
For a moment, Lem's simulated self thought that Master Brightflame was about to attack.

He had made his final mistake, and the martial elder had decided to kill him!

However, when the blow did not come, he realized what Lem had known all along. He was not the target.

In fact, it appeared that Master Brightflame was not targeting anything, but flaring his true essence as a warning to the wolves.

As quickly as it had come, the pressure disappeared and Lem could move again.

The brush, which had grown quiet under Master Brightflame's actions, suddenly exploded into motion. The wolves continued to yip and growl, but it was only a parting sally as they fled rapidly.

Before long, the brush was silent.

"I don't need your intuition to tell me that they will be back," Master Brightflame muttered.

Lem's simulated self did not respond, as he continued to meekly lead the martial elder through the forest.

[A few minutes later, you hear movement in the brush. You see that the wolves have returned. You feel a sudden pressure emanate from Master Brightflame, and you are frozen in place once again.

The pressure fades, and there is a flurry of movement in the brush as the wolves scatter.

You continue leading Master Brightflame through the forest…]

Barely any time had passed when Lem heard a symphony of howling. One wolf after another began calling, each one closer than the last. 

Master Brightflame frowned.

The brush came alive again. This time there appeared to be more than twice as many wolves as before, and they carried an unusual swagger.

After the last standoff, they seemed wary of the martial elder, but they did not seem terrified, as they had been before.

The howling continued with a mix of growls, but they did not run up with the same aggression any more. In fact, they were slowly stopping in place, coming to heel in a ring around Lem's simulated self and Master Brightflame.

It was bizarre, giving Lem the strange impression of a group of officials lining up to carry out a ritual form of a welcoming ceremony.

Master Brightflame raised his hand, and gestured behind him.

Lem's simulated self recognized the signal and quickly moved back. As he did, both he and Lem were confused.

The wolves were surrounding them on all sides. What difference did it make where he was standing?

[After a time passes, you hear several howls, and Master Brightflame frowns. As you continue walking, the bushes come alive with movement, and you realize that you are surrounded by wolves.

Master Brightflame waves his hand, motioning for you to move behind him.]

A moment later, Lem had his answer.

From the trees in front of them, a massive wolf broke free from the ring. It was twice the size of the others, much larger than man, with a huge maw that sported an impressive set of knife-like teeth.

The wolf opened its mouth and produced a vibrating growl that startled Lem's simulated self.