Nine Suns Technique

[You hear Master Brightflame speaking semi-coherently, and you are slightly amused until you the martial elder admit that he wanted to kill you. You are terrified, thinking that you should have attempted to run away earlier.

The martial elder approaches the harvest tree, and you grow paralyzed, unable to move your body or exercise your thoughts.]

The air around Master Brightflame began to ripple and distort.

Lem's simulated self felt a wave of heat pass over him, and he began to sweat. The martial elder began to glow. At first, it was only a slight effect, but the brightness quickly increased.

If Lem's simulated self could make a decision, he would have turned away immediately, but he could not move. He was forced to watch as the light grew ever more intense.

Before long, all he could see was a bright white glare, as though he was witnessing the birth of a sun.

Lem wondered whether his simulated self was going to go blind. It felt like a hole was being burned through his eyes.

And then, his simulated self suddenly regained control of his body. He forcefully averted his gaze and rapidly took steps backwards, stumbling into the bushes.

He slipped behind a nearby tree and turned to look at the harvest tree. It was still motionless.

"Why don't you try my Nine Suns Technique on for size?"


A loud sound emitted from Master Brightflame.

Lem's simulated self instinctively looked over in time to see an arc of miniature explosions tracing from the martial elder to the tree. It was a long chain of fire that detonated several trees that happened to lie in between them.


The final explosion was much larger than all of the previous ones combined, and it landed directly on the harvest tree.

A massive bright flare obscured the tree from view as it was ignited by blinding fire. Lem's simulated self was forced to look away, as he protected his face from the onset of flying splinters.

Wooden shrapnel from the other ordinary trees that had been smashed in the explosions flew through the air in a barrage.

Even though Lem's simulated self was hiding behind cover, a few small pieces cut into arms and legs, and one cut across his cheek.

The air began to rumble, giving a feeling that the entire world was about to break into calamity.

Instinctively, Lem knew that it was the reaction of the tree, but all his simulated self could feel was a strong sense of danger.

The flying debris slowly settled on the forest floor. 

A few moments later, the air was still and the brightness had disappeared. Lem's simulated self looked up from behind his arms.

He could not help but give a double take at what he saw.

The pond was covered in an incredible number of thick, gray roots that connected across its entire width. They sprung up everywhere from the ground, with many rising up directly from the bottom of the lake, all to protect the water lilies from damage. 

At the same time several of the harvest tree's branches had elongated to three times their normal length. They were projecting out twenty meters, to where they had ensnared Master Brightflame, gripping his lower body and holding him aloft, a dozen meters above the ground.