Trouble With Cultivation

After Master Brightflame finished speaking, his gaze did not leave Lem's simulated self. 

Lem did not know what the martial elder was thinking about. 

Was the martial elder thinking about his intuition again?

There had yet to be a serious danger, or at least anything that was serious for the martial elder, so his simulated self could plausibly say that his intuition had not failed him yet.

Perhaps Master Brightflame was thinking about this very problem. As long as they were safe, it was uncertain whether his intuition had failed him. However, if a lethal danger presented itself, the martial elder could learn far too late that Lem's simulated self had nothing to rely on.

If the ancestor of the tyrant sloth suddenly appeared, it would do Master Brightflame no good to tell it that he had been deceived by Lem's simulated self all along.

Eventually, the martial elder looked away and Lem's simulated self could breathe easy, as they continued to travel through the forest.

The day passed by in a surprisingly calm fashion.

Apart from a few rabbits, they had not been disturbed by any more beasts. When the afternoon grew late, it seemed increasingly unlikely that there would be any more unwelcome surprises.

Lem was excited. At their current pace, they would encounter the harvest tree sometime around the morning.

It felt like good news to him, but the sense of danger had not yet disappeared for his simulated self.

When Master Brightflame finally saw the promised spiritual lily, there was no way of predicting what his response would be.

[As night begins to fall, Master Brightflame stops you, and you set up camp. The elder tells you to cultivate…]

Lem paid attention as his simulated self closed his eyes and began to picture the visualization diagram.

They had stopped in another open stretch of forest similar to the campsite from the previous night.

When Master Brightflame told him to cultivate, his simulated self did not think twice about it. He was already in hot water and did not want to disobey the martial elder.

At the same time, he would have cultivated even if he hadn't been told to.

This was his second cultivation session. In the first, he had learned how to visualize the mountain properly.

Now, he was attempting to stir the spiritual energy within his body in preparation for circulating it through his meridians.

Lem's simulated self began performing the breathing technique.

In. Out. In. Out.

The spiritual energy was not moving. Lem did not have access to the mind of his simulated self, but he was sure that it was drifting into thought.

In. Out. In. Out.

Lem could tell from the frustration and anxiety in his body that his simulated self was trying to focus, but was finding it difficult.

He opened his eyes. He was prepared to make an excuse, but he found that he did not have to.

Master Brightflame was sitting down in the grass, eyes closed and legs crossed. From the gentle feeling on Lem's skin, he could tell that the martial elder was cultivating. 

It was clear that he valued Lem's simulated self less and less, not even bothering to instruct him anymore.

Lem's simulated self did not mind the martial elder's attitude at that moment. If Master Brightflame was still taking an active interest in his progress, he was sure that he would only frustrate the elder further with his incompetence.

Lem's simulated self closed his eyes again. He attempted to banish his unnecessary thoughts and cultivate.

Unfortunately, his mindset was still wrong, and he could not make any progress.

[Finding difficulty with cultivation, you open your eyes and see that the martial elder is cultivating and no longer paying attention to you…

You attempt to cultivate several more times, but you cannot keep your thoughts still…

You consider trying to access the rest of the [Mountain Sitting Technique], but you remember how difficult it was to learn the First Chapter, and you fear that it will be impossible to digest.

You eat from your rations and fall asleep…]