked anxiously at Master Brightflame.

If the martial elder sensed that there was something wrong with his story it would not bode well for his future.

Master Brightflame narrowed his eyes. "Tell me more about this uncanny presence. How much could you sense with this intuition of yours?"

Lem's simulated self felt relieved. It appeared that the martial elder had believed his story.

He paused for a moment.

Lem knew that he was considering how much to reveal. After all, nothing had been 'sensed by his intuition.' All he had was a first-hand account.

There was a chance that if he said too much, it would raise more suspicions. On the other hand, he was confused about his experience with the flower.

The martial elder was the best source of answers.

"This was from a feeling, and not precise, but I thought that it was an evil plant that could distort my reality. I worried that if I moved too close to it, I would be lost in illusions for the rest of my life…"

Lem's simulated self disclosed a few more details under the guise of being revealed by his 'intuition.' Afterward, he quickly changed the subject.

"Martial elder, what is the true nature of evil?"

It was clear that Lem's simulated self had decided to take a risk in order to gain more information from Master Brightflame. 

He also wanted to direct the conversation away from the spiritual water lily.

Master Brightflame did not give a direct response. He asked Lem's simulated self a few more questions.

Lem's simulated self answered vaguely.

The martial elder rubbed his chin again.

"This presence…if your intuition is correct, then it does not have the characteristics of an evil being, which exists to perpetuate its infection in others. This does not mean that such characteristics are normal in a plant. It falls under the category of an anomaly, although it is a typical pattern of anomaly."

Master Brightflame saw the worry in Lem's simulated self, and he chuckled. "It is likely a weak thing, not to be feared. When a beast grows strong, it has the ability to chase after its prey. Plants are far less threatening. 

"Most beasts are born with instincts that allow them to sense that something is wrong and avoid strange situations. This limits the means that plant anomalies have to grow. 

"It would also be easy for me to sense the range of this presence long before it can affect me."

[The martial elder explains to you that the evil flower is not an evil, but an anomaly. He downplays its danger, greatly easing your worry.]