[A few minutes later, you hear a rumbling in the brush, and a mature tyrant sloth descends from the sky. It is the height of three men, and nearly as fast as the wolf king.]
The body of the tyrant sloth landed with an enormous impact, breaking up the forest floor and sending gusts of dirt clumps and a cascade of fluttering leaves into the air.
The roots of several nearby trees were twisted up through the ground, where they poked out nakedly through jagged patches of shuffled dirt.
As the debris from the impact flew around him, Lem's simulated self entered a dazed state. Even with all of the beasts he had come across, the immense monsters and terrifying sights, nothing had carried the visceral threat of the massive sloth.
The stature of the beast made it seem like an impossible opponent, and yet Master Brightflame stood in opposition to it, the gusts causing his crimson robes to billow behind him like a cape.
The martial master was all that stood between him and the sloth.
The tyrant sloth bellowed.
Lem marveled at its gargantuan features. Truly, the juvenile tyrant sloth was a mere plaything compared to the adult.
For a moment, there was a delicate balance in the air, as the beast eyed Master Brightflame. They were on the precipice of conflict and Lem could not even imagine the scale of the fighting.
How did such a creature fight?
It could uproot a tree and wield it like a weapon if it so choosed.
"I don't want to kill you," Master Brightflame said, his voice flat.
The words seemed to ignite the fighting spirit in the tyrant sloth, and it sprung forward, an unstoppable force directed at the martial elder, and behind him, Lem's simulated self…
Lem sensed a feeling of dread coming from his body, as though he was being confronted with death itself.
Time seemed to slow down imperceptibly, causing his perception to become slightly askew.
A few more trees were leveled, as the tyrant sloth barrelled through the forest.
Lem's simulated self suddenly felt his shoulder being grabbed. He felt a distinct but immensely powerful tug, as he suddenly became airborne.
His waist was grabbed and his vision became a mess of indecipherable movements and colors.
A feeling of weightlessness.
Before he knew what had happened, his feet contacted the ground unsteadily, in a completely different part of the forest.
His eyes adjusted to the jarring shift.
He saw a line of broken trees, and the sloth bellowing again.
His head felt like it was spinning and he nearly lost his feet. A moment later, his vision reoriented and his balance came back to him all at once.
And then Lem's simulated self was tugged again, and his senses became garbled and incomprehensible.
His feet touched the ground again, and the world righted itself.
The only sense that Lem could make of the situation came from the simulation screen.
[As the mature tyrant sloth lands, you are sent into a dazed state. The martial elder attempts to reason with the beast, but his words only provoke it further.
The tyrant sloth charges, and the martial elder picks you up as he dodges the attack.]